Chatzimanolis Emmanuel Otorhinolaryngologist
Director, Head and Neck Department HYGEIAEducation & Academic Qualifications
- Medical School Graduate, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- General Surgery Specialty, Tzaneio Hospital (Director: G. Avlamis)
- ENT Specialty, Korgialeneio-Benakeio General Hospital (Director: P. Nasoufis-G. Dokianakis)
- 1993: Training on ear surgery and endoscopic paranasal surgery, Erlangen-Nurnberg-Klinik und Poliklinik fur Hals-
- Nasen-Ohren Kranke (Director: Prof. M.E. Wigand)
- 1994: Training in cochlear implants, ENT Department, Landeskvanken Dept. of Linguistics (Prof. G. Drachman)
- 1996: European cochlear implant workshop, Hanover, Germany, (Trainers: Thomas Lenavz, Gerald O’Donoghne, Alaim Uziel)
Doctoral thesis
While studying at the ENT Clinic, Korgialeneio-Benakeio General Hospital, I worked in by PhD thesis on “The anomalies of the first branchial cleft”. It is an interesting topic in terms of theory, diagnosis and mainly surgery, due to the relationship between these anomalies, the large cervical vessels, the facial nerve and the middle ear. The thesis was presented and approved in 1984.
Fellowship in Societies, Membership in Journal Editorial Committees
Member of the Hellenic ENT Society based in Athens since 1978. Elected twice in the Society’s BoD, the second time as Associate Director for the Society’s journal Greek Otolaryngology
Hellenic Society for ENT-Head & Neck Surgery. Elected twice in the Society’s BoD (special secretary)
Member of the German Society for ENT-Head & Neck Surgery based in Bonn since 1982
Founding member of the Hellenic Sleep Research Society
Member of the Hellenic Rhinology Society
Work Experience
1973: Rural service, Korfes Rural Infirmary, Malevizi, Irakleio, Crete
1975: General Surgery Intern, Tzaneio Hospital, under Director G. Avlamis
1976-1999: ENT Intern, Korgialeneio-Benakeio General Hospital, reached the rank of Associate Director
1999: Director, ENT Clinic, Laiko Hospital of Athens
2001: Associate Director, Henry Dunant Hospital
2007: Director, Head & Neck Clinic, HYGEIA Hospital
Teaching Experience
While serving in many public hospitals, he actively participated in training interns both on a theoretical and a practical level (diagnostic approach & surgical treatment). At Laiko Hospital, he was responsible for granting full specialty to five interns.
He has participated in a large number of postgraduate seminars, classes and round tables.
He taught Otolaryngology in nursing schools for a number of years (Pesmazogleios Professional Nursing School, Intensive Training for nurses & Professional Nursing School of the Korgialeneio-Benakeio General Hospital.
He has also participated n the annual program for interns at the Athens University ENT Clinic for a number of years.
Clinical & Research Interest
Apart from the diagnosis, treatment and surgery of the everyday ENT conditions, other areas of interest include:
Head & neck oncology, aesthetic & functional restoration with all types of flaps
Thyroid & parathyroid surgery
Ear surgery (eardrum perforation, cholesteatoma, otosclerosis, congenital malformations of the external and inner ear
Skull base surgery, such as: acoustic neuromas, paragangliomas of the middle ear & jugular, nasopharyngeal angiofibromas, petrous bone cholesteatomas, rhinogenic & otogenic intracranial complications, CSF otorrhea & rhinorrhea
Endoscopic and external paranasal surgery
Surgical treatment of benign and malignant conditions of the larynx, endoscopically with laser and open (laryngectomy)
Cervical lymph node dissection
He has participated in 102 conventions and other scientific events in Greece and abroad with announcements, speeches, round tables, video presentations and posters. He has presented 181 announcements, most of which have been recorded in conference minutes, as well as Greek and foreign journals. He has also presented 32 research studies in the form of e-posters, 17 movies in super 8, 16 & 21, video & CD. He has participated in 43 round tables as speaker and 7 as coordinator. He has also given speeches and lectures in scientific events. While working at the Henry Dunant Hospital ENT Clinic, he organized 3 postgraduate seminars with live broadcast of surgeries he was performing. As Director of the HYGEIA Hospital Head & Neck Clinic, he has organized 2 meetings on endoscopic nasal & paranasal surgery. Each year, he participates in speeches and presentations of interesting cases at in scientific meetings of doctors.
Recent Publications
He has published 25 studies in Greek journals and another 12 in foreign ones. His study entitled “Missbidugen der erten Kiementurche und des Nervus Facialis” was included in the book Speicheldusen Krankheiten by Professor A. Miehlke (1984, p. 76).