Diamanti Kandaraki Evanthia Endocrinologist
Director, Endocrinology – Gestational Diabetes – Thyroid CenterEducation & Academic Qualifications
Emeritus Professor of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology, Medical School University of Athens
- Degree of Medical School, University of Athens
- Training in Internal Medicine, England (1974-1980)
- Training in Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes, USA (1980-1986)
Doctoral thesis
“Effects of androgens in hypophysectomised rats”, Medical School of Athens
Fellowship in Societies, Membership in Journal Editorial Committees
- Hellenic Endocrine Society
- European Endocrine Society
Editorial Boards
- Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
- Nature Reviews of Endocrinology
- European Journal of Endocrinology
- Clinical Endocrinology
- Hormones
Work Experience
- Internal Medicine Consultant , London (1979-1980)
- Lecturer of Louisiana University, New Orleans, USA (1984-1986)
- Endocrinology Consultant, Gennimatas Hospital of Athens (1987-1992)
- Professor of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology in Laiko Hospital (1992-03/2009)
- Head of the Department of Internal Medicine, Sotiria University Hospital (03/2009-07/2014)
- Head of the Department of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes, Euroclinic, Athens (12/2014-06/2017)
Clinical & Research Interest
Clinical Interest:
- Metabolism
- Diabetes
- Female reproduction
Research Interest:
- Clinical, molecular and environmental aspects of metabolic & hormonal abnormalities in obesity Diabetes and Polycystic ovarian syndrome.
- Head of the organizing committee of the annual «Combo- Endocrinology» course
Honors & Awards
- 1st award of the best teacher in endocrinology in Greece, after undisclosed vote of all young endocrinologists in Greece (2016 and 2017)
- “HORMONE MEDAL of European Endocrinological Societies” from the Euro-pean Endocrine Society for her outstanding contribution in the field of Endo-crinolgy and Metabolism, among 49 candidates from all European endocrino-logical societies.
- Ranked among the 27 worldwide best Greek scientists and the first Greek woman endocrinologist among them
- “Applied Endocrinology”, Paschalidis Publications 2009
- “Insulin Resistance and PCOS”, HUMANA PRESS, 2007
- “Diagnosis and treatment of PCOS”, Springer, 2008
- “Diabetes and Insulin resistance syndromes”, Springer, 2010
- “Endocrine disruptors and Puberty”, Springer, 2012
- “Contemporary Endocrinology”, Springer, 2013
- “Pathophysiology and treatment of PCOS”, Karger 2013
- “Endocrine disruptors as a cause of diseases” Springer, 2015
Recent Publications
- 187 papers in bibliography
- Over 15000 citations