Centers of Excellence
Platon said: "The soul is the key to true wisdom." In all cases, however, soul is the main responsible for various “dysfunctions” of childhood and puberty.
The Children & Adolescents Mental Health Department of MITERA Children’s Hospital offers the following:
Seminars for new parents
These seminars are addressed mainly to parents that have children in the preschool age. During those seminars, any learning difficulties or delayed speech/language development are assessed. Moreover, any motor problems or attention deficit disorders are treated as well as behavioral problems, nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting), sibling rivalry, etc. In addition, children’s lies, their patterns and handling are discussed and parents are helped to set limits for their children according to their age.
As regards families with children in school age, the Seminars offer assessment of their learning and intellectual development as well as of any potential learning difficulties or dyslexia. Finally, as regards parents with children in adolescence, the Seminars help those parents to understand the social and emotional challenges of this phase that precedes the age of majority, Intelligence Quotient and Personality Quotient Tests are provided and any communication problems between the parents and the adolescent are explained.