Klapsinou Eirini Cytologist
Cytopathology DepartmentEducation & Academic Qualifications
- University of Athens Medical School graduate (2003)
- Cytopathology Specialty acquisition (2009)
Doctoral thesis
Title: Correlation of the expression of the Bax and Bak proteins with the presence of high-risk HPV virus DNA. University of Athens Medical School. Started on 10/04/2009 – in progress.
Fellowship in Societies, Membership in Journal Editorial Committees
Member of the Hellenic Society of Clinical Cytology
Reviewer in Journal of Cytology
Work Experience
29/4/2003-28/7/2003 Three month hospital training in the General Municipal Hospital of Chania “SAINT GEORGE”
29/7/2003-28/7/2004 Country service in the Health Center of Vamos, Chania
3/8/2004-3/5/2006 Residency in Histopathology in the Histopathology Laboratory of the Peripheral General Hospital of Athens “ALEXANDRA”
3/7/2006-3/7/2009 Residency in Cytopathology in the Cytopathology Laboratory of the Oncologic Anticancer Hospital of Athens “SAINT SAVVAS”
1/12/2009 – today Cytopathologist at the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Center of Athens “HYGEIA”
Education Experience
Correct procedure of cervicovaginal smear sampling (Pap test) and interpretation of the cytological diagnosis Educational courses of “MITERA” Maternity Hospital, Athens, June 2014
Head and Neck Tumors First Diagnosed on FNA Sample, Case presentation, 2nd Educational Seminar “Head and neck Tumors: Differential diagnosis based on histological standards and immunophenotype characteristics”, Educational Courses of the 1st Histopathology Laboratory of the University of Athens Medical School, for the 2011-2012 school year, Athens, January 2012
Benign Tumorlike Soft Tissue Lesions Cytologically Mimicking Sarcomas, Presentation of interesting cases by 6 hospitals, Educational courses and seminars of the Cytology Unit of the 1st Histopathology Laboratory of the University of Athens Medical School, for the 2009-2010 school year, Athens, November 2009
Clinical & Research Interest
Clinical Interest:
Breast fine needle aspiration (FNA)
Head and neck and salivary glands fine needle aspiration (FNA)
Thyroid fine needle aspiration (FNA)
Research Interest:
Molecular biology of the HPV virus
Cytology of the central nervous system tumors
Honors & Awards
- Genital infections in adolescence L. Mihala, A. Tsitsika, E. Panotopoulou, C. Tzavara, S. Calbeni, E. Sakou, S. Papaspyridakos, E. Klapsinou, A. Konstantopoulos, D. Kafetzis, A. Antsaklis 3rd “State of the Art – Adolescent Medicine Course” , Athens, May 2010 Awarded the Hellenic Pediatric Society prize
Immunocytochemical Expression of BAX and BAK Proteins in Cervical Smears of Women Positive for HPV Types: A Study of 120 Cases. Klapsinou Eirini, Argyri Elena, Panotopoulou Efstathia, Daskalopoulou Dimitra, Patsouris Efstratios, Nonni Afroditi, Lazaris Andreas C, Thomopoulou Georgia-Heleni American Journal of Human Pathology, 2014 Feb; Vol. 1, Issue 1: 1-11.
Fine-Needle Aspiration Cytology of Ameloblastoma and Malignant Ameloblastoma:A Study of 12 Cases. Klapsinou Eirini, Archondakis Stavros, Angeli Smaragda, Proestou Despoina, Daskalopoulou Dimitra Diagnostic Cytopathology, 2013 Mar;41(3):206-11.
Submandibular ectopic thyroid tissue diagnosed by ultrasound-guided fine needle biopsy. Gkeli Myrsini G, Apergis Sergios, Klapsinou Eirini, Galiatsatos Nikolaos, Proestou Despina, Daskalopoulou Dimitra Journal of Oral Science, 2011 Jun;53(2):249-52.
Cytologic Findings And Potential Pitfalls in Proliferative Myositis And Myositis Ossificans Diagnosed By Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology: Report Of 4 Cases And Review of the Literature. Klapsinou Eirini, Proestou Despoina, Daskalopoulou Dimitra Diagnostic Cytopathology, 2012 Mar;40(3):239-44.
Paget’s Disease of the Vulva Detected in Vulvar and Vaginal Brushing Smears: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Klapsinou Eirini, Terzakis Emmanouil, Arnogiannaki Niki, Daskalopoulou Dimitra Acta Cytologica 2010 Sep-Oct;54(5 Suppl):898-902.