Sinodinou – Menegaki Maria Radiation
Education & Academic Qualifications
- 1975 Medical degree, University of Athens
- 1979 Resident, Dept Radiology (specialization)
- 1980 Head of radiology department in Krestena general hospital, University of Patras
- 1981-1985 Resident, Dept Radiation Oncology (specialization), Cancer hospital “METAXA”, University of Athens
- 1985-1999 Consultant, Dept of Radiation Oncology, Cancer hospital “METAXA”, University of Athens
- 9-12/1987 Dept. Radiation Oncology, Clinic of Head and Neck tumours, University of Wurzburg, Germany.
- 1989-1993 Ph.D. research project “Choroid plexus pappilomas and carcinomas”, Beatson Oncology Center, University of Glasgow (Scholarship from the Greek state for Ph.D. in Pediatric oncology)
- 1999-2004 Vice –Director of Radiation Oncology department, Cancer hospital “METAXA”, University of Athens
- Since 10/2004 – 8/2014 Development and commissioning of the radiotherapy department for children and adolescents, Head of radiotherapy department, Children hospital “P&A KYRIAKOU”, University of Athens
- 9/2014 Paediatric Radiation Oncologist, Radiation Oncology Center, HYGEIA HOSPITAL
Doctoral thesis
“Choroid plexus papillomas and carcinomas”, Beatson Oncology Center, University of Glasgow (Scholarship from the Greek state for Ph.D. in Pediatric oncology)
Fellowship in Societies, Membership in Journal Editorial Committees
Member of
Medical Association of Athens
British Medical Association
Greek Society of Radiation Oncology
Ιnternational Society of PediatricOncology (SIOP)
Pediatric Radiation Oncology Society (PROS)
EuropeanSociety for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO)
A three-member Commission for drafting new technical specifications for the procurement department radiotherapy equipment. Doc. Ref. 6637, Athens 8/5/2008.
Alternate Member of Examining Board to acquire medical specialization. No. Orig. Y7a / GPoik. 70 773, Athens 12/6/2010.
Alternate Member of Examining Board to acquire medical specialization. No. Orig. Y7a / GP. 19961, Athens 11/4/2012.
Statutory and Alternate Member of Examining Board to acquire medical specialization, Nr. Prot. Y7a / GPoik. 70 773, Athens 12/6 / 2010- Doc. Ref. Y7a / GP. 19961, Athens 11/4/2012.
Member of the Committee on the terms, conditions and indications for performing Stereotactic Radiotherapy with localization of pathology outside the CNS, 17/12 / 2011-17 / 12/2013.
Member of the Committee on the terms, conditions and indications for performing Stereotactic Radiotherapy with localization of pathology in the CNS, Nr. Prot. DY1d / GPoik. 117 072, 17/12 / 2013-17 / 12/2015.
Work Experience
1979-specialist in radiology, at the Hospital “Alexandra”, University of Athens
1980 Director, Radiology Laboratory at the General Hospital Krestena, University of Patras
1981-1985 Consultant, Radiation Oncology Clinic at the Cancer hospital “METAXA” University of Athens
1985 specialist in Radiation Oncology
1985-1988 Consultant, Radiation Oncology Clinic at the Cancer hospital “METAXA” University of Athens
1987 Visitor doctor, Oncology clinic head and neck, University of Wurzburg-Germany
1990-1993 doctoral dissertation, Beatson Oncology Center-University-Glasgow Professor Ann Barrett
1988-1999 Lecturer A in A Radiation Clinic G.P.A.N.P “METAXA”
1999-2004 Deputy Director, Radiation Oncology Clinic, Cancer hospital “METAXA” University of Athens
2004 Director, Pediatric Radiation Oncology department Children hospital ” P & A Kyriakou ” University of Athens
2009- Coordinator Director, Pediatric Radiation Oncology department Children hospital ” P & A Kyriakou ” University of Athens
2014 Pediatric Radiation Oncologist, “Radiation-Oncology Center, HYGEIA hospital
“Palliative radiation therapy” “Bladder carcinoma the role of radiotherapy” Advanced courses, Cancer hospital
“METAXA” 1987-1988
”Cancer patient-Radiation therapy” Lecture to Nursing School.– Medical Faculty, University of Athens. 1992/93.
“Head and Neck cancer” Annual training course, Head and Neck clinic, General hospital ”Saint Panteleimon” Piraeus, 1991 to 2012.
“Radiation Oncology” Annual training course of junior doctors, Cancer hospital “METAXA” 1992 to 2014 Participation to Annual Advanced courses, 3rd, 4th 5th Congress of Medical Oncology, University of Crete
“Bone metastases-Treatment” Programme “Health and Welfare” Vocational Training Centre (VTC), Cancer hospital “METAXA” December 1997
“Radiation therapy of gynecological cancer” ESO Course on Gynecologic Oncology. Hacetepe University, Ankara – Turkey, 25-28 March 1998
‘Principles of Radiation Oncology” Programme “Health and Welfare” Vocational Training Centre (VTC), General hospital ”Tzaneio” Piraeus, 16/11/1998 to 15/12/1998
“Palliative radiotherapy for bone metastases” Programme “Health and Welfare” Vocational Training Centre (VTC), Cancer hospital “METAXA”, 11-12/1998.
“Palliative radiotherapy” Programme “Health and Welfare” Vocational Training Centre (VTC), Cancer hospital “METAXA”, March 2000.
“Analgesic radiotherapy” Programme “Health and Welfare” Vocational Training Centre (VTC), Cancer hospital “METAXA”, March 2003
“Brain Tumors in children” Annual training course of junior doctors, Greek Radiation Oncology Society, Athens May 2003
“Principles of clinical psychology and communication with a cancer patient” Training course of junior doctors, Cancer hospital “METAXA” April 2003
“Acute Leukemia – Prophylactic brain irradiation” Education Program of Oncology Clinic, Children hospital ” P & A Kyriakou ” University of Athens, June 2004
Speaker at 4th Scientific Meeting of Clinical Radiation Oncology, Bolos, Greece. 24-26 November 2006
Participation in the seminar of psychology, Cancer hospital “METAXA” 2007
“Principles of radiation oncology-Brain tumors” Neurosurgery Dept, General hospital ”Tzaneio” Piraeus, Education Program 2007-2008
“Child with cancer” Volunteer training program, Cancer hospital “METAXA” May 2008
“Pediatric Radiotherapy” Annual training course of junior doctors, Greek Radiation Oncology Society, Athens May 2008
“The role of radiotherapy in the treatment of Germ Cell Tumors” Annual training course of junior doctors, Greek Radiation Oncology Society, Athens, March 2009
“Brain Tumors in children” Annual training course of junior doctors, Greek Radiation Oncology Society, Athens May 2009
“Pediatric Radiotherapy- Protocols” Annual training courses of junior radiotherapist, 2011 to 2016. Pediatric Radiation Oncology department, Children hospital ” P & A Kyriakou ” University of Athens
“High quality radiotherapy for children” 8th Postgraduate Seminar: Psychosocial support of children with cancer and their family. ‘Athens November 2012
“Pediatric CNS Tumors” Training Courses, Greek Society of Pediatric Hematology – Oncology, 18,June 2013
“The role of radiotherapy in Lymphomas” Training Courses Greek Society of Pediatric Hematology – Oncology
October 2013
Professor, Technological Educational Institute(TEI), Athens, Department of Radiology, 2012, 2013.
“Acute and late side effects of radiotherapy in children with cancer Training Courses Greek Society of Pediatric Hematology – Oncology April 28, 2015
Supervisor of Degree Work
“Malignant Tumors of Childhood”
Technological Educational Institute(TEI), Athens 2008.
Clinical & Research Interest
Clinical Interest:
Pediatric Radiotherapy – Beatson Oncology Center, University of Glasgow (1991)
Development and commissioning of a Radiation Oncology Center for children and adolescents, Children hospital ” P & A Kyriakou ” University of Athens, 2010
Research Interest:
Member of the “Greek Clinical Radiation Oncology Group” in multicenter studies.
Honors & Awards
Award from the “ΑΚΟΣ”
(Radiation Oncology Collaboration)
For women who have dedicated their lives to fight against childhood cancer.
March 27, 2012
Foundation of Arts and Music. B & M Theocharakis
Chapter: Peadiatric Oncology Medical library EUDOXUS, ΤΑΞ. COD 616.994 064 22 Litsas, Athens 2000
Chapter: Pediatric Radiation Oncology of Genitourinary system D. Pectasidis Pasxalidis, Athens 2004
Chapter: Pediatric Radiation Oncology G. Plataniotis E.E.A.O, Athens 2009
Guidelines Handed the E.E.A.O to be delivered to the Ministry, 2011
Chapter: Principles of Radiation Oncology in Childhood F. Tzortzatou, University of Athens, 2015
Recent Publications
Effect of Amifostine in Toxicities Associated With Radiochemotherapy in Patients With Locally Advanced Non-small cell Lung Cancer Dosia Antonadou, N. Throuvalas, Aris Petridis, N. Bolanos, A. Sagriotis, Maria Synodinou.
Int. J Oncology Biol. Phys. Vol. 57, No2, pp. 402-408, 2003
Randomized Phase II Study of Temozolomide and Radiotherapy Compared with Radiotherapy Alone in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Multiforme. Helen Athanassiou, Maria Synodinou, Evagelos Maragoudakis, Mihalis Paraskevaidis, Cosmas Varigos, Despina Misailidou, Dosia Antonadou, George Saris, Konstantinos Beroukas, Pantelis Karageorgis.
Journal of Clinical Oncology. Vol. 23, No10, April 1, pp. 2372-2377, 2005.
Immune status and immune recovery in children with lymphoma at the end of therapy (chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy) and in follow-up evaluations
S. Kosmidis, A.G. Pourtsidis, D. Bouhoutsou, M. Mpaka, M. Varvoutsi, D. Doganis Konstantina Kallergi, N. Douladiris , M. Synodinou, Fotini Saxoni-Papageorgiou, H. Kosmidis. Aglaia Kyriakou Children’s Hospital, Athinai, Attica, Greece
PEDIATRICS 121:119-120 · JANUARY 2008?
Successful treatment with minimal chemotherapy followed by low-dose involved field radiotherapy in children with Hodgkin’s disease: a 20-year experience in a single institution in Greece
A.G. Pourtsidis. doganis d · baka m · bouhoutsou d ·varvoutsi m · servitzoglou m · kosmidis s · synodinou m · strantzia c · kosmidis h aglaia kyriakou children’s hospital journal of clinical oncology 27 · january 2009
Differences between younger and older patients with childhood Hodgkin Lymphoma
A.G. Pourtsidis, D. Doganis, M. Baka, D. Bouhoutsou, M. Varvoutsi, M. Synodinou, C. Strantzia, H. Kosmidis.
Pediatric Hematology and Oncology 30:6, 532-536, September 2013