Danias Petros Cardiologist
Head of, Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Department HYGEIA HospitalEducation & Academic Qualifications
Academic Appointments:
- 1998-99 Instructor in Medicine Harvard Medical School, Boston MA
- 2000-04 Assistant Professor in Medicine Harvard Medical School, Boston MA
- 2004-05 Adjunct Assistant Professor in Medicine, Tufts University Medical School, Boston MA
- 2005-08 Adjunct Associate Professor in Medicine, Tufts University Medical School, Boston MA
- 2008- Adjunct Professor in Medicine Tufts University Medical School, Boston MA
- 1984-90 M.D. Athens University Medical School, Athens Greece
- 1990-94 Ph.D. (Medicine/Clin. Microbiol.) Athens University Medical School, Athens Greece
- 1999-2001 M.M.Sc. (Master in Med Sciences) Harvard University, Medical School, Boston, MA
Postdoctoral Training:
- Year Title Specialty/Discipline Place of Training
- 1990-91 Resident , Anesthesiology Tzaneion Hospital, Pireas Greece
- 1991-94 Resident , Internal Medicine New England Medical Center, Boston MA
- 1994-97 Fellow, Cardiology/Nuclear Cardiology, Univ. of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington CT
- 1997-98 Fellow, Cardiac MRI Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA
Licensure and Certification:
- 1990 Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG)
- 1990 Licensed Physician, Greece
- 1992 Federation Licensure Examination (FLEX)
- 1994 Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine
- 1995-97 Licensed Physician, State of Connecticut
- 1997 Licensed Physician, State of Massachusetts
- 1997-2007 Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine / Cardiovascular Disease
- 1997 Diplomate, Certification Board of Nuclear Cardiology (CBNC)
- 2000 Diplomate, Cardiology Specialty Examination, Greece
- 2001 Authorized user, BIDMC License for Radioactive Materials, Dept. of Public Health, Massa-chusetts
- 2013 Re-certified, Certification Board of Nuclear Cardiology (CBNC)
Doctoral thesis
Danias PG. Experimental endocarditis in rabbits. Ph.D. Thesis, Athens University Medical School, Ath-ens, Greece. 1994.
Fellowship in Societies, Membership in Journal Editorial Committees
1994- American College of Cardiology Member (Fellow)
1994- American Heart Association Member, Clinical Cardiology Council
1997- Society of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Member
1998-2006 American Society of Nuclear Cardiology Member
1999-2002 New England Hellenic Medical and Dental Society Member
2001- European Society of Cardiology Member (Fellow)
2001- Athens Medical Association Member
2002- Hellenic Society of Cardiology Member
1998-99 Reviewer and contributor of questions for ABIM Cardiovascular Disease Certification Exam-ination
1999- Reviewer, Journal of American College of Cardiology
1999- Reviewer, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
2000- Reviewer, American Journal of Cardiology
2000- Reviewer, American Journal of Medicine
2000- Reviewer, Journal of Nuclear Medicine
2000- Member, Training and Credentialing Committee, American Society of Nuclear Cardiology
2000- Chair, CME Task Force “Fellow Tutorial”, American Society of Nuclear Cardiology
2001 Reviewer, Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
2001-04 Member, CME Committee, American Society of Nuclear Cardiology
2001-04 Member, Task Force on Clinical Expert Consensus Documents, American College of Cardiol-ogy
2001 Program Co-Director, Read with the Experts: Nuclear Cardiology. American Society of Nu-clear Cardiology, Anaheim, CA
2002 Co-chair, Televideo Subcommittee, Education Committee, American Society of Nuclear Car-diology
2003 Reviewer, European Heart Journal
2003 Reviewer, The Lancet
2004 Reviewer, The Heart
2004 Reviewer, Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine
2004-10 Editorial Consultant and reviewer, Hellenic Cardiological Review
2004 Grant reviewer, RIDE, the Netherlands
2004 Chair, American Society of Nuclear Cardiology annual meeting session, Oct 2, 2004, New York
2005-07 President, Working group for cardiovascular MRI Hellenic Society of Cardiology
2005 Co-chair, Read with the Experts: 10th American Society of Nuclear Cardiology annual meeting, Seattle WA
2005 Moderator: Multimodality and integrated imaging; 10th American Society of Nuclear Cardiol-ogy annual meeting, Seattle WA
2006 Program Co-chair, Cardiac MRI courses for fellows in training. Organized in collaboration with the University of Ioannina Medical School, Ioannina Greece
2006 Reviewer, Circulation
2007 Course director, International Educational Tele-Seminar in Cardiac MRI. Athens, Boston, Ioan-nina
2010- Seminar director (2-week educational program in Cardiac MRI), Hygeia Hospital , Athens Greece
2008-11 Editorial board member, Journal of the Society of Cardiovascular MR
2011 Grant reviewer, Institution for Advancement of Research, Democracy of Cyprus
1994- American College of Cardiology Member (Fellow)
1994-97 American Heart Association Member, Clinical Cardiology Council
1997- Society of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Member
1998-06 American Society of Nuclear Cardiology Member
1999-02 New England Hellenic Medical and Dental Society Member
2001- European Society of Cardiology Member (Fellow)
2001- Athens Medical Association Member
2002- Hellenic Society of Cardiology Member
Work Experience
1998-2004 Director of Nuclear Cardiology Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA
1998-2004 Physician, Active Staff Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA
2002- Associate Director, 2nd Cardiology Clinic Hygeia Hospital, Athens, Greece
2002- Physician-in-Charge, Cardiac MRI Center Hygeia Hospital, Athens, Greece
2002- Physician, Active Staff Hygeia Hospital, Athens, Greece
Other Appointments:
2012-2013 Medical Director Σellas Clinicals, Athens Greece & Zurich Switzerland
Major Administrative Responsibilities:
1998-04 Director, Nuclear Cardiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA
1999-01 Secretary, New England Hellenic Medical and Dental Society
1999,2000 Chairman/Organizer, Annual Research Symposium, New England Hellenic Medical and Den-tal Society
2000 Chairman/Organizer, Cardiology Fellows Tutorial in Nuclear Cardiology, New England, Boston MA
2001 Chairman/Organizer, Nuclear Cardiology in the Outpatient Setting, Newton MA
2001 Program Co-Director, Read with the Experts: Nuclear Cardiology. American Society of Nu-clear Cardiology, Anaheim, CA
2001-02Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, Harvard-Thorndike Clinical Research Center, Bos-ton, MA
2001-02President, New England Hellenic Medical and Dental Society
2002 Program Co-Chair, Applications of Nuclear Cardiology: A case-based Fellows/residents tuto-rial. American Society of Nuclear Cardiology, Newton MA
2002- Associate Director, 2nd Cardiology Clinic, Hygeia Hospital, Athens, Greece
2002- Physician-in-Charge, Cardiac MRI Center, Hygeia Hospital, Athens, Greece
2004 Chairman/Organizer, Cardiac MR Symposium, Thessaloniki and Athens, Greece
2006 Program Co-chair, Cardiac MRI courses for fellows in training. Organized in collaboration with the University of Ioannina Medical School, Ioannina Greece
2007 Course director, International Educational Tele-Seminar in Cardiac MRI. Athens, Boston, Ioan-nina
2010-13 Course director, Cardiac MRI Seminars, Hygeia Hospital, Athens, Greece
Clinical & Research Interest
Clinical Interest:
Clinical Cardiology
Noninvasive Cardiac Perfusion Imaging (Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiac MRI)
Research Interest:
Cardiac MRI
Perfusion Imaging
Honors & Awards
1984-87, 1989 National Scholarship Foundation Award, Greece
1985-90 Papadakis Memorial Award, University of Athens, Greece
1988 Parkinson Disease Foundation Research Scholarship
1991-94 Kriezis Memorial Award, University of Athens, Greece
1993 American College of Physicians – Associates’ Competition Research Award
1995 American College of Cardiology/Intermedics Learning Center Scholarship
1995 American College of Cardiology/Bristol-Myers Squibb Travel Award
1996 American College of Cardiology/Intermedics Learning Center Scholarship
1996 American Heat Association/Genentech Travel Award
1997 American Heart Association/ Bristol-Myers Squibb Travel Award
1998 Fellow, American College of Cardiology (FACC)
1999 Harvard-M.I.T. / Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center – Pfizer C.I.T.P. fellowship
2001 Fellow, European Society of Cardiology (FESC)
2001 Young Investigator Award, Finalist, European Society of Cardiology
1999, 2000 Harvard Medical School S. Robert Stone Teaching Award
1999 American College of Cardiology W. Proctor Harvey MD Young Teacher Award
2000 Harvard Medical School Faculty Award for Excellence in Clinical Teaching
Danias PG. In: Canon C (Cardiology Series Editor). Cardiovascular MRI: 150 Multiple Choice Questions and Answers. Humana Press, Springer 2008 (190 pages).
Recent Publications
Waters DD and Danias PG. Coronary artery spasm: Diagnosis and Treatment. In Brown DL (ed.), Textbook of Cardiac Intensive Care, WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, PA, 1998 p. 347-355.
Danias PG, Edelman RR, Manning WJ. Magnetic resonance-based methods. Angiography of the great vessels and the coronary arteries. In: Pohost G, O’Rourke R, Shah P, Berman D (eds) Imaging in cardiovascular disease. Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia PA 2000, pp.449-461.
Danias PG and Manning WJ. Magnetic resonance navigators for cardiac and coronary imaging. In Duerinckx AJ (ed) Coronary MR and CT angiography, Springer-Verlag, 2001 pp. 219-27.
Danias PG, Stuber M, Manning W. Coronary MRA – Clinical results. In: Manning WJ, Pennell DJ (eds). Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. Churchill Livingstone, 2002.
Danias PG, Bhandhiwad A. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. In Heller GV, Hendel R (Eds) Nu-clear Cardiology: A Clinical Approach, The McGraw Hill Companies, New York 2004, 1st ed., Chap-ter 17, p. 227-242.
Danias PG, Saouaf R. Noninvasive methods to assess vascular function and pathophysiology. In: Johnstone MT and Veves A (Eds). Diabetes and cardiovascular disease. 2nd edition. Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey, 2005, pp. 431-450.
Manning WJ, Botnar RM, Appelbaum E, Danias PG, Hauser TH, Yeon SB. Coronary magnetic reso-nance imaging. In: Edelmann RR, Hesselink J, Zlatkin M (Eds) Clinical Magnetic Resonance Imaging (3rd Ed). W.B. Saunders Co, Philadelphia, 2005, pp. 883-916.
Theofilogiannakos EK, Anogeianaki A, Kllisarova A, Negrev N, Hatzitolios A, Danias PG, Anogeianakis G. In: Advanced Computational Intelligence Paradigms in Healthcare – 2. Vaidya S, Jain LC, Yoshida H (Eds). Springer, 2007. pp 109-131.
Danias PG. Imaging of aortic aneurysms and dissections: CXR, Echo, CT, MRI. In: Acute aortic dis-eases. Elefteriades J (Ed). Marcel-Decker Publishers 2007, pp. 39-66.
Danias PG. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. In Heller GV, Hendel R (Eds) Nuclear Cardiology: A Clinical Approach, The McGraw Hill Companies, New York 2010, 2nd ed. pp.363-381.
Peer-reviewed papers (10 of 103):
Weigner MJ, Caulfield TA, Danias PG, Silverman DI, Manning WJ. Risk for clinical thromboembolism associated with conversion to sinus rhythm in patients with atrial fibrillation lasting less than 48 hours. Ann Intern Med 1997;126:615-620.
Danias PG, Caulfield T, Weigner M, Silverman DI, Manning WJ. Likelihood of spontaneous conver-sion of atrial fibrillation to sinus rhythm. J Am Coll Cardiol 1998;31-588-592.
Danias PG, O’Mahony S, Radford MJ, Korman L, Silverman DI. Serum cholesterol levels are un-derevaluated and undertreated. Am J Cardiol 1998;81:1353-1356.
Botnar RM, Stuber M, Danias PG, Kissinger KV, Manning WJ. Improved coronary artery definition withT2-weighted free-breathing three-dimensional coronary MRA. Circulation 1999;99:3139-3148.
Stuber M, Botnar RM, Danias PG, Sodickson DK, Cauteren MV, Kissinger KV, Manning WJ. Double-oblique free-breathing high resolution three-dimensional coronary magnetic resonance angio-graphy. J Am Coll Cardiol 1999;34:524-531.
Kim WY, Danias PG, Stuber M, Flamm SD, Plein S, Nagel E, Langerak SE, Weber OM, Pedersen EM, Botnar RM, Schmidt M, Manning WJ. Comparison of three-dimensional coronary magnetic reso-nance angiography with X-ray angiography for detection of proximal and mid coronary artery ste-noses. N Engl J Med 2001;345:1863-1910.
Ioannidis PA, Trikalinos TA, Danias PG. ECG-gated SPECT versus cardiac MRI for the assessment of left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction: A meta-analysis. J Am Coll Cardiol 2002;39:2059-2068.
Danias PG, Roussakis A, Ioanidis JP. Diagnostic Performance of Coronary MRA as compared against conventional X-ray angiography: a meta-analysis. J Am Coll Cardiol 2004;44:1867-1876.
O’Neil-Callahan K, Katsimaglis G, Tepper M, Ryan J, Mosby C, Ioannidis JPA, Danias PG. Statins de-crease perioperative complications in patients undergoing noncardiac vascular surgery: the statins for risk reduction in surgery (StaRRS) study. J Am Coll Cardiol 2005;45:336-342.
Yeon SB, Salton CJ, Gona P, Chuang ML, Blease SJ, Han Y, Tsao CW, Danias PG, Levy D, O’Donnell CJ, Manning WJ. Impact of age, sex, and indexation method on MR left ventricular reference values in the Framingham heart study offspring cohort. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2015;41:1038–1045.