Chrisanthopoulou Maria Orthopedist
Education & Academic Qualifications
- 1993-1996 Medical School 2nd Medical Faculty, Charles University Prague,Czech Republic
- 1996-1999 Medical faculty, Ovidius University Constanza, Romania
- 2000 Full license to practice medical profession in Greece EEC. (September 2000 ).
- 2011 Specialty in orthopedics.
Fellowship in Societies, Membership in Journal Editorial Committees
AD-HOC REVIEWER for peer-reviewed international journals
2008 member of the Association of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology
2007 member of the organizing committee of the 4rd seminar in Emergency care and Athletic Medicine (Athens 2007).
2006 to date member of Athens Medical Association. 2003-2006 member of Medical Association of Fokida.
2005 Member of the Organising Committee of the 3rd Seminar in Ski injuries (Delphi, December 2005)
2004-2005 member of the GMC.
2000-2003 member Medical Association of Halkida.
Work Experience
October 2015- up to date: On call doctor of “HYGEIA” hospital.
October 2015- up to date: Registrate of A’ Orthopaedic clinic “HYGEIA” hospi-tal.
February 2015- up to date: Opening of private cabinet.
January 2013- up to date: On call doctor in emergencies of adult orthopedics of “MITERA” hospital.
April 2012-September 2015: Fellow in A’ Orthopedic clinic “HYGEIA” hospital.
September 2011- November 2011: Prologation of stay as SHO in Ascleipion Vou-la Hospital Athens Greece.
April 2006-September 2011: SHO in Orthopedics, Orthopaedic Department, As-cleipion,Voula,Hospital,Athens,Greece. March 2010- July 2011: Resident in Orthopaedic Department “Aglaia Kiriakou” Childrens Hospital, Athens.
May 2009- November 2009 : Resident in the department of Orthpaedic Oncolo-gy, Metaxa Hospital, Peraius
April 2008- Octomber 2008: Resident in Sports Injuries, KAT Genetal Hospi-tal,Athens.
December 2003- November 2005: Prologation of stay as SHO in General Sur-gery, General Hospital of Amfissa.
March 2003 –December 2003: Senior House Officer in General Surgery, De-partment of General Surgery, General Hospital of Amfissa.
March 2002- January 2003 : prologation of stay as rural Service (compulsory for Greece), Platanistos,karystos, Evia island
March 2001- March 2002: Rural Service (compulsory for Greece), Platanistos, karystos, Evia island.
December 2000-March 2001 : SHO in General Hospital of Karystos
Education Experience
Professor in the Nurse School of Amfissa ( 2003- 2004) in the course of Hygiene. The lectures occurred weekly, (twice a week) and were completed after two se-mesters. Written exams were given to the undergraduates at the end of the first and the second semester.
Professor in the Nurse School, Amfissa ( 2004- 2005 ) in the course of First Aid. The lectures occurred weekly, (twice a week) and were completed after two se-mesters. Written exams were given to the undergraduates at the end of the first and the second semester.
Participation in the educational and lectural program, during my SHO, post for senior house officers and rural service doctors in the General Hospital of Amfissa (year 2003-2005)
Head of educational program for senior house officers in the General Hospital of Amfissa ( year 2003-2004)
Clinical & Research Interest
Clinical Interest:
Sports Injuries
Honors & Awards
Award given for the Oral presentation entitled: Τhe relation between the val-ue of glycosylated Hemoglobin and diabetic retinopathy. A study based on 173 patients that was presented during the 38th Pan-Hellenic Congress of Ophthalmology 18-21st May 2005.
Recent Publications
Subcapital osteotomy of humerus in case of malunion of subcapi-tal fracture .I.Ferousis,A.Papaspiliopoulos,K.Konstandakis,T.Asprogenidis,M.Chrysanthopoulou,I.Zervogiannakos.67’’ Pan Hellenic Orthopaedic congress HAOST 2011
The use of fascial latta graft for total mass rupture of rotator cuff, med term results. I.Ferousis,A.Papaspiliopoulos,D.Varvitsiotis,Diakoumis,l.Ioannou, ,M.Chrysanthopoulou. .66’’ Pan Hellenic Orthopaedic congress HAOST 2010
Bilateral supracondylar periprothetic knee fracture,case report. Diakoumis,N.Tzoras, A.Papaspiliopoulos,D.Peroulakis. 66’’ Pan Hellenic Orthopaedic congress HAOST 2010
Peripheral nerve tissue tumors. I.Papamerkouriou,N.Demertzis,S.Kotakis,N.Baltogiannis,I.Iakovidou,M.Chrysanthopoulou.15’’ Oncological congress,Athens 2009
Therapy and oncological results in giant cell bone tumor. M.Ioannou,I.Papanastasiou,I.Iakovidou,I.Papamerkouriou,M.Chrysanthopoulou,S.Kotakis,N.Demertzis.15’’ Oncological congress,Athens 2009
Angiosarcoma of femoral bone, case report. M.Chrysanthopoulou.22’’ Symposium of Orthopaedic Oncology,Poros 2009.
The use of fascial latta graft for total mass rupture of rotator cuff, short term results. I.Ferousis,A.Papaspiliopoulos,D.Varvitsiotis,Diakoumis,l.Ioannou, ,M.Chrysanthopoulou. . 64’’ Pan Hellenic Orthopaedic congress HAOST 2008
Clinical importance of reinfusion in total hip replacement. A. Zacharopoulos, A. Apostolopoulos, M. Chrisantopoulou, G. Xenos, S. Moscachlaidis . 62nd Pan Hellenic Orthopaedic Congress HAOST 2006
The effectiveness of using erythropoietin in total hip replacement. A. Zacharopoulos, A. Apostolopoulos, M. Chrisantopoulou, G. Xenos, S. Moscachlaidis . 62nd Pan Hellenic Orthopaedic Congress HAOST 2006
The accurancy of the clinical examination as a diagnostic approach in acute postarumatic Haemarthrosiis of the knee joint. A. Zacharopoulos, A. Apostolopoulos, M. Chrisantopoulou. ESSKA Insburg 2006.