Asimakopoulou Figalia – Liana Εnt
Education & Academic Qualifications
- Medical Specialty Qualification in Otorhinolaryngology, Issued by the Region of Attica, 16/7/2009
- Doctorate Degree (PhD), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 2011
- License to practice Medicine, Issued by the Prefecture of Crete, 1999
- Medical Degree, University of Crete, Faculty of Medicine, University of Crete, 1993-1999
- Medical School, University of Crete, Greece (September 1993- June 1999)
- During my education at the medical school of the University of Crete, I followed the student exchange programme Erasmus and I was trained for 3 months (February 1998 – May 1998) at Hautepierre University Hospital in Strasbourg France (pediatrics).
- ATLS trauma program: May 2001 (Degree:90%) Renewal: December 2005
Doctoral thesis
PhD: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. I carried out a six-year research (2004-2011) project investigating “Disturbancies of retinoblastoma protein (pRb) expression and correlation with cell proliferation in laryngeal cancer”.In order to carry out this research I received a fellowship from “Empeirikion Foundation” on the 1st -4-2007.
Fellowship in Societies, Membership in Journal Editorial Committees
Member of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery
Member of the European Rhinologic Society
Member of the Greek Trauma Society
Member of the Greek Society of Functional Rhinoplasty
Member of the Greek Rhinologic Society
Member of the Panhellenic Medical Society of Autology – Audiology – Neurootology
Member of the New Greek Society of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (member of the board 2013-2015).
Editorial Boards:
Member of the Editorial Board of the official magazine of the New Greek Society of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (2013-2015)
Member of Editorial Board “Profil” medical magazine (official magazine of the Greek Society of Functional Rhinoplasty)
Work Experience
Otolaryngological / Facial Plastic Experience – 9 years
Private practice, 1 Eirinis Ave, 15121, Pefki, Athens, Greece 3/1/2012 – present
Clinical associate of the ENT department,“Konstantopoulion” General Hospital, Athens, 26/11/2010- 31/12/2011
Otolaryngology Specialist, ENT department, “Konstantopoulion” General Hospital, Athens 26/11/2009–25/11/2010
Assistant to Dr. Athanasios Skouras (ENT, facial plastic surgery) 4/12/2002 – 15/9/2003, 12/5/2006 – 26/3/2007, 18/8/2009 – 25/11/2009
Resident in training, ENT department, “Konstantopoulion” General Hospital, Athens 29/5/2007 – 28/5/2009
Resident in training, ENT department, “Pammakaristos” General Hospital, Athens 15/9/2003- 28/4/2006
Specialist Surgical Experience – 1 year
Resident in Plastic Surgery 29/5/2008- 28/11/2008
Resident in Neurosurgery 29/11/2008– 28/5/2009
General Surgical Experience – 9 months
General Hospital of Athens “G. Gennimatas” 4/3/2002 – 3/12/2002
General medical experience – 26 months
Rural service at Lamia General Hospital and
Pelasgia rural clinic 23/9/1999-3/1/2001
Certified Public Accountants 1/3/2001 – 31/1/2002
Education Experience:
I gave lectures and took part in the training of junior doctors on rhino-plasty, at 2 workshops in Greece (19-21/3/ 2010, Evangelismos Gen-eral Hospital, Athens, 4-6 /2/2011, Papageorgiou General Hospital, Thessaloniki)
Faculty member of the 2nd (23-25/4/2010) and 3rd (27-28/5/2011) Training Seminar of the Greek Society of Functional Rhinoplasty “Evolutions in Functional Rhinoplasty”, IASO General Hospital, Athens, Greece.
Questions and Answers on Rhinology – Pharmacology ENT, N. Maroudias, L. Asimakopoulou, Pashalides Publications, 2013
Recent Publications
Schwannoma of the Nasal Tip: Diagnosis and Treatment.Skouras A, Skouras G, Diab A, Asimakopoulou FA, Dimitriadi K, Divritsioti M. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2011 Aug;35(4):657-61. doi: 10.1007/s00266-011-9656-5. Epub 2011 Mar 15.PMID:21403993
Use of the Goldman Technique to correct both the overpro-jected and the broad nasal tip. Skouras A, Asimakopoulou FA, Skouras G, Divritsioti M, Dimitriadi K. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2012 Feb;36(1):54-61. doi: 10.1007/s00266-011-9780-2. Epub 2011 Jun 30. PMID: 21717257
The use of Medpor© alloplastic material in rhinoplasty: expe-rience and outcomes. Skouras A, Skouras G, Karypidis D, Asima-kopoulou FA. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2012 Jan;65(1):35-42. doi: 10.1016/j.bjps.2011.08.003. Epub 2011 Aug 27.PMID:21873131
Presentations International congresses:
Cutanious nocardiosis in immunocompromized patient. T. Del-istathi, N. Skalidi, F.A. Asimakopoulou, N. Maroudias. 1st International Congress of the Cyprus Society of Dermatology and Venereology, 15-16/3/2014, Limassol Cyprus
Adherence to sublingual immunotherapy in times of economic crisis. Th. Delistathi, Nik. Skalidi, F. A. Asimakopoulou, N. Maroudias. XXII World Congress of Asthma, 29/3-1/4/2014, Mexico City.
Surgical disorders of the palate. Kalentzis Sp., Megas B., Aretaiou P., Asimakopoulou F.A., Zotalis N., Maroudias N. 2nd International French-Hellenic Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Sur-gery , 3-5/6/ 2011, Lefkada island, Greece.
Neurofibromatosis type I (NFI) : case report. Mountrichα, N. Zo-talis, A. Asimakopooulou, I. Provatas, E. Kaltsos, M., A Katotomichel-akis, N. Maroudias. VI Balcan Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, 2-5/10/2008, Thesaloniki, Greece.
Clear cell Hidradenoma: A case report. Mountricha A., Bourli A., Asimakopoulou F-A., Maroudias N. 22nd Congress of the Europe-an Rhinologic Society, June 15-19, 2008, Crete, Greece.
Chondroma of the middle turbinate: ultra sound tissue reduc-tion technique for the treatment of nasal obstruction.Mountriha A., Bertolis G.,G Gigondi, Asimakopoulou F., Maroudias N. 22nd Congress of the European Rhinologic Society, June 15-19, 2008, Crete, Greece.
Laparoscopic splenectomy. Margaris E., Vasiloglou-Gkanis M., Zo-grafos G., Tsipras H., Asimakopoulou F.A.,Papastratis G. 2nd Medi-terranean and Middle Eastern Endoscopic Surgery Congress, 31 Octo-ber-3 November 2002, Athens, Greece.