Giatras Konstantinos

Giatras Konstantinos Obstetrician - Gynecologist

Education & Academic Qualifications

  • 1982-1988, Medical Doctor Timisoara Romania
  • 1988-1994, Specialty in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Pierre-Marie Curie, Paris, France
  • 1991-1992, Diploma in OB/GYN Ultrasonography University of Creteil, Paris, France
  • 1991-1992, Diploma in Colposcopy University of Pierre-Marie Curie Paris, France
  • 1991-1994, Diploma in Sexology University of Bobigny, Paris, France
  • 1993-1994,  European diploma in Hysteroscopy University of Paris Sud, Paris, France
  • 1995 Associated Professor New York University, N.York, USA
  • 2006, Doctorat-Phd ”In Vitro Fertilization in seropositive HIV couples” University Victor Babes, Timisoara, Romania
  • 2007, Associated Professor University Victor Babes, Timisoara, Romania
  • 2009,  Associated Professor University Oradea, Oradea, Romania
  • 2011-2012,  University Diploma of Infertility, University Descartes, Paris, France


  • 5/1993-5/1994,  Fellow in Obstetrics/Gynecology, Department of In Vitro Fertilization, Antoine Beclere Hospital, Paris, France

  • 5/1994-11/1994, Associate in Gynecologic and Laparoscopic Surgery, Pontoise Hospital, Paris, France

  • 1994,  Assistant Faculty in Obstetrics/Gynecology, University of Paris Sud

  • 1/1995, Research Fellow Center for Reproductive Medicine and Infertility Cornell University Medical College New York, New York, USA

  • 2/1996, Ass. Professor Obstetrics/Gynecology/Reproductive Medicine and Infertility, New York University, New York, USA

  • 5/2006, Thesis    PhD   ”In Vitro Fertilization in seropositive couples”, Timisoara, Romania

Postgraduate Training

  • 1/1989-11/1989, Internship in Obstetrics/Gynecology, Pitie Salpetrier Hospital, Paris, France

  • 11/1989-11/1990, Resident in Obstetrics/Gynecology, Rotschild Hospital, Paris, France

  • 11/1990-5/1991, Resident in Obstetrics/Gynecology, Jean Rostand Hospital, Paris, France

  • 5/1991-11/1991, Resident in General Surgery, Courbevoie Hospital, Paris, France

  • 11/1991-5/1992, Resident in Obstetrics/Gynecology, Jean Rostand Hospital, Paris, France

  • 5/1992-11/1992, Resident in Obstetrics/Gynecology, Montmorency Hospital, Paris, France

  • 11/1992-5/1993, Resident in General Surgery, Montmorency Hospital, Paris, France

Licensure to practice

  • 1989, General Medicine, Greek Ministry of Health, Athens, Greece

  • 1994, OB/GYN, Ordre des Medecins de Paris, Paris, France

  • 1994, OB/GYN, Greek Ministry of Health Athens, Greece

  • 2012, OB/GYN and Infertility, Romanian Ministry of Health

  • 2016, Swiss Authorization of medical degree and OB/GYN specialty ( GLN 7601003670554, 06.01.2016)


English, French, Greek, Romanian, Italian in perfection

Professional Organizations/Memberships

  • 1989    Greek Medical Association Athens, Greece

  • 1992 Medecins du Monde Paris, France

  • 1994  Medical Association of Paris Paris, France

  • 1995  American Society for Reproductive Medicine

  • 1995  Reproductive Medical Society of New York,

  • 1996   The American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists                                   

  • 1996   The Society for Male Reproduction and Urology,  USA

  • 1996 European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology

  • 2001 Hellenic Greek society of obstetrics gynecology

  • 2010 Romanian association of doctors


  • Giatras, KD. Sexual/behavioral differences between Southern and Northern European couples.  University Archives, Paris Sud, 1994

  • Giatras, KD. 1. Secondary effects following hormonal stimulation for IVF. 2. Long term comparison of IVF and naturally conceived babies. Archives of International Congress of Gynecology. Timisoara, Romania, 1993

  • Giatras, KD.  et al. Progesterone supplementation during luteal phase following induction of ovulation. Genessis, 3: 17-19, 1994

  • M.Damario, K.Giatras, HC Liu, Z.Rosenwaks. Use of receiver operating characteristic curves of serum progesterone concentrations to determine ectopic pregnancy following in vitro fertilization. P resented at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Seattle, Washington, October 7-12,1995

  • HC Liu, K.Giatras, M.Damario, C.Benadiva, I.Kligman, Z.Rosenwaks. Interactions among embryo, endometrium and corpus luteum. Presented at the     American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Seattle, Washington, October 7-12,1995

  • Posterior urethral valves.  A study of genetics, etiology, prenatal echographic presentation, clinical symptomatology, disease evolution, and therapeutic approach.  Case report. Giatras

  • Sexual and social behavior of HIV positive patients before and after infection. Study of 6 female inpatients.  Rotschild Hospital, Giatras

  • Should  we reduce the triple pregnancies in twins after IVF? Giatras and al  Genesis 4:18-20 1994

  • Intauterine inseminations: different protocols and efficacy Giatras and al  Reference de gynecologie 12: 56-60 1994

  • Tubar perfusion: A new technique in the induction of ovulation. Giatras and al Reference de gynecologie  15:81-76 1994

  • Steinert  syndrome: effects during pregnancy. Giatras and al: Ultrasound in obstetrics 3: 101-105 1994

  • Ectopic pregnancy:Laparoscopic procedure versus injection of methotrexate. Giatras and al: Genesis 11: 43-48

  • Day 3 FSH . A predictor of ovarian function. Under publication. Fertility and Sterility Giatras and al:

  • Ovarian age is not correlated to chronological age. Hormonal study FSH, E2. Under publication. Human Reproduction Giatras and al.

  • Myotonic dystrophy during pregnancy. Case report. Maieytiki kai gynekologia volume 3: January 1996: 71-74 K.Giatras ,I. Zervoudakis and F.Chernevak   

  • Megacystis microcolon during pregnancy. Case report. Under publication .Ultrasound in Obstetrics Giatras and al.

  • Hysteroscopical  removal of submucous myomas.  Fertility outcome after the procedure.J Am Assoc Gynecol  Laparosc. Giatras and al.

  • Laparoscopic ablation of rudimental uterine horn for pelvic pain in a woman with Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser(MRKH) syndrome. Case report. The Journal of the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists. Giatras and al.

  • Unicornuate uterus. Fertility outcome after laparoscopic resection of the rudimentary horn. Case report. The Journal of the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists. Giatras and al.

  • K.Giatras, M.Damario, L.Barmat, and G.Schattman.  The Evaluation of the Basal Day 3 FSH is a better predictor of the pregnancy outcome than the age of women undergoing IVF.  Poster presented at the 52nd Annual Meeting American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, November 2-6,1996

  • Jamie A.Grifo MD, PhD; Konstantinos Giatras MD; Alexis Adler, BS; Ya Xu Tang, MD and Lewis Krey, PhD. Pregnancies with day 4 transfer after preimplantation diagnosis. Abstract to be presented in 10th World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization and Assisted Reproduction, Vancouver,B.C.,Canada, May 24-28, 1997

  • Jamie A.Grifo MD, PhD; Konstantinos Giatras MD; Alexis Adler, BS; Ya Xu Tang, MD and Lewis Krey, PhD. Successful outcome with day four transfer after preimplantation diagnosis for genetically transmitted diseases.   Human Reproduction. November 1997

  • Giatras K.., Pantos K. , Athanasiou V. , Stefanidis K., Stavrou D. , Vaxevanoglou T. , Chronopoulou M.,  , Pihos I. , Tzigounis V. , The successful use of blastocyst in assisted reproductive technology .Oral announcement at the ESHRE meeting ,Tours , France, June , 1999.

  • Giatras K. , Berkeley AS. , Noyes N. , Licciardi  F. , Lolis D. , Grifo JA. Fertility after hysteroscopic resection of submucous myomas. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc  1999 May ; 6(2): 155-8 .

  •  Γιατρας Κ. , Πάντος Κ. , Σταύρου Δ. ,  Κ. , Καρατζής Π., Γραμμάτης Μ. , Τζιγγούνης Β. Η  ΕΠΙΔΡΑΣΗ ΤΗΣ ΠΡΟΧΩΡΗΜΕΝΗΣ ΗΛΙΚΙΑΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗ ΤΩΝ ΒΛΑΣΤΟΚΥΣΤΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΣΤΟ ΔΕΙΚΤΗ ΚΥΗΣΕΩΝ ΣΤΗΝ ΥΠΟΒΟΗΘΟΥΜΕΝΗ ΑΝΑΠΑΡΑΓΩΓΗ. Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Μαιευτικής & Γυναικολογίας 25-28 Μαϊου 2000 .

  • Γιατρας Κ. , Στεφανίδης Κ. , Σταύρου Δ. . , Γραμμάτης  Μ., Καρατζής Π., Πήχος Ι. , Τζιγγούνης Β. ΕΙΝΑΙ Η ΜΕΤΑΦΟΡΑ ΒΛΑΣΤΟΚΥΣΤΕΩΝ ΚΑΛΗ ΕΠΙΛΟΓΗ ΓΙΑ ΤΙΣ ΓΥΝΑΙΚΕΣ ΜΕ ΦΤΩΧΗ ΠΡΟΓΝΩΣΗ ΜΕΤΑ ΑΠΟ ΕΞΩΣΩΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΓΟΝΙΜΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ? Πανελλήνιο Σύνεδριο Μαιευτικής & Γυναικολογία 25-28 Μαίου 2000 .

  • Giatras K, Blastocyst versus day 3 transfer in IVF cycles National congress Obstetrics Gynecology Sibiu, Romania March 2010