Merkouris Stamatios

Merkouris Stamatios Radiologist

Education & Academic Qualifications

  • Graduate of School of Medicine in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and of Military School of Combat Support Officers
  • Radiology Intern, 401 Army General Hospital of Athens (12/2000 – 02/2003)  and Sismanoglio General University Hospital of Athens (02/2003 – 08/2006)
  • Residency in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and CT Scan in the General University Hospital of Heraklion
  • Education Programme in the sector of Public Management: Management in Health Service for members of Public
  • Service. Duration of the program: 70 hours (18/6/2007 – 29/6/2007)
  • Retired   Lieutenant Colonel (Archiatros)

Professional experience

  • Attending Physician in the Ultrasonography Department in the 401 Army General Hospital of Athens (09/2006 – 07/2007)
  • Attending Physician in the Mammography Department in the 401 Army General Hospital of Athens (07/2009 – 09/2012)
  • Attending Physician in the Mammography Department in the Mitera General Clinic

Clinical practise and research interest

  • Percutaneous  imaging  guided  breast   biopsies
  • Breast Imaging

Recent publications - books - excellence

Screening approach of women with mammography and ultrasound for the diagnosis of breast cancer, Iatrika Analekta Volume C Issue 19 September 2013

Society memberships

  • Athens Medical Society
  • Hellenic Radiological Society
  • Member of the scientific committee of Hellenic  Breast Imaging Society