Centers of Excellence
At the Oncology Center, we care for the children and adolescents who have been affected by cancer and not for the cancer itself.
The MITERA Children’s Hospital Oncology Center for children and adolescents was founded in 2014. Since its establishment, children and adolescents with various types of cancer – such as leukemia, lymphoma, CNS tumors, sarcomas, tumors of the kidneys and adrenal glands – have been referred to and/or diagnosed by the Center. Depending on the underlying disease, the therapeutic protocol and the individual phase of therapy, these patients are either admitted and hospitalized or are monitored as outpatients in the day clinic.
Naturally, the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in such a young age group may cause severe traumatic experiences not only for the patients, but also for their siblings and parents. This is why the healthcare team (doctors and nurses) is complemented by a support group, which includes a psychologist and an art and music therapist. This way, not only the physical, but also the emotional needs of the children are addressed, according to the international guidelines for comprehensive care of children and adolescents with cancer.
Once the test results have been evaluated, the survivors will receive their personalized follow-up program, while an appointment for their next visit will be scheduled.
Moreover, taking into account the European standards on offering quality healthcare and the Erice Statement, MITERA Children’s Hospital has established the first Clinic in Greece for Cancer Survivors (NiKa). The exclusive aim of the Clinic – in partnership with KYTTARO, the Greek Cancer Survivors Association – is to offer care to cancer survivors. (press release).
Cancer Survivors Clinic (Ni.Ka Clinic)
The NiKa Clinic (its name meaning cancer winners) focuses on the follow-up of young individuals who have been cured of childhood and adolescent cancer. This group of former cancer patients is at risk of developing certain medical problems, mainly attributed to the previously administered cancer therapy.
The type and severity of these problems are related to various factors, such as the type of cancer (leukemia, lymphoma or other tumors), their age at the time of diagnosis, the type of therapy received (drugs, total dose, use or not of radiotherapy and radiotherapy dose, previous surgeries, stem cell transplantation, etc) and their current age.
This clinic is open fortnightly in the afternoon and operates by appointment, booked on + 30 210 6869431. A special card will be issued during the first visit, enabling survivors to visit associated physicians of various subspecialties, depending on the primary disease and therapy given at that time, and to undergo the appropriate blood and imaging tests.
Annual Monitoring Program for Cancer Survivors
MITERA Children’s Hospital, a member of HHG Group, offers a personalized follow-up program for young cancer survivors who had developed the disease in childhood. The annual program caters for individuals over 18 years of age and is offered at the special rate of 50 euros. The young cancer survivors have the opportunity to visit physicians of various medical specialties who are affiliated with the program, as well as undergo the necessary clinical, blood and imaging tests, after having been referred by the NiKa Clinic. A personalized follow-up program will then be drawn up, once the screening has been concluded.
For further information, survivors may contact the NiKa Clinic on +30 210 686 9431 or 11 527.