Galanou Ioanna Breast Surgeon
Scientific Associate, 1st Breast ClinicEducation & Academic Qualifications
- 2005 M.D School of Medicine University of Siena, Italy
- 2007 – 2013 Specialisation in General Surgery Perugia, Italy
- 2019 GUSTAVE ROUSSY Cancer Campus Grand Paris.Plastic and reconstructive breast cancer surgery.Breast Reconstruction Masterclass
- 2018 Ι.Ε.Ο European Institute of Oncology , Milan Italy. I.O.R.T Intraoperative Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer
- 2018 CLINICA UNIVERSIDAD DE NAVARRA, Μadrid Spain. I.O.R.T Intraoperative Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer
Board Member
Member of ΕΧΕΜ
Μember of EUSOBI
Member of Ε.Ε.Α.Μ
Μember of EUSOMA
Professional Experience
2019- today Breast Cancer Surgeon hospital ΜIΤΕΡΑ
2019 Surgeon Euroclinic Athens
2018- today Director of Breast Surgery. CLINIMED Centro polispecialistico , Ceccano Italy
2018- today Director Breast Unit Diagnostica Nuova Florida , Ardea Ιtaly
2014- today Surgeon for Emergency in P.S ADR (Airports of Rome) Fiumicino and Ciampino airports.
2013- today Breast Cancer Surgeon in a certified Breast Unit . European Cancer Institute Regina Elena I.F.O , Rome Italy
2017: Research “Τhe expression of the components of Hippo Pathway in patients affercted with breast cancer”. European Cancer Institute Regina Elena I.F.O, Rome Italy
2014-2015: Research as Principal Investigator DERMA adjuvant immunotherapy with MAGE-A3 for melanoma ( GLAXO SMITH KLINE ). European Cancer Institute Regina Elena I.F.O , Rome Italy
2014: Research in Breast Cancer “ Elaboration of a new nomogram based on the measure of the marker MRNA CK19 with O.S.N.A (One Step Nucleic Acid Amplification) to predict the status of non sentinel lymph nodes in patients with positive sentinel lymph node”. European Cancer Institute Regina Elena I.F.O , Rome Italy
Clinical Interest
New tecniques for breast cancer surgery and reconstruction
Oncoplastic surgery for breast cancer
Plastic surgery and breast reconstruction
O.R.T Intraoperative Radiotherapy for breast cancer
O.L.L. και S.N.O.L.L for breast cancer
Innovative tecniques for Sentinel lymph node biopsy (S.N.O.L.L, , Sentimag, ICG,)
Autologous or Flap reconstruction after breast cancer surgery
Research interest
Breast cancer
Breast cancer surgery and reconstruction
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy for breast cancer
2019: Medical award given by CEO ADR (Airports of Rome) and the health Director of P.S ADR, Rome Italy
Editorial Boards
ADR magazine Rome
Recent Publications
Galanou I, Milani D, Conti C, Farinella E, Di Patrizi MS, Trastulli S, Cirocchi Roberto, Mecarelli V, Giustozzi Giammario, Sciannameo Francesco (2009) The role of CT in acute mesenteric ischemia, BMC geriatrics (Online) (1471-2318), Suppl 1,9
Trastulli S, Di Patrizi MS, La Mura F, Milani D, Galanou I, Conti C, Farinella E, Cirocchi Roberto, Giustozzi Giammario, Sciannameo Francesco (2009) Timing in surgical management of acute volvulus of the sigmoid colon in geriatric patients, BMC geriatrics (Online) (1471-2318), Suppl 1, 9
Milani D, Galanou I, Conti C, Trastulli S, Di Patrizi MS, Cirocchi Roberto, Giustozzi Giammario, Sciannameo Francesco (2009) Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in geriatric patients, BMC geriatrics (Online) (1471-2318), Supp1, 9
Coccetta M, Migliaccio C, La Mura F, Farinella E, Galanou I, Del Monaco P, Spizzirri A, Napolitano V, Cattorini L, Milani D, Cirocchi Roberto, Sciannameo Francesco (2009) Virtual colonoscopy in stenosing colorectal cancer, Annals of surgical innovation and research (1750-1164)
Roberto Cirocchi, Eriberto Farinella, Francesco La Mura, Umberto Morelli, Stefano Trastulli, Diego Milani, Micol s.Di Patrizi, Barbara Rossetti, Alessandro Spizzirri, Ioanna Galanou, Konstandinos Kopanakis, Valerio Mecarelli, Francesco Sciannameo (2010) The sigmoid volvulus: surgical timing and mortality for different clinical types World journal of Emergency Surgery 2010, 5:1
Ghilli M. , Carretta E., Di Filippo F., Battaglia C., Fustaino L., Galanou I., Di Filippo S., Rucci P., Fantini M.P& Roncella M. (2015) The superparamagnetic iron oxide tracer: a valid alternative in sentinel node biopsy for breast cancer treatment. (2015 European Journal of Cancer Care)