Stathakis Kyriakos Orthopedist
Education & Academic Qualifications
- Medical school University of Athens-Greece 1982-1988
- Greek army duty and Rural service in Lakonia – Greece 1989-1991
- General Surgeon Training in Patision Hospital in Athens- Greece Apr. 1991- Apr. 1992Pr. Dr. Med Ant. Giannakakis
- Orthopaedic surgeon training for children in KAT Hospital in Athens – Greece June 1992-1993Pr. Dr. Med St. Voutsinas
- Orthopaedic surgeon training for adults in KAT Hospital in Athens – Greece 1993-Jun. 1996Pr. Dr. Med G. Diakoumopoulos
- Orthopaedic and Traumatology specialization 10/10/1996
- Consultant orthopaedic surgeon 4th orthopaedic department in Hygeia Hospital Athens- Greece 1996Pr. Dr. Med N. Kritsikis
- Consultant orthopaedic surgeon 4th orthopaedic department in Hygeia Hospital Athens- Greece 7/2/2001Pr. Dr. Med N. Kritsikis
- Assistant director4th orthopaedic department in Hygeia Hospital Athens- Greece 2005Pr. Dr. Med N. Kritsikis
- Assistant director 1st orthopaedic department in Hygeia Hospital Athens- Greece 2008Pr.Dr. Med N. Kritsikis
Pr. Dr. Med V. Tsemanis
- Consultant orthopaedic surgeon in Hygeia Hospital Athens- Greece 2013
Fellowship in Societies, Membership in Journal Editorial Committees
Member of the Medical Association of Athens, Greece
Member of Hellenic Association of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology
Work Experience
General Surgeon Training in Patision Hospital in Athens- Greece Apr. 1991- Apr. 1992
Pr. Dr. Med Ant. Giannakakis
Orthopaedic surgeon training for children in KAT Hospital in Athens – Greece June 1992-1993
Pr. Dr. Med St. Voutsinas
Orthopaedic surgeon training for adults in KAT Hospital in Athens – Greece 1993-Jun. 1996
Pr. Dr. Med G. Diakoumopoulos
Orthopaedic and Traumatology specialization 10/10/1996
Consultant orthopaedic surgeon 4th orthopaedic department in Hygeia Hospital Athens- Greece 1996
Pr. Dr. Med N. Kritsikis
Consultant orthopaedic surgeon 4th orthopaedic department in Hygeia Hospital Athens- Greece 7/2/2001
Pr. Dr. Med N. Kritsikis
Assistant director4th orthopaedic department in Hygeia Hospital Athens- Greece 2005
Pr. Dr. Med N. Kritsikis
Assistant director 1st orthopaedic department in Hygeia Hospital Athens- Greece 2008
Pr. Dr. Med N. Kritsikis
Pr. Dr. Med V. Tsemanis
Consultant orthopaedic surgeon in Hygeia Hospital Athens- Greece 2013
Clinical & Research Interest
Clinical Interest:
Arthroscopic surgery of knee, shoulder and ankle, THA and TKR, MIS (AMIS, ALMIS ROMIS) Traumatology.