Zachos Konstantinos Orthopedist
Associate Director, 6th Orthopaedics Department HYGEIA HospitalEducation & Academic Qualifications
- Hellenic CCST in Orthopaedics(FRCS equivalent), University of Athens/Ministry of Health, March 2008
- DIKATSA CCT (MD accreditation in GR/EU), University of Athens/Hellenic National Academic Recognition Information Centre, June 1998
- Diploma of Medical Doctor (MD degree), Pecs Medical University, Hungary, Sept 1997
- Clinical Research Fellow in Hip Surgery, Avon Orthopaedic Centre & Frenchay Hospi-tal, North Bristol NHS Trust, Bristol, United Kingdom (Mr. E.J. Smith & Mr. A.J. Ward) 23/03/2009 – 24/09/2010
- Scholar Resident & Research Fellow in Musculoskeletal Infections, University of Southern California, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Upper Extremity Trauma Ser-vice & Musculoskeletal Infection Service, LA County Hospital & USC University Hospital, Los Angeles, CA, USA (Prof. M.J. Pantzakis, Dr. Ch. Zalavras & Dr. J.M. Itamura) 23/02/2006 – 23/08/2006
- Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Athens, Medical School, Α’ Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, General Hospital of Attica KAT & General University Hospital ATTIKON, Athens, Greece 10/2002 – 12/2007
- Department of General Surgery, General Hospital of Holy Welfare PAMMAKARISTOS, Athens, Greece 11/06/2002 – 08/07/2002
- Department of General Surgery, General Prefectural Hospital of Western Attica St. BARBARA, Athens, Greece 21/02/2000 – 23/10/2000
- Department of General Surgery, General Prefectural Hospital of Volos ACHILOPOULIO, Volos, Greece 02/10/1998 – 01/01/1999
Diploma of Medical Doctor (MD degree)
- Pecs University Medical School, English Program, MD degree, Hungary (1991–1997)
- DIKATSA CCT (MD accreditation in GR/EU), University of Athens/Hellenic National Aca-demic Recognition Information Centre, June 1998
Doctoral thesis
“The role of interventional radiology on atherosclerosis”, Pecs Medical University, Hungary, Sept 1997
Fellowship in Societies, Membership in Journal Editorial Committees
UK GMC No.: 7032928 (Full & Specialist Registration) since 19/03/2009
Athens Medical Association No.: 047853 (Full & Specialist Registration)
European Bone & Joint Infection Society Membership: 2006
Work Experience
Current Position:
Associate Director 6th Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Hygeia Hospital, Hygeia Group, Athens, Greece 01/11/2016 – today
Previous Positions:
Consultant in Trauma & Orthopaedics, 6th Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Hygeia Hospital, Hygeia Group, Athens, Greece 01/07/2013 – 31/10/16
Consultant in Trauma & Orthopaedics, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Mitera Gen-eral Hospital, Hygeia Group, Athens, Greece, 01/03/2011 – 30/06/2013
Acting Consultant (Locum SpR) in Trauma & Orthopaedics, Avon Orthopaedic Centre & Frenchay Hospital, North Bristol NHS Trust, Bristol, United Kingdom 25/09/2010 – 22/02/2011.
Locum Consultant in Trauma & Orthopaedics, Royal South Hampshire Hospital, South-ampton NHS Treatment Centre, Southampton, United Kingdom 23/12/2010 & 24/12/2010
Clinical Research Fellow in Hip Surgery, Avon Orthopaedic Centre & Frenchay Hospi-tal, North Bristol NHS Trust, Bristol, United Kingdom 23/03/2009 – 24/09/2010
Specialist in Trauma & Orthopaedics / Independent Practitioner, B’ Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, ERRIKOS DUNANT Hospital, Athens, Greece 4/2008 – 3/2009
Resident in Orthopaedics, University of Athens, Medical School, Α’ Department of Or-thopaedic Surgery, General Hospital of Attica KAT & General University Hospital ATTIKON, Athens, Greece 10/2002 – 12/2007
Intern, Department of General Surgery, General Hospital of Holy Welfare PAMMA-KARISTOS, Athens, Greece 11/06/2002 – 08/07/2002
Unit Physician, 134 Battle Squadron & 350 Missile Squadron of Hellenic Air Force, Ath-ens, Greece 27/02/2001 – 08/06/2002
Trainee Physician, 251 General Hospital of Hellenic Air Force, Athens, Greece 15/12/2000 – 16/02/2001
Intern, Department of General Surgery, General Prefectural Hospital of Western Attica St. BARBARA, Athens, Greece 21/02/2000 – 23/10/2000
Physician in charge (Rural Service) Regional Health Office of Sourpi, Medical Center of Almyros, General Prefectural Hospital of Volos ACHILOPOULIO, Volos, Greece 4/1/1999 – 3/1/2000
Intern, Department of General Surgery, General Prefectural Hospital of Volos ACHI-LOPOULIO, Volos, Greece 02/10/1998 – 01/01/1999
Education Experience:
Member of the Faculty:
International Meetings
Indications and Contra-Indications of THR: Hip & Knee Arthroplasty Instructional Course for Trainee Orthopaedic Surgeons (using anatomical specimens), Lille, France 26 – 28 October 2009
Demonstration on Anatomical Specimens of the Posterior Approach with Resurfacing THR by videolink: Hip & Knee Arthroplasty Instructional Course for Trainee Orthopaedic Surgeons (using anatomical specimens), Lille, France 26 – 28 October 2009
The Role of Cementless Hip: Hip & Knee Arthroplasty Instructional Course for Trainee Orthopaedic Surgeons (using anatomical specimens), Lille, France 26 – 28 October 2009
Demonstration on Anatomical Specimens of the Posterior Approach with Cemented THR by videolink: Hip & Knee Arthroplasty Instructional Course for Trainee Orthopaedic Sur-geons (using anatomical specimens), Lille, France 26 – 28 October 2009
National Meetings
Anterior Minimal Invasive Surgery in Hip Replacement with live surgery, 2013, Athens, Greece
Seminar of Water Sports and Sea in 2002 and 2004, Poros, Greece
Seminar of the Biomechanics of Spine in 2003 and 2005, Athens, Greece
Tutored medical students at the outpatient clinics and supervised registrars in perform-ing simple primary THRs and TKRs in Southmead Hospital, 2009 and 2010, Bristol, UK
As chief resident I supervised juniors in the ward and theatres, 2007, 1st Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, “Attikon” Hospital, University of Athens, Greece.
Took active part in the teaching programme of the 1st Orthopaedic Department of Ortho-paedic Surgery of University of Athens utilizing various methods of teaching, such as giving lectures, ward-round teaching and problem-based learning, 2003 – 2008, Athens, Greece
Teaching Courses
1. Two-day Teach the Teacher Course for Doctors, Oxford Medical 12-13/02/2011, London
Clinical & Research Interest
Clinical Interest:
My special interest is in hip and knee adult surgery. Throughout my professional career I have been called to operate on primary, complex primary and revision hip and knee cases utilizing all the up-to-date techniques. My goal is to provide safe, efficient and cost effective patient care and provide suitable and tailored-made solutions to my patients either in trauma or elective surgery.
Research Interest:
I have always been interested in hip dysplasia, and together with Mr. Evert Smith, we have developed an new technique of treatment of DDH which has been published in JBJS in 2012.
Honors & Awards
Six-month Scholarship from Ministry of Health (Hellenic Republic) for training in Muscu-losceletal Infections and Upper Extremity Trauma in University of Southern California (USC), USA, February 2006.
Chief Resident, University of Athens, Medical School, Α’ Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, 1996-1997
Recent Publications
Peer Review Publications:
Zahos K, Mehendale S, Ward AJ, Smith EJ, Nichols M. The 15° face-changing acetabu-lar component for the treatment of osteoarthritis secondary to developmental dysplasia of the hip. JBJS 2012 Feb;94-B (2):163-166
Soultanis KC, Pyrovolou N, Zahos KA, Karaliotas GI, Lenti A, Liveris I, Babis GC, Sou-cacos PN. Late Postoperative Infection following Spinal Instrumentation: Stainless Steel versus Titanium Implants. J Surg Orthop Adv. 2008 Fall;17(3):193-9.
Babis GC, Zahos KA, Karaliotas GI, Soucacos PN. Treatment of Stage III-A-1 and III-B-1 Periprosthetic Knee Infection with Two Stage Exchange Arthroplasty and Articulating Spacer. J Surg Orthop Adv. 2008 Fall;17(3): 173-8.
Papagelopoulos PJ, Mavrogenis AF, Karamitros AE, Zachos KA, Nomikos G, Sou-cacos PN. Distal Leg Wear Debris Mass from a Rotating Hinged Knee Prosthesis: A Case Report. J. Arthroplasty 2007 Sept ;22 (6): 909-915.
Korres DS, Papagelopoulos PJ, Zahos KA, Kolia MD, Poulakou GG, Falagas ME. Mul-tifocal Spinal and Extra–Spinal Mycobacterium Chelonae Osteomyelitis in a Renal Transplant Recipient. Transpl Infect Dis 2007 Mar; 9(1):62-5.
Tentolouris N, Petrikos G, Vallianou N, Zachos C, Daikos GL, Tsapogas P, Markou G, Katsilambros N. Prevalence of Methicilline-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus in Infected and Not-Infected Diabetic Foot Ulcers. Clin Microbiol Infect 2006;12(2):186-189.
Mastrokalos DS, Zahos KA, Korres DS, Soucacos PN. Arthroscopic Debribement and Irrigation of Periprosthetic Total Elbow Infection: A Case Report. Arthroscopy 2006;22(10):1140
Smith EJ, Ward AJ, Zahos KA. The 15° face-changing acetabular cup-solution for the “shallow acetabulum”. Hip Int 2012;22(4):471-472
Other Publications:
Mastrokalos DS, Zahos KA, Giannitsioti E, Soucacos PN. Septic Arthritis by Serratia Marcescens after Arthroscopical ACL Reconstruction with Hamstrings: A Case Report. J.Orthopaedics 2006;3(3)e13
Plachouras D, Giannitsioti E, Zahos K, Papagelopoulos PJ, Kanellakopoulou K. Chronic Osteomyelitis: Diagnosis and Treatment, Ostoun 2004;15(3):189-195
Plachouras D, Zahos K, Papagelopoulos PJ, Kanellakopoulou K, Giamarellos-Bourboulis E. Carrier Systems for the Local Delivery of Anti-microbials in the Treatment of Chronic Bone Infection; Ostoun 2004;15(3):196-203