Centers of Excellence
Obesity is a major problem on a global as well as on a national level. The fact is that 42% of the Greek population is overweight or obese, whereas this average in the rest of Europe is no more than 38%.
Even more troublesome are the statistics regarding Greek children, who emerge as the most obese children in the Old Continent: Approximately 3 in 10 adolescent boys and 1 in 6 girls are overweight or obese, a percentage which is also rapidly increasing over the last few years.
An individual is said to be obese if their Body Mass Index (BMI) is over 30. The BMI is calculated by dividing an individual’s weight (in kilos) by the square of their height (in centimeters). If the BMI falls in the 25-29.9 range, the individual is considered overweight.
The increase in body weight above normal levels poses a great burden on the human body and contributes to the development of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
Surgical procedures for the treatment of obesity have become very popular in recent years. The two most common surgeries are sleeve gastrectomy and laparoscopic gastric bypass. These surgeries may have very good outcomes for the majority of patients (when they are selected according to the right criteria).
However, in many cases serious complications may arise and many patients suffer for extended periods of time. What is more, over time, patients often regain the weight they lost.
The Apollo OverStitch system is an innovative system, allowing the placement of full-thickness sutures on the digestive tract, through a flexible endoscope. The system is mounted on the tip of the endoscope.
This method makes it possible to perform many complex surgeries through the mouth, with no incisions and minimum hospitalization time. We have already used the Apollo system:
Results from recent studies have shown that this method may repair gastroenteric anastomosis that became dilated after gastric bypass, when the patient regained part of the body weight they had lost, and assist in the loss of additional body weight.