Douvetzemis Stergios E. General Surgeon
Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast SurgeonEducation & Academic Qualifications
- 2023 – up to date: Associate Professor, Medical School University of Nicosia
- 2022 – up to date: Deputy Academic Lead for the HHG Hospitals (Hygeia, Metropolitan Hospital, Metropolitan General, Mitera) and Clinical Lead for Breast Surgery, Medical School University of Nicosia
- 2021 – up to date: Examiner of the UEMS European Board of Surgery, for Qualification in Breast Surgery (EBSQ)
- 2021: BRESO European Breast Surgical Oncology Certification (CEBS)
- 2019 – 2022: Senior Lecturer in the Division of Cancer and Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Medicine, King’s College London, United Kingdom
- 2019: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Athens Medical School, Greece
- 2017 – 2019: Clinical Lecturer in the Division of Cancer and Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Medicine, King’s College London, United Kingdom
- 2018: Fellow of the European Board of Surgery (FEBS). Qualification in Breast Surgery
- 2017 – up to date: Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (FRCS)
- 2012 – up to date: Research Fellow, Department of Anatomy and Surgical Anatomy, Athens Medical School, Greece
- 2021: Examiner of the UEMS European Board of Surgery, for Qualification in Breast Surgery (EBSQ)
- 2021: BRESO European Breast Surgical Oncology Certification (CEBS)
- 2019 – 2022: Consultant Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgeon at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom
- 2019: Clinical Governance Lead for Breast Surgery at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom
- 2018: Fellow of the European Board of Surgery (FEBS). Qualification in Breast Surgery
- 2016 – 2018: Senior Clinical Fellow in Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom
- 2015: Honorary Clinical Fellow in Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom
- 2020: Breast Ultrasound Course of the Hellenic Surgical Society, Athens, Greece
- 2019: IBUS – Multimodality Breast Imaging & Image-Guided Interventions Course, Detection, Diagnosis, Management, Iaso Hospital, Marousi, Athens, Greece
- 2017: IBUS – Multimodality Breast Imaging & Image-Guided Interventions Course, Detection, Diagnosis, Management, Eugenides Foundation, Athens, Greece
- 2016: Title of Medical Speciality of Surgery (CCT). Republic, Region of Attica, General Directorate of Public Health and Social Care, Greece
- 2011 – 2016: Specialty Training post. Resident/Chief Resident in the 4th Department of General Surgery at General Hospital of “Evangelismos”, Athens
- 2009 – 2010: Rural Medical Service, General Hospital of Sparta, Lakonia
- 2008 – 2009: Navy as a medical doctor
- 2007: Degree in Medicine, Athens Medical School
- 2001 – 2007: Medical Student, Athens Medical School
PhD/ Thesis
Accessory muscles of the anterior thoracic wall and axilla. Cadaveric, surgical and radiological incidence and clinical significance during breast and axillary surgery
Board Member
2018 to present: Fellow of the European Board of Surgery (FEBS). Qualification in Breast Surgery
2017 to present: Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (FRCS)
2017 to present: Association of Breast Surgery (ABS)
2016 to present: European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists (EUSOMA)
2016 to present: European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO)
2016 to 2017: European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO)
2015 to present: General Medical Council (GMC)
2015 to present: Hellenic Surgical Society
2015 to present: Hellenic Society of Breast Surgeons (HSBS)
2015 to 2018: European Society of Colo-Proctology (ESCP)
2013 to present: European Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN)
2008 to 2018: European Digestive Surgery Society (EDS)
2010 to present: Athens Medical Association
2009 to 2010: Sparta Medical Association
2008 to 2009: Athens Medical Association
2001 to present: American College of Greece (ACG) Alumni
Editorial Boards
2020: Guest Editor for the 10th issue of the journal of the Hellenic Society of Breast Surgeons
Professional Experience
– Director of 4th Breast Clinic, Metropolitan General Hospital
– Consultant Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgeon, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London
– Clinical Governance Lead for Breast Surgery, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London
– Consultant Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgeon, University Hospital Lewisham, London
Education Experience
– 10/12/2022 – up to date: Lecturing to the post-graduate program “Breast Diseases”, University of Athens Medical School, Greece
– 01/10/2022 – up to date: Lecturing (breast surgery) to 5th year medical students for the under-graduate teaching program of the Medical School of University of Nicosia, as Associate Professor
– 01/10/2022 – up to date: Deputy Academic Lead at the Medical School of University of Nicosia for all the HHG Hospitals (Hygeia, Metropolitan Hospital, Metropolitan General, Mitera) and Clinical Lead for the training of the medical students in Breast Surgery
– 30/09/2019 – up to date Lecturing to the MRes post-graduate teaching program, King’s College London, School of Life Sciences and Medicine, United Kingdom.
– 27/08/2019 – up to date Lecturing to the 4th year medical students for the under-graduate teaching program, King’s College London, School of Life Sciences and Medicine, United Kingdom.
– 13/05/2019 Consultant Interview Preparation and Practice Course, School of Improvement, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom.
– 01/06/2019 – up to date Research and Postgraduate teaching activity as Senior Lecturer, King’s College London, School of Life Sciences and Medicine, United Kingdom.
– 01/05/2017 – 01/06/2019 Research and Postgraduate teaching activity as Clinical Lecturer, King’s College London, School of Life Sciences and Medicine, United Kingdom.
– 25/07/2017 – up to date Examiner in the OSCE exams for undergraduate education of medical students, Medical School, Kings College, London, United Kingdom.
– 01/12/2016 – up to date Teaching activity of medical students in the outpatient setting, in the Breast Surgery Unit of Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom.
– 17/06/2015 – 17/12/2015 Teaching activity of medical students in the outpatient setting, in the Breast Surgery Unit of Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom.
– 15/04/2013 – 30/11/2016 Teaching in Surgical Nursing Specialization Courses, Evangelismos General Hospital, Athens, Greece.
– 03/12/2012 – up to date Lectures to 2nd year medical students, Department of Anatomy and Surgical Anatomy, University of Athens Medical School, Greece.
– 03/03/2012 – 30/11/2016 Wound treatment and closure Course (Hands on) Department of Anatomy and Surgical Anatomy, University of Athens Medical School, Greece.
Clinical and Research Interest
Clinical Interest:
Oncoplastic Breast Surgery
Reconstructive Breast Surgery
Screening for Breast Cancer
Family History
Prophylactic Mastectomy
Research Interest:
Novel surgical techniques and medical devices for breast reconstruction
Novel treatment options for breast cancer
High risk gene mutations for developing breast cancer
Rare types of breast cancer
Anatomic variations of the breast and axilla
1st Award
Mastectomy and Immediate Breast Reconstruction with DIEP Autologous Free Flap in Greece: Surgical Technique and Initial Results.9th Panhellenic Conference of the Hellenic Society of Breast Surgeons, November 2023, Athens, Greece
3rd Award
Total Vertical Gastric Plication as a Bariatric Technique. Results, Complications and Postoperative Patients’ Quality of Life.XXVIII European Federation Congress of the International College of Surgeons: Surgical Challenges During a Time of Crisis, April 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece
Award «M. Stavrakis»
Anatomical study of popliteal artery.7th Panhellenic Congress of plastic, constructive and cosmetic surgery, October 2005, Loutraki, Greece
Recent Publications
Prophylactic Use of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy in High-risk Patients Undergoing Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery-Global Open. 2023 Dec; 11(12):p e5488
Multi-centre evaluation of NPWT in high-risk patients undergoing oncoplastic breast surgery. European Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2023 May; 49(5):e243
Encysted papillary carcinoma of the breast (EPC): A follow-up study to investigate the role of sentinel lymph node biopsy. Archives of breast cancer. 2020 Nov; 7(4):178-182
Negative pressure wound therapy in high risk breast procedures (negative pressure PICO study group). European Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2020 Jun; 46(6):e47
Accessory muscles of the anterior thoracic wall and axilla. Cadaveric, surgical and radiological incidence and clinical significance during breast and axillary surgery. Folia Morphologica 2019 Jan;78(3):606-616
Management of Occult Breast Cancer with Axillary Involvement. Hellenic Journal of Surgery 2018 Jan; 90(1): 33-35
The chondrocoracoideus muscle: A rare anatomical variant of the pectoral area. Acta Medica Academica 2017 Nov; 46(2):155-161
Small bowel obstruction due to metastatic breast cancer. Hellenic Journal of Surgery 2015 Sept; 87(5):419-422
Ancient Greek Terminology in Hepatopancreatobiliary Anatomy and Surgery. Isr Med Assoc J. 2015 Aug; 17(8):467-469
Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis – review of the literature seizing the opportunity of a case. Hellenic Journal of Surgery 2015 May; 87(3):251-257
Rhinocerebral mucormycosis: a rare but life-threatening opportunistic infection in diabetic patients. Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel 2007; 2-A37
Concept, Principles and Indication of Oncoplastic Breast Surgery: Fashion or Necessity. In: Klimberg, V., Kovacs, T., Rubio, I. (eds) Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Techniques for the General Surgeon. Springer, Cham. 2020.
Free Nipple Graft. In: Klimberg, V., Kovacs, T., Rubio, I. (eds) Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Techniques for the General Surgeon. Springer, Cham. 2020.