Daskalaki Eleni
Education & Academic Qualifications
- 2018-2022: Training in Renal Transplantation, Renal Transplant Unit, Evangelismos General Hospital, Athens
- 2012-2018: General Surgery residency, 1st Department of Surgery and Renal Transplant Unit, Evangelismos General Hospital, Athens
- 2015-2016: Post-graduate studies in Management of Health Units, University of Pireus
- 2009: Medical Degree, University of Crete
Post-graduate studies
Hospital and Healthcare Unit management
Board Member
Regular member of the Hellenic Society of Surgery
Member of the Hellenic Transplantation Society
Member of the Hellenic Society of Large Intestine and Anal Surgery
Member of the Hellenic Society of Endocrine Surgery
Professional Experience
2023-2024: Registrar of the Emergency Department and the Department of Surgery, Mediterraneo Hospital, Glyfada (Department of surgical oncology)
2022-2023: Associate of Errikos Dynan Hospital Center(6th Department of Surgery)
2018-2022: Locum consultant, 1st Department of Surgery and Renal Transplant Unit, Evangelismos General Hospital, Athens
2012-2018: Resident of General Surgery, 1st Department of Surgery and Renal Transplant Unit, Evangelismos General Hospital, Athens
2010-2012: Rural service, Nafpaktos Health Center, General Hospital of Mesologgi
Training experience
Instructor of General Surgery Residents, 2019-2022
Training of Medicine and Nursing students, University of Athens
Clinical and Research interests
Clinical interest
Surgical Oncology, Surgery of Large Intestine and Anus, Thyroid gland surgery, Surgical treatment of all types of hernias, Renal transplantation, Emergency surgery
Research interest
Renal Transplantation(Participation in two clinical trials, ELEVATE and TRANSFORM)
Recent publications
Postoperative C-reactive protein to albumin ratio as a diagnostic tool for predicting complications after abdominal surgery
Dimitrios Karayiannis, Z. Bouloubasi, Aristea Baschali, Dimitrios Constantinou, Eleni Daskalaki, Vassilis Kalatzis, Sotirios Voulgaris, Constantinos Botsakis, Dimitrios Magganas, Vasileios Vougas
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 24:176, April 2018
Spilled gallstones following laparoscopic cholecystectomy: A report of two cases
Georgios Kyriakopoulos, Dimitrios Manganas, M. X. Papadopoulou, E. Daskalaki, V. Kalatzis, K. Mpotsakis, S. Voulgaris, S. Drakopoulos
Hellenic Journal of Surgery 88(6):422-425, November 2016, 88(6):422-425
Blood Stream Infections in Renal Transplant Recipients: A Single-Center Study
E Daskalaki, M Koukoulaki, A Bakalis, V Papastamopoulos, E Belesiotou, E Perivolioti, Ath Skoutelis, S Drakopoulos
Transplantation Proceedings, November 2014, 46(9):3191-3
Extended Total Extraperitoneal Treatment of abdominal wall hernias: One-center experience
Kaloxristianakis, Daskalaki, Koutras, Lyros, Efstathiou
33rd Hellenic Congress of Surgery and International Forum 2023, Athens, Greece, 11th-15th November 2023
Emergency Surgery during the pandemics period
Papadopoulou, Daskalaki, Petsa-Poutouri, Roukounakis, Drakopoulos, Mpotsakis, Morfis, Rekouna, Trakosari, Christou, Polymerou, Vougas
32nd Hellenic Congress of Surgery and International Forum 2021, Thessaloniki, Greece, 9th-12th June 2021
Multi-disciplinary approach of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type I: Case-report
Roukounakis, Daskalaki, Zoumplios, Benakis, Tzanela, Arhavlis, Kouvidou, Drakopoulos, Vougas
32nd Hellenic Congress of Surgery and International Forum 2021, Thessaloniki, Greece, 9th-12th June 2021
Two-stage thyroidectomy in the era of neuro-stimulation
Daskalaki, Roukounakis, Drakopoulos, Mpotsakis, Papadopoulou, Petsa-Poutouri, Morfis, Trakosari, Rekouna, Kovac, Drimalas, Romana, Sotirou, Christou, Pavlopoulos, Polymerou, Kontovazainitis, Vougas
32nd Hellenic Congress of Surgery and International Forum 2021, Thessaloniki, Greece, 9th-12th June 2021
Alkiviadis Grigorakis , Eleni Daskalaki , Charalambos Kypraios , Maria-Christina Papadopoulou , Sofia Petsa-Poutouri , Dimitrios Tomais , Theodoros Kratimenos, Stefanos Stefanakis , Vasileios Vougas
20th Congress of the European Society for Organ Transplantation, 29 AUG-1 SEP 2021, Milan, Italy
The use of antibiotics for the treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria in renal transplant recipients
Daskalaki, Trakosari, Petsa-Poutouri, Morfis, Mylona, Christodoulidou, Kitsiou, Balaska, Papastamopoulos, Vougas
20th Congress of Renal Transplantation, Ioannina, 29 Nov-1 Dec 2019
Infections in Renal Transplant Unit: An 8-year period experience
Daskalaki, Rekouna, Mylona, Christou, Roukounakis, Chasiotis, Smyrli, Giannopoulou, Panagiotou, Tsirogianni, Papastamopoulos, Vougas
20th Congress of Renal Transplantation, Ioannina, 29 Nov-1 Dec 2019