Groundbreaking Simultaneous Anterior and Posterior Ankle Arthroscopy

A groundbreaking simultaneous double ankle arthroscopy technique (anterior and posterior) was successfully performed recently at MITERA, on a 55-year-old female patient, who was discharged from hospital on the same day.

The demanding and specialized procedure was performed by Mr. Panagiotis Kontovazenitis, Orthopedic Specialist and Director of the 4th Sports Injury & Knee/Hip Arthroplasty (MIS) Orthopedic Department, Mr. Kostas Anagnostou, Orthopedic Specialist and Department Registrar, and Ms. Christina Mimigianni, Department Anesthesiologist.

In one comprehensive arthroscopic procedure, with one round of anesthesia and in just one surgery it was possible to successfully treat three different conditions: anterior ankle impingement syndrome due to osteophytes, osteochondral lesion and posterior ankle impingement syndrome due to large ossicle (os trigonum). The patient did not require hospitalization and was discharged from MITERA fully mobile, on simple painkillers.

Simultaneous anterior and posterior ankle arthroscopy is a modern and demanding minimally invasive technique that offers multiple benefits to both the patient and the surgeon. It is performed by qualified and experienced teams of surgeons and permits simultaneous treatment of patients in just one surgery, with utmost safety and precision. In addition, patients save valuable time as the technique ensures fast recovery and immediate return to daily activities.