Centers of Excellence
The «MITERA» Maternity Hospital, started its operation in April 1979 being the leading private maternity hospital in Greece since then.
One of the Founding members’ most significant priorities was the establishment of the contemporarily cutting-edge technology Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).
During the 38 years of its operation, (1979- 2018) 450.000 neonates were born alive at MITERA Hospital and more than 82.000 were admitted to MITERA NICU.
The NICU department is hosted on the ground level, right next to the Delivery suits and the Operating rooms. It consists of 3 levels:
The state-of-the-art technical equipment includes :
The Unit also includes 1 negative-pressure room and 1 separate room with laminal air flow, for the preparation of the total parenteral nutrition, by specialized pharmacologists.
Sixteen very experienced Neonatologists cover the NICU as well as the Delivery suits and the Operating rooms, on a 24hour basis.
Physicians of all sub-specialties are also available at any time.
According to statistics, MITERA NICU is considered among the best NICUs worldwide due to the high survival rates of the neonates and the significant decrease of the perinatal and neonatal mortality rates.
The perinatal mortality (babies who are born dead and those who dye in the first week of life and is referred as percentage per 1000 births) has decreased significantly from 13,3‰ in 1980 down to 3,13 ‰ in 2016. Also the neonatal mortality (babies who are born alive and dye in the first four weeks of life and is referred as percentage per 1000 live births), has decreased from 8,1 ‰ in 1980 down to the extremely low percentage 0,92‰ in 2016. Also the survival of babies born at MITERA Hospital has increased impressively to 99,86% in 2016 and the survival of babies admitted to the NICU up to 99,40%. Besides the high survival rates, the infection rates are extremely low and during the six years 2011- 2016 there was no death at the MITERA NICU attributed to infections even in the extremely low birth weight neonates.
Parents are allowed to visit their babies and be informed about their condition by the Neonatologists on duty, during the visiting hours of each level of care.