Manta Maria Internist
Assistant, 5th Internal Medicine Department HYGEIA HospitalEducation & Academic Qualifications
- Athens University Medical School Degree 1982 with HONORS, placing 2nd in the graduation year.
Doctoral thesis
Ph. D. with HONORS on the following topic:”The influence of Ciprofloxacin on the bactericidal activity of the polymorphonuclear white blood cells’’, Prof. H. Giamarelou, Athens University
Fellowship in Societies, Membership in Journal Editorial Committees
Greek Society of Internal Medicine
Greek Society of Diabetology
Greek Society of Chemotherapy
Association des anciens eleves de l’ Institut Pasteur
Work Experience
1983-1984: Resident in General Surgery at the Nafplio General Hospital
1984-1985: Provincial Medicine Duties, Agrielitsa, Argos
1986: Hospital of Hydra island
1991-2004: Senior Register at the HYGEIA Hospital (1st Internal Medicine Department) Director: P. Filalithis
2004-2016: Senior Register at the HYGEIA Hospital (5th Internal Medicine Department) Director: C. Peskesis
Education Experience:
1987-1991: Participated in the training of the 4th year and senior year medical students
Clinical & Research Interest
Clinical Interest:
1986-1991: Resident, 1st Internal Medicine Department, Laiko Hospital, Athens University, Prof. P. Sfikakis
July 1988: Certificate from the Pitie Salpetriere Hospital (Paris VII University), Prof P.Godeau, Internal Medical Department
July 1990: Diabetology at the Hotel DIEU Hospital of the Pierre et Marie Courie University of Paris, Prof G. Tchobroutsky
1995-1996: Postgraduate training in the field of Infectious Diseases and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy at the 1st Internal Medical Department of the University of Athens
Research Interest:
1985-1986: Laboratory Research at the Immunology Institute of the French National Center for Scientific Research (Institut d’ Immunologie E.R.281 CNRS, Hopital Broussais) under the supervision of Dr Oriol.
Honors & Awards
Postgraduate studies in Paries from 25/01/1985 to 02/06/1986 on a scholarship gained from the University of Athens in the following subjects:
Nephrology (Clinque propedeutique Medicale, Service de Nephrologie) at Broussais Hospital under Prof J. Bariety and Prof Ph. Druet.
Immuno Pathology at the Institute Pasteur of Paris (degree May 30th 1986)