Centers of Excellence
Diagnosis & treatment for various neurodevelopmental problems.
The neurological unit of MHTERA Children’s Hospital provides out- and in-patient services to babies, infants, children and adolescents with various neurodevelopmental problems:
In-patient paediatric neurology services at consultant level are provided to hospitalized patients in MHTERA Paediatric hospital (usually referred by the paediatricians) and patients in the intensive paediatric care units with acute surgical, neurosurgical and cardiac conditions etc.
The paediatric neurology unit (clinic) provides specialised services with the following clinics (appointment is required):
Headache clinic
Assessment, Evaluation, Diagnosis treatment and follow-up of headache and migraine in children and adolescents
Epilepsy clinic
Highly specialised services for various epileptic seizures and epileptic syndromes and benign paroxysmal phenomena, including infantile spasms, “absences”, benign childhood epilepsies, myoclonic epilepsy, photosensitivity etc.
Appropriate antiepileptic drug treatment is prescribed when necessary and the patient is regularly followed-up with blood tests, drug levels etc.