Alatzidou Zinovia Otorhinolaryngologist
Attending Physician, Head and Neck Department & Endoscopic Paranasal and Skull Base Surgery HYGEIA HospitalEducation & Academic Qualifications
- 2004: Title of Medical Specialization in ENT Head and Neck Surgery
- 1995: Medical Degree (MBBS equivalent), Medical School of Aristotle’s University of Salonika
- UCL 2005: ‘Exploring differences in Personality, Coping, Illness Cognition, Emotions and Functioning in Muscle Tension Dysphonia Patients, with or without mucosal changes.’,
Fellowship in Societies, Membership in Journal Editorial Committees
British Voice Association
Panhellenic ENT head &neck Association
Panhellenic Phoniatric Association
Work Experience
2007-present: ENT consultant at Head &Neck Department, Hygeia Hospital of Athens, Greece and Private Office
2006-2007: Clinical Fellow in ENT- Head and Neck Surgery, ENT Department Henry Dunant Hospital, private hospital that belongs to Hellenic Red Cross.
2002-2004: Resident in ENT- Head and Neck Surgery, ENT Department of Athens University, Ippokration Hospital, Athens. Qualified to take the Exit Exams.
2001-2002: Resident in ENT–Head and Neck Surgery, Eastbourne DGH
2000-2001: Resident in ENT, The Conquest Hospital, Hastings.
1998-2000: Resident in E.N.T. Department, Kavala’s DGH, Greece
1997-1998: Resident in General Surgery, Kavala’s DGH, Greece
1995-1996: National Rural Service: primary care Physician in the Health Centre of Iasmos, Komotini.
ATLS COURSE, American College of Surgeons (Medical School of Athens, 1998)
ALS COURSE, National Rescuscitation Council (Papageorgiou General Hospital, Thessaloniki, 1999)
Oxford-Bath Clinical ENT Course Level I ( 13th –16th March, 2001)
Basic Endoscopic Nasal & Sinus Surgery Course ( Dundee, 8th –9th May, 2001)
Dizziness- A Multidisciplinary Approach (London, 19th -23rd Sept, 2001)
An Endoscopic Approach to Rhinosinusitis (London, 3rd-6th Oct, 2001)
Temporal Bone Dissection Course (Athens, 7th- 9th May, 2003)
Nottingham Voice Clinic Course (Nottingham, 27th-28th Jan, 2005)
The Airway Diseases, A Shared Approach to Management (York, 6th-8th Apr 2005)
Cours de Phonochirurgie (Lyon, 27th-29th Jan 2006)
Endoscopic Sinus Anatomy, Intensive Dissection Course (Cambridge, 30th Jun-3rd Jul 2009)
5th London Head &Neck Dissection Course (London, 7th-9th Apr 2010)
9th Manchester Phonosurgery &Neurolaryngology Fresh Cadaver Dissection Course (Manchester, 14th- 15th March 2016)
2nd Manchester TNO & Balloon Dilatation: Hands on Mannequin practical Workshop & Lectures (Manchester, 16th March 2016)
K.Christodoulidis, A.Portinos, C.Papagiannaki, Z.Alatzidou, “Reasons of Conversion from Laparoscopic to Open Cholocystectomy”, in C.Th. Tsigri, Th. N. Diamanti ‘Laparoscopic and other Interventional Techniques at the beginning of the 21st century”, p: 25-28, Medical Publications P.C. Pasxalidis, Athens 2000
Recent Publications
Yiotakis I, Papanikolaou V, Alatzidou Z, Manolopoulos L, Nikolaou-Galiti O, Ferekidis E, ‘Silent Sinus Syndrome. A case presentation.’ Rhinology 2005; 43(4): 313-315
A. Tsagaroulakis, A. Vasiliou, T. Nikolopoulos, Z. Alatzidou, E. Ferekidis, “ Nodal metastasis at glottic carcinoma of the larynx”, Hellenic Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, 2003; 24 (2):51-52
Tzangaroulakis A, Korres S, Alatzidou Z, Maragoudakis P, Ferekidis E, ‘Late Detection of Hearing Loss in a Case of Middle Ear Congenital Abnormality’ ORL Nova 2002-03;12(6):317-319
A.Portinos, K.Christodoulidis, C.Papagiannaki, Z.Alatzidou, A.Simeonidis, “Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage (DPL): the efficacy of the method in the diagnosis of intra-abdominal bleeding and its complications”, Hellenic Surgery, 2001; 73(6):416-421.