Iatrou Christos Nephrologist
Director of Hemodialysis UnitEducation & Academic Qualifications
1976: Degree in Medicine, University of Athens
1984: Specialty Certificate in Internal Medicine
1986: Specialty Certificate in Nephrology
1987: PhD, Medical School University of Athens
1996 – 2000: Assist. Professor (law. 407/1980), Medical School Univ. of Thessaly
1977 & 1981 – 1983: Trainee in Internal Medicine
1983 – 1986: Trainee in Nephrology (General Hospital of Athens, Greece, “Laiko”)
1988 – 1989: Sabbatical in Nephrology, St.Thomas Hospital, London, UK)
Doctoral Thesis
Medical School of the University of Athens
Employment History (Professional Experience)
2019 (Current Post): Director of the Center for the Diagnosis, Treatment and Research on Kidney Diseases (C.DI.T.R.KD), Hygeia Hospital
2001-2018: Chief, Centre for Nephrology, General Hospital of Nikaia-Piraeus
1998-2001: Assoc. Director, Nephrology Department, General Hospital of Athens “G. Gennimatas”
1989-1998: Senior Consultant, Nephrology Department, General Hospital of Athens “G. Gennimatas”
1986-1989: Consultant, Nephrology Department, General Hospital of Athens “G. Gennimatas”
1987- 1988: Honorary Registrar & Research Fellow, St.Thomas Hospital, London, UK
Clinical Experience
It concerns in all disciplines of nephrology (Clinical Nephrology, Hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation) as I have worked as a trainee and specialist in Departments and Hospitals that are among the largest in their countries and manage large numbers of patients across the whole spectrum of Nephrology.
Clinical & Research Interests
Clinical interests:
Glomerulonephritis (primary, secondary)
(I was particularly interested in this subject during my training and my career in Nephrology and the last 17 years I developed one of the biggest Outpatient Clinic for Glomerulonephritis in our country in the Center for Nephrology at General Hospital of Nikaia-Pireaus)
Chronic Kidney Disease (Chronic Renal Failure)
(I have been particularly interested in this subject from the beginning of my training in nephrology, I have written the first book in our country on hemodialysis membranes and during my career in Nephrology I have been a member or chair of several committees of the Ministry of Health in order to create specifications for hemodialysis filters and other supplies, as well as for treatment protocols for the application of the methodRare Diseases (Fabry Disease)
Research Interests:
Glomerulonephritis (In recent years, the role of vitamin D in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy and its therapeutic use in cases of other types of glomerulonephritis)
Hemodialysis (In recent years, mainly in the field of infections, costs and financial reimbursement)
Chronic Kidney Disease (Especially in delaying the progression of the damage or improving the renal function using new innovative cell and gene therapies from the field of Regenerative Medicine)
Educational Activity in Nephrology
Teaching the pathophysiology of kidney diseases in third year students during my tenure at the Medical School of the University of Thessaly
Teaching the Greek trainees in nephrology through many lectures and active participation in educational seminars of the Hellenic Society of Nephrology for 12 years
Teaching 50 trainees in nephrology at General Hospital of Athens and General Hospital of Nikaia- Pireaus during the years of my work on them.
Training doctors of other medical specialties in nephrology through many lectures in seminars or conferences.
Member of Scientific Societies and other Committees and Member of Editorial Board in Medical Journals
Member of the Hellenic Society of Nephrology (I was a member of the Board for 8 years – General Secretary, Vice-President and President 2010-2012)
Member of the Athens Medical Society (I was a member of the Board for 16 years and my last 8 years, General Secretary, Vice-President and President 2006-2010)
Member of the Hellenic Society for Medical Education
Member of the Hellenic Society of Transplantation
Member of the European Dialysis and Transplantation Association
Member of the International Society of Nephrology
Member of the American Society of Nephrology
President of the Medical Society of Regenerative Medicine, Anti-Aging and Biotechnology
Member of the Examination Committee for the administration of the Sspecialty Certificate in Nephrology, 2008-2018
Alternate member of the Examination Committee for the Authorization of Ultrasound for Nephrologists, 2009-2018
Member of the Committee of the Minister of Health for writing guidelines on urinary tract infections, 2005
Member of the Committee for the Coordination of Actions on Monitoring the Implementation of Therapeutic Protocols, 2014-2016
President of the Drug Committee at General Hospital of Nikaia-Pireaus , 2014-2018
Member of the Secondary Committee at the National Medicine Agency, 2014-2015
President of the Supreme Medical Council of the National Organization for Health Care Services (EOPYY) 2014-2019
Member of Editorial Board of Hellenic Nephrology Journal, 2016-2019
Books (Writing- Editing)
Dialysis Membranes
Substitution Techniques for Rrenal Function in ICU
Erythropoietic Factors: Clinical Applications
Awards, Distinctions
Prize at the 32nd EDTNA-ERCA for the study: Overweight patients are at increased risk of inadequate hemodialysis
A.Petraki, K.Metaxouli, P.Marinaki, N.Selemidi, P.Galani, S.Kydonaki, A.Katopodi, C.Iatrou
Prize at the 33rd EDTNA-ERCA for the study: Does the economic situation of dialysis patients affect the nutrition status?
A. Petraki. Antoniadou, P. Marinaki, Th. Veliotis, P. Galani, C. Asiki, N. Selemidis, E. KibaroglouA. Magalia, C. Iatrou
Praise at the 17th Panhellenic Congress of Nephrology for the study : Molecular mechanisms of action of vitamin D and its receptor, VDR in morphological and functional properties of the podocytes
S. Verouti, G. Drosopoulou, L. Frangopoulou, A. Haronis, K. Dimopoulos, E.K. Tsillibaris, C. iatrou
Honorary Distinction of the Municipality of Nikaia-Pireaus for the Contribution in Medical Science, 2002
Honorary Distinction of the Hellenic Society for Research and Education in Primary Health Care for the significant contribution to the achievement of its scientific goals, 2006
Honorary Distinction of the Athens Medical Society for the significant contribution to science and education, 2010
Honorary Distinction of the Athens Medical Society for the presidency period 2006-2010,2019
Honorary Distinction of the Panhellenic Association of Kidney Diseases Patients “G. Kastrinakis” for the Multiannual Supply to the patients with kidney diseases, 2019
Recent Publications
IgA nephropathy in Greece: data from the registry of the Hellenic Society of Nephrology.
Stangou M, Papasotiriou M, Xydakis D, Oikonomaki T, Marinaki S, Zerbala S, Stylianou C, Kalliakmani P, Andrikos A, Papadaki A, Balafa O, Golfinopoulos S, Visvardis G, Moustakas G, Papachristou E, Kouloukourgiotou T, Kapsia E, Panagiotou A, Koulousios C, Kavlakoudis C, Georgopoulou M, Panagoutsos S, Vlahakos DV, Apostolou T, Stefanidis I, Siamopoulos K, Tzanakis I, Papadogiannakis A, Daphnis E, Iatrou C, Boletis JN, Papagianni A, Goumenos DS.
Clin Kidney J. 2018 Feb;11(1):38-45.
Τhe family of 14-3-3 proteins and specifically 14-3-3σ are up-regulated during the development of renal pathologies.
M, Frangou EA, Marineli F, Prakoura N, Zoidakis J, Gakiopoulou H, Liapis G,Kavvadas P, Chatziantoniou C, Makridakis M, Vlahou A, Boletis J, Vlahakos D, Goumenos D, Daphnis E, Iatrou C, Charonis AS.
J Cell Mol Med. 2018; 22(9):4139-4149.
Ethanol combined with heparin as a locking solution for the prevention of Catheter related blood stream infections in hemodialysis patients: A prospective randomized study
Sofroniadou S, Revela I, Kouloubinis A, Makriniotou I, Zerbala S,Smirloglou D, Kalocheretis P, Drouzas A, Samonis G, Iatrou C
Hemodial Int 2017; 21(4): 498-506Vitamin D3 ameliorates podocyte injury through the nephrin signaling pathway
Trohatou O, Tsilibary EF, Charoniw A, Iatrou C, Drossopoulou G
J Cell Mol Med 2017; 21(10):2599-2609
Cost calculations during “dire straits” : a cost – of – illness analysis of regular hemodialysis for end-stage renal disease in Greece
Naoum. I. Topkaroglou, D. Kitsonis, A. Skroumpelos, K. Athanasakis, C. Iatrou, J. Boletis, J. Kyriopoulos
Int. J. Artif Organs 2016; 39(2) : 87-9
Multicenter epidemiological study to assess the population of CKD patients in Greece: Results from the Prestar Study
Sombolos, D. Tsakiris, J. Boletis, D. Vlahakos, K.C.Siamopoulos, V. Vargemezis, P. Nikolaidis, C. Iatrou, E. Dafnis, K. Xynos, C. Argyropoulos
Nephr. Refer. And CKD Epidemiology. 2014 (9) :11
Conservative care in Europe-nephrologists experience with the decision not to start renal replacement therapy
Van de Luijtgaarden, M. Noordzij, W. Van Biesen, C.Couchoud, G. Cancarini, WJ. Bos, FW. Dekker, JL, Gorriz, C.Iatrou, C.Wanner, P.Finne, O.Stojceva-Taneva, S. Cala , VS.Stel, C.Tomson, KJ. Jager
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2013 Oct; 28(10):2604-12
Paricalcitol effects on activities and metabolism of platelet activating factor and on inflammatory cytokines in hemodialysis patients
Verouti, AB. Tsoupras, F. Alevizopoulou, CA. Demopoulos, C.Iatrou
Int. J Artif Organs. 2012; 36(2): 87-96Vitamin D receptor activators upregulate and rescue podocalyxin expression in high glucose-treated human podocytesVerouti, EC. Tislibary, E. Fragopoulou, C. Iatrou, CA. Demopoulos, AS. Charonis, SA. Charonis, GI. Drossopoulou.
Nephron Exp Nephrol 2012; 122 (1-2):36-50
Linezolid versus vancomycin antibiotic lock solution for the prevention of nontunneled catheter-related blood stream infections in hemodialysis patients: a prospective randomized study
S. Sofroniadou, I. Revela, D. Smirloglou, I. Makriniotou, S. Zerbala, A. Kouloubinis, G. Samonis, C. Iatrou
Semin Dial 2012; 25(3) : 344-350