Dimopoulos Stephanos Opthalmologist
Education & Academic Qualifications
- 30/10/1974 Graduated from the Medical School of Athens, Greece.
- October 1977 – January 1978 Completion of German language skills at Goete Institut Boppard (Mittel Stufe).
- 1/02/1978 – 30/12/1986: University Eye Clinic Cologne, Germany. During which specialized in all segments of ophthalmology and acquired the German specialty title 30/10/1984
Doctoral thesis
A decade of training and doctoral theses at the University Eye Clinic of Cologne Germany with subject “Treatment of complicated Retinal detachments – new techniques in vitrectomies and silicone oil injections” Acquired PH.D Title 01/02/1985
Fellowship in Societies, Membership in Journal Editorial Committees
A.A.O American Academy of Ophthalmology
D.O.G Deutshe Ophthalmologishe Geselschaft
Deutshe Retina Geselschaft
EVRS European Vitreoretinal Society
AVRS American Vitreoretinal Society
Co-founder and president of Pan Hellenic Ophthalmology Society as well as at the Hellenic Vitreoretinal Society.
Hellenic Ophthalmology Society
Hellenic IOL and Corrective Surgery Society
Hellenic Glaucoma Society
Hellenic Professionals of Ophthalmology
Work Experience
01/02/1978 – 30/12/1986 A decade of training and doctoral theses at the University Eye Clinic of Cologne Germany with subject: “Treatment of complicated retinal detachments new techniques in vitretomies and silicone oil injection” Acquired PH.D Title 01/02/198 and is his area of expertise dealt with primarily and surgical,since.
1983-1986 in Cologne functioned as one of the two supervisors of the vitreo – retinal clinical and surgery department while scholarship holder of the Or-thodox Church of Germany. He operates 300 patients many of which were Greek sent from the University Clinics of Greece (as vitrectomies were not being performed in Greece yet), replaces the already ill healthed teacher and famous professor K. Heimann, participates actively in the educational pro-gram for medical students and interns, while being appointed Dozent and teaches courses of ophthalmology to the nursing faculty of the University of Cologne. Also participating in the training of many German and American colleagues rushing to be taught the new techniques of Vitrectomy and sili-cone oil injection (subject of doctoral thesis). Doing fellowship in the clinic alongside 5 others whom now are professors / directors of University Clinics.
Education Experience:
Since 01/01/1987 works in Athens and has linked his name with retinal (reti-nal detachment, age related macular degeneration etc) and vitreous diseases (vitrectomies in hemorrhaging from diabetes, trauma, complicated and not retinal detachments, epiretinal membranes – Pucker, macular holes).
Was the first and only ophthalmic surgeon for a fifteen year period that or-ganized on a private basis in Athens vitrectomies (7000 surgeries) and is Di-rector of the Eye Clinic at Hygeia Hospital.
Alongside he has a private ophthalmologist’s practice with a clear focus on ailments of the posterior segment of the eyeball, next to Hygeia Hospital. The practice is equipped with all modern equipment such as ocular coher-ence tomographers (OCT), visual field examiner (VF), Lasers (Argon – Green and YAG), corneal topographer, autorefractors, pachymeter, tonometers, corneal photography, slit lamps, etc. where he examines daily around 30-40 patients from all around Greece, with 6 assistants.
He was a pioneer in surgical ailments of the macular and epiretinal mem-branes (macular-Pucker), at a time reactive to modern day surgery of epiret-inal membranes, he managed together with the Director of ophthalmology at Erythros Stavros Hospital Dr. Elias Feretis and the professor Dr. Apostolopou-los at KOF, to establish Vitrectomy in the above cases as well as in early treatment vitreous hemorrhages due to diabetes, complications of cataract surgery, complicated or special cases of retinal detachments, trauma, etc.
Clinical & Research Interest
- Diseases of macular and in particular age related macular denegation, con-stitutes a large part of work, the last ten years. Performed the first Lucentis injection in Greece at Hygeia Hospital in the out patients surgery and has since then performed about 10000 intrabulbar injections Avastin and Lucen-tis in a specially designed area in the clinic. These injections proved thera-peutic and are being performed for a series of other diseases such as edema and hemorrhaging in diabetic patients, retinal vein thrombosis, iris neovascu-larization or retinal neovascularization due to any cause (diabetic, vascular, glaucoma) but also in all causes of edema of macular.
Honors & Awards
May 2001: Honorary Award of the European patent of ophthalmology.
Recent Publications
Participates regularly in speeches, lectures and participations in round tables in seminars in many Greek and foreign conferences since 1980. Indicative:
1984 Publication in the magazine Klin. Mbl. Augenheilk. 185, 1984,505 with subject: “Siliconolinjection in der Behandlung Komplizierter Netzhanta-blosung”.
1986 Publication in the magazine Klin. Mbl. Augenheilk. 189, 1986,223 with subject: “Spatkomplikationen nach Siliconolinjection Langzeitbeobachtungen an 100 Falle”.
The above publications hold the national record for referrals from international magazines.
5-9/2005: 2nd International Meeting of MediterRetina Club-Venezia-Cortina(Italy). Lecture subject: “Treatment of PVR cases using ILM-peeling and ICG”.
16/4/2005: 4th International postgraduate course – Obesity and Diabetes. Lec-ture subject: “Eye problems in Diabetics”.
18-22/5/2005: 38th Pan-Hellenic Ophthalmological Congress, Mykonos. Speech subject: “Surgical treatment for macular holes”. (Publication in book of conference contributors.
2-5/02/2006: 20th International Congress Hellenic IOL and corrective surgery society, Athens. Member of the scientific committee of the conference. In-structor in experimental surgery on: “Basic principles of Vitrectomy”. Coordi-nator of the round table posterior segment of the eyeball on: “What’s new in macular edema”.
7-11/6/2006: 39th Pan-Hellenic Ophthalmological Congress, Thessaloniki. Lec-ture subject: “The latest on the war between conservative and surgical treatment in diseases of the retina and choroid”.
1-4/02/2007: 11th Winter Refractive Surgery Meeting, Athens. Coordinator of the round table with subject: “What’s new in treatment of macular edema af-ter cataract surgery”.
4/02/2007: 21st International Congress Hellenic IOL and Corrective surgery society, Athens. Participation as instructor in experimental surgery on “ Vitrectomy”.
23-26/5/2007: 40th Pan Hellenic Ophthalmological Congress, Athens. Lecture subject: “Vitreous hemorrhaging of diabetic cause Vitrectomy or Anti-VEGF”.
16-17/01/2009: 4th Pan Hellenic Ophthalmological Vitreoretinal Congress, Athens. Lecture Subject: “The position of vitrectomy on diabetic patients in Anti- VEGF times”. Clinical tutorial “Dealing with endophthalmitis”. Clinical tutorial “Hereditary retinal disease”.
19-22/02/2009: “23rd International Congress Hellenic IOL and corrective sur-gery society, Athens. Clinical tutorial: “ Anti-VEGF factors in ailments of ante-rior and posterior segment of the eyeball”.
8/11/2014: 2nd Hellenic Vitreo – Retinal Society Conference, Volos. Lecture subject: “Dealing with Intrabulbar foreign bodies”.
31/10/2015: “3rd Hellenic Vitreo – Retinal Society Conference, Volos. Lecture subject: “The use of hard graft in retinal detachments”.