Vasileiou Alexandra Ent specialist
Registar of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology DepartmentEducation & Academic Qualifications
- Master’s of Science in Otology-Neurotology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 2020
- PhD of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 2019
- Certificate of Medical Specialty in Otolaryngology, Athens-Greece, 2013
PhD/ Thesis
- PhD- National and Kapodistrian University of Athens-Doctoral Thesis in Audiology
“Assessment of the contribution of the ASSR in the evaluation of hearing in newborn and young children” Grade Exceptional
Board Member
Panhellenic ENT society, Head and Neck surgery
Panhellenic Pediatric-ENT society
ESPO-European Society of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
Professional Experience
2023-today, Director of the Audiological Departament of the 3rd Pediatric-ENT clinic of MITERA hospital
2019-today, Chief Audiologist of the Cochlear Implantation Center of MITERA hospital
2022-today, Academic scholar of the postgraduate program -Master’s in Audiology-Neurotology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
2016-2023, Consultant of the 1st Otorhinolaryngology Department of MITERA hospital
2009-today, Clinical and Research Fellow at the Audiological Department of the University ENT clinic “Attikon” Hospital- Audiological assessment of newborns, children and adults
2015-2016, ENT clinic of Bioiatriki Kifisia
2013-2015, Volunteer ENT at the “Doctors of the World”
2011-2014, Part of the training for medical Specialty of ENT at the Hospital “Agia Olga”
2010-2011, Postgraduate training at the ENT clinic of the University Hospital “Queens Medical Center”, Nottingham, United Kingdom
2009-2010, On-call doctor of the surgical department at HYGEIA hospital
2009-2020, Audiological assessment with OAE, ABR, ASSR in newborns, babies and children for the thesis of PhD “ Assessment of the contribution of the ASSR in the evaluation of hearing in newborn and young children
2009-2010, Newborn Hearing Screening with OAE and a-ABR at the University Hospital “Attikon”
2007-2009- Part of the training for medical Specialty of ENT at the Hospital “Pammakaristos”
2006- Private office in Dasia, Corfu
2005- Part of the training for medical Specialty of ENT, at the Surgical department of the Children’s Hospital Penteli
2004-2005, Rural training at the public office of Perni, Chrysoupoli, Kavala
2003-2004 Training in Internal Medicine, Cardiology and Surgery of the Hospital of Kavala
Education Experience
2021-today, Teaching the subject of ENT to the students of medical school of the Kapodistrian University of Athens
2019-2020, Medical department of the University of Patra, teaching the subject “Otorhinolaryngology” (Otology- Audiology- Neurotology)
2012-2014, Post-graduate ENT lessons at “Konstantopoulio” Hospital
Trainer at the 23rd Seminar of the Panhellenic medical Association of Otology-Neurotology, April 2013
Trainer at the instructional Course “Basic principles of function of OAE, ABR, ASSR, VEMPS, νHIT” at the 27th Panhellenic congress of Otology- Neurotology
Clinical and Research Interest
Clinical Interest:
Evaluation and diagnosis of hearing problems of newborns, babies and children
Evaluation and diagnosis of hearing problems and vertigo in adults
Evaluation and completing of disability file (KEPA)
Management of hearing loss with hearing aids and cochlear implant
Evaluation and treatment of breathing pathology and snoaring
Tonsilectomy/ Adenoidectomy
Evaluation and treatment of acute otitis, otitis with effusion, chronic otitis media, cholesteatoma
Evaluation and treatment of rhinitis and pathology of the paranasal sinuses (endoscopy)
Evaluation and treatment of hoarseness
Evaluation and treatment of pathologies of the oral cavity and salivary glands
Surical management of lip and tongue tie.
Research Interest:
Treating sensorineural hearing loss: Evaluation and treatment of the pathology of the middle and inner ear in children-from the pediatrician and the ENT, January 2024, MITERA hospital
Diagnosis of hearing loss in newborn and babies, 16-17 December 2023, Zappeio Hall
Pediatric ENT: inflammations of children, pathology of the tonsils- adenoids
Προγραμμα μετακπαιδευτικων μαθηματων 2022-2024 in ENT of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Ippokrateio hospital
Institute for Cochlear Implant Training “ ICIT- International Audiology Course” –Fall 2021
Pre-implant assessment CHDEAF 2021, Masterclass in Diagnosis and Treatment of Hearing Loss in Children – 11/13 November 2021, Naples-Italy
Functional brain mapping will transform pediatric CI
14th European Symposium of Pediatric Cochlear Implantation,
ctober 2019-Bucharest, Romania
CI and beyond
Εgypt Cochlear 2018- 8/10 February 2018, Cairo-Egypt
The Role of Co-Ordinator In the Assessment and Rehabilitation of Implanted Children
Εgypt Cochlear 2018- 8/10 February 2018, Cairo-Egypt
“The child with hoarseness”
19th Panhellenic ENT-head and neck surgery, 2-5 November 2017,Athens
ASSR in the diagnosis of hearing loss
2nd μεταπτυχιακο ENT congress-30 March 2012, Dimitsana
Introduction to hearing science course, September 2014, Hippokrateio Hospital
14 th workshop on surgical εκτομων head and neck,”Evaggelismos” Hospital, March 2007 and 2009
1st prize for best lecture at the 21th Panhellenic ENT congress, Athens 2022
Recent Publications
Correlation of ASSR hearing threshold with ABR hearing thresholds in children. Vasileiou A., Maragoudakis P., Tsagaroulakis A., Xenelis I., Vlastarakos PV., Nikolopoulos TP., J Hear. Science, 2018; 8(3) : 35-39
The value of ASSR threshold-based bilateral hearing aid fitting in children with difficult or unreliable behavioral audiometry. Vlastarakos PV, Vasileiou A, Nikolopoulos TP. ENT J. 2016
THE VALUE OF ASSR THRESHOLD-BASED BILATERAL HEARING AID FITTING IN CHILDREN WITH DIFFICULT OR UNRELIABLE BEHAVIORAL AUDIOMETRY. Alexandra Vasileiou, Petros Vlastarakos, Minas Artopoulos, Kostadinos Papakostas, Jacob Petmezakis, Thomas Nikolopoulos OT115 ESPO 2016 Lisbon
ABR: Guidelines for Greece, Maroudias N., Vasileiou A., Greek ENT-Head and Neck Surgery, Greek Otology-Audiology-Neurotology, Volume 34, Issue 3, July- August- September 2013
Program on Early detection and intervention, diagnosis and intervention of children hearing loss in a public university hospital, Halkiadakis V., Vasileiou A., Halidia E., Geramas J., Valaora E., Maragoudakis P., Nikolopoulos T., Greek ENT-Head and Neck Surgery, Greek Otology-Audiology-Neurotology, Volume 33, Issue 2, July- August- September 2013