Giannakodimos Stylianos Neurologist
Education & Academic Qualifications
- Graduated, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (25/1/1984).
- Specialty of Neurology, Athens University Medical School (25/11/1992).
- Sub-specialty in Clinical Neurophysiology and Epilepsy, Department of Clinical Neurophysiology and Epilepsies, St Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK (March 1993 – September 1995).
Postgraduate seminars:
1) Space occupying and vascular lesions of the central nervous system. Diagnostic and interventional neuroradiology. European Association of Radiology. Athens, 13 – 15/1/1992.
2) 2nd Senior Registrars’ Epilepsy Meeting. Oxford, UK. 3/9 – 5/9/1993.
3) Glaxo Advanced Lecture Series on Clinical and Experimental Neurology; 4th Series- Spring 1994. Institute of Neurology, Queen Square, London, UK, 19/1 – 9/3/1994.
4) “Summertime Evoked Potentials Workshop 1994”. Queen’s Medical Center, Nottingham, UK. 10/7 – 13/7/1994.
5) 3rd Senior Registrars’ Epilepsy Meeting. Oxford, UK. 7-9/7/1995.
6) Postgraduate Seminar of the European Epilepsy Academy. 7th European conference: “Epilepsy and Society” – Parallel international medical conference. Athens, 19 – 21/5/2000.
7) Postgraduate Seminar of the European Epilepsy Academy. 7th Mediterranean Epilepsy Conference. Athens, 22 – 25/11/2001.
8) Postgraduate Seminar of the European Epilepsy Academy. 1st Panhellenic Epilepsy Congress, Athens, 21 – 23/10/2005.
9) Webinar: “Seizure detection and Prevention”. 21/11/2011.
- In addition, postgratuate training in Biostatistics, Molecular Biology and Informatics.
Doctoral thesis
Quantitative and Qualitative Study of Ictal Generalised Spike and Slow Wave Activity in Idiopathic Generalised Epilepsy Syndromes with Typical absences. (Department of Neurology, University of Athens) (in preparation).
Fellowship in Societies, Membership in Journal Editorial Committees
Panhellenic Society Against Epilepsy (1994)
Treasurer, Panhellenic Scientific Society Against Epilepsy (2005 – 2016) and 2019 – ongoing
Epilepsy Committee, Greek Ministry of Health (1999-2001).
Treasurer, Greek Neurological Association (2003-2005).
Educational Committee, Greek Neurological Association (2003-2005).
President, Publication Committee, Greek Neurological Association (2003-2007).
European Epilepsy Academy (1997).
Greek Association Against Epilepsy (1998).
Hellenic Clinical Neurophysiology Society (1994).
British Society for Clinical Neurophysiology (1994).
International Society of Greek Neuroscientists (1994).
Hellenic Headache Society (1995).
Greek Alliance for Rare Diseases (2002).
Committee for approval of implantable devices in neurology/ neurosurgery, Ministry of Health (2010 – 2015).
Editorial Board
“Nevrologia” (official journal, Greek Neurological Association) (2003 – 2007).
“En to vathi” (official journal, Dept of Neurology, of “G. Gennimatas” General Hospital).
Work Experience
Consultant Neurologist, Hygeia Hospital (March 2019- ongoing).
Private practice (1995-1996) and (2016 – ongoing).
Attached Neurologist, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Thessaly (2008 – todate)
Consultant Neurologist and Head of Epilepsy Clinic and Seizure Monitoring Unit, Department of Neurology, “G. Gennimatas” Athens General Hospital (1996 – 2016).
Consultant Neurologist at I.K.A. outpatient clincs (1995 –1996).
Honorary Clinical and Research Registrar, Department of Clinical Neurophysiology and Epilepsies, St Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK (March 1993 – September 1995).
(Supported by Research Grant of British Telecom Organisation).
Specialty in Neurology, “Aghios Panteleimon” General Hospital of Nikea (1989 – 1992).
Specialty in Psychiatry, General Hospital of Larissa (1988 – 1989).
Rural Medical Service, Kimolos, Cyclades (1986 – 1988).
Specialty in Internal Medicine, Athens Naval Hospital (1984 – 1986).
Educational Experience
Undergraduate teaching in Neurology, School of Nursing, “G. Gennimatas” Athens General Hospital (1998-1999).
Undergraduate teaching in Neurology, School of Nursing, “G. Gennimatas” Athens General Hospital (1999-2000).
Monthly presentations with neurological lectures, educational programe of the 2nd Dept of Internal Medicine, Sotiria General Hospital (1998 – 1999).
Monthly presentations with neurological lectures, educational programe of the 2nd Dept of Internal Medicine, Sotiria General Hospital (2001 – 2002).
Sixty seven (67) lectures in postgraduate seminars and courses in Greece and UK.
Clinical & Research Interest
General Neurology
Neurology of ICU
Clinical Epileptology
Idiopathic (genetic) generalised epilepsies (classification, natural history and electroencephalographic characteristics)
Pharmacoresistant epilepsies. Clinical trials of new antiepileptic drugs.
Alternative treatments in epilepsy.
Migraine – Epilepsy correlations.
Video-Electroencephalography. Diagnostic and presurgical Video-EEG telemetry.
Research Interest
Nineteen (19) national or international multicenter clinical trials of antiepileptic drugs in Greece and UK (principal investigator).
Honors & Awards
Research Grant for the clinical and Video-EEG studies of Epilepsies, British Telecom Organisation (1994-1995)
Awards for best presentations
Giannakodimos S, Youroukos S, Karageorgiou C. Short and long-term efficacy of vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) treatment in children and adults with intractable epilepsies: differences related to epilepsy type. 19th Meeting of Greek Neurologists. Thessaloniki, 17-20/3/2005. (1st Prize amongst 135 presentations).
Giannakodimos S and Garganis K. Efficacy and safety of VNS treatment in intractable epilepsies: long-term experience from two centers. 2nd Panhellenic Epilepsy Congress, Thessaloniki, 10-12/11/2006. (2nd Prize).
Giannakodimos S, Kapsalakis I, Doulia C, Karageorgiou C. Oxcarbazepine-related hyponatremia is not dose-related: a prospective study of 105 epileptic patients. 4th Panhellenic Epilepsy Congress, Alexandroupolis, 14-16/11/2008. (2nd Prize).
Fountas C, Kapsalaki E, Bakopoulou M, Botris A, Smith J, Kapsalakis I, Gotsis E, Giannakodimos S. Pharmacoresistant epilepsy due to cortical dysplasias: diagnosis, surgical treatment and outcome. 4th Panhellenic Epilepsy Congress, Alexandroupolis, 14-16/11/2008. (3rd Prize).
Giannakodimos S, Alexoudi A, Kapsalakis I, Karageorgiou C. Correlations between pregnancy outcomes and epilepsy characteristics in women under antiepileptic medication: a 12-year prospective observational study. 5th Panhellenic Epilepsy Congress, Chania, 6-8/11/2009. (1st Prize).
Giannakodimos S, Alexoudi A, Karageorgiou CE. Does it exist a subgroup of Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy patients with a self-limited course? Supporting evidence from a long-term clinico-EEG study. 9th European Congress on Epileptology, Rhodes, Greece, 27/6-1/7/2010. (Selected for oral presentation).
1) CP Panayiotopoulos, CD Ferrie, S Giannakodimos, RO Robinson. Perioral Myoclonia with Absences: A New Syndrome. In: Epileptic seizures and syndromes. Peter Wolf (ed). John Libbey. 1994, pp 143-153.
2) Ferrie CD, Giannakodimos S, Robinson RO, Panayiotopoulos CP. Symptomatic typical absence seizures. In: Typical absences and related epileptic syndromes. JS Duncan and CP Panayiotopoulos (eds). Churchill Livingstone, London 1995, Chapter 29, pp 251-262.
3) Panayiotopoulos CP, Giannakodimos S, Chroni E. Typical absences in adults. In: Typical absences and related epileptic syndromes. JS Duncan and CP Panayiotopoulos (eds). Churchill Livingstone, London 1995, Chapter 34, pp 299-309.
4) Panayiotopoulos CP, Ferrie CD, Giannakodimos S, Robinson RO. Perioral myoclonia with absences. In: Typical absences and related epileptic syndromes. JS Duncan and CP Panayiotopoulos (eds). Churchill Livingstone, London 1995, Chapter 26, pp 231-240.
5) Giannakodimos S and Panayiotopoulos CP. Eyelid myoclonia with absences in adults: clinical and EEG features. In: Eyelid myoclonia with absences. John Libbey & Company Ltd, London 1996:57-68.
6) Panayiotopoulos CP, Agathonikou A, Koutroumanidis M, Giannakodimos S, Rowlinson S, Carr C,. Eyelid myoclonia: the symptoms. In: Eyelid myoclonia with absences. John Libbey & Company Ltd, London 1996:17-26.
7) Panayiotopoulos CP, Giannakodimos S, Agathonikou A, Koutroumanidis M,. Eyelid myoclonia is not a maneouvre for self-induced seizures in eyelid myoclonia with absences. In: Eyelid myoclonia with absences. John Libbey & Company Ltd, London 1996:93-106.
8) Giannakodimos S. Migraine – epilepsy correlations. In: Cephalalgia. Hellenic Headache Societey. Athens 1988(Chapter 54):508-515.
9) Giannakodimos S. Kidney and nervous system. In: Clinical Nephrology. Zirogiannis P, et al. (ed). Tehnogramma, Athens 2003.
10) Giannakodimos S. Occipital lobe epilepsies. In: Atlas of Epilepsies. CP Panayiotopoulos (ed). Springer 2010, Chapter 177, pp 1207-14.
11) Giannakodimos S. Epileptic Seizures. In: Handbook of patient management in the accident and emergency department. Papakonstantinou K, Avramidis D, Karageorgiou C (eds). Athens 2010(Chapter 68):337-340.
Recent Publications
Selected Publications in Peer-Reviewed International Journals
Geitona M, Stamuli E, Giannakodimos S, et al. Lacosamide as a first-line treatment option in focal epilepsy: a cost-utility analysis for the Greek healthcare system. J Med Econ 2019 Apr;22(4):359-364.
Nabbout R, Belousova E, Benedik MP, et al., TOSCA Consortium and TOSCA Investigators. Epilepsy in the tuberous sclerosis comlex: Findings from the TOSCA Study. Epilepsia Open. 2018 Dec 21;4(1):73-84.
de Vries PJ, Belousova E, Benedik MP, et al., TOSCA Consortium and TOSCA Investigators. TSC-associated neuropsychiatric disorders (TAND): findings from the TOSCA natural history study. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2018 Sep 10;13(1):157.
Geitona M, Kousoulakou H, Carayianni V, Baltogiannis C, Garganis K, Gatzonis S, Giannakodimos S, Kodounis A, Nasios G, Polychronopoulos P, Christou P, Theodoratou D, Karachalios G, Palaistis S. Economic Evaluation of Lacosamide in the Management of Epileptic Partial Onset Seizures in Greece. Value Health 2014 Nov;17(7):A397-8.
Tsougos I, Gotsis E, Giannakodimos S, Smith JR, Kapsalaki E, Fountas K. Temporal Pole Proton Preoperative MR Spectroscopy in Patients Undergoing Surgery for Mesial Temporal Sclerosis. Neurosurgical Focus 2012;32(3).
Tsounis S, Kimiskidis V, Kazis D, Gkiatas K, Garganis K, Karageorgiou K, Giannakodimos S, Papathanasopoulos P, Plaitakis A, Papadimitriou A, Lyras L, Emir B. An Open-Label, Add-on study of pregabalin in patients with partial seizures: a multicenter trial in Greece. Seizure 2011;20(9):701-5.
Giannakodimos S, Georgiadis G, Tsounis S, et al. Add-on topiramate in the treatment of refractory partial-onset epilepsy: Clinical experience of outpatient epilepsy clinics from 11 general hospitals. Seizure 2005;14(6):396-402.
Panayiotopoulos CP, Koutroumanidis M, Giannakodimos S, Agathonikou A. Idiopathic generalised epilepsy in adults manifested by phantom absences, generalised tonic-clonic seizures, and frequent absence status. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 1998;65(2):282 (letter).
Agathonikou A, Panayiotopoulos CP, Giannakodimos S, Koutroumanidis M. Typical absence status in adults: diagnostic and syndromic considerations. Epilepsia 1998;39(12):1265-1276.
More than 90 (ninety) lectures as invited speaker in Greek, British and International meetings, more than 185 (one hundred-eighty-five) presentations in medical congresses. Chairman in more than 40 (forty) scientific meetings. Membership in the organising and/or scientific committees of more than 50 (fifty) medical congresses.
Translation and editing of 6 books (on epilepsy and dementia).