MITERA: A Year since Being Certified as a Baby-Friendly Hospital

It has been a year since MITERA Hospital was certified as a Baby-Friendly Hospital (BFH), pursuant to a relevant Greek Ministry of Health decision, as it implements the practices required by UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO) with regard to breastfeeding.

To this end, a special area has been set up on the ground floor of MITERA Hospital to accommodate breastfeeding mothers and their newborn babies. This area offers new mothers the opportunity to care for their babies as if they were at home. They can change their diapers and breastfeed them within the comfort of pleasant, clean and quiet surroundings.

MITERA Hospital also offers free prenatal classes on breastfeeding, so that expectant mothers may fully understand the benefits of breastfeeding and be taught the art of breastfeeding. It also operates a hotline (+30 210 6869000) as well as a Breastfeeding Outpatient Clinic for information and assistance on matters related to breastfeeding.

In addition, the Hospital promotes skin-to-skin contact immediately after childbirth so that mothers can welcome their newborns, assist them in adapting to life outside the womb and have the chance to experience their first breastfeeding. Throughout their hospital stay, new mothers may also choose the rooming-in service, with the practical, emotional and scientific support of the staff, so as to give their newborns the best start in their common life.

MITERA Hospital’s CEO, Mr Andreas Kartapanis, noted, “MITERA is the only private healthcare provider in Greece to have been certified as a Baby-Friendly Hospital, as it implements all the practices of the BFH initiative. Dedicated to providing top-level obstetrics services, MITERA has proven yet again that it holds a leading position in the private healthcare sector, offering the best possible support to mothers and their children, based on its broad knowledge and experience.”