Centers of Excellence
We mplement all the contemporary and conventional treatment methods available in the field of orthopaedics.
MITERA Hospital’s 2nd Orthopedic Department implements all the contemporary and conventional treatment methods available in the fields it is active in, standing by its patients with respect and a sense of responsibility. Nowadays, there has been remarkable progress in the field of biotechnology. New treatment methods and materials, as well as modern surgical techniques, have been inundating the world of medicine.
However, new methods can only lead to optimal results when suitable patients are selected for each technique and patients are properly informed on what these methods can offer.
Services offered
Reconstructive Surgery: Treatment of degenerative diseases of the joints (osteoarthritis), and especially the knee and hip. Patients are selected based on international criteria and the methods applied, such as unicompartmental knee arthroplasty, allow for faster recovery.
Sports Injuries: Injuries relating to ligament (cruciate), meniscal or osteocartilaginous damages of the knee, patella injuries, shoulder tendon injuries, shoulder instability, as well as other sports injuries are treated using either arthroscopic or mini-open techniques.
Traumatology: Treatment of fractures and injuries in general, using modern methods and latest-technology materials.
Foot/Hand Conditions: Post-traumatic damages or very frequent problems of the hands and feet, such as bunions, carpal tunnel syndrome, hand tendonitis, etc.
Osteoporosis: It is a difficult condition to treat, with many adverse consequences for patients (fractures, spinal deformities). Unfortunately, patients do not fully understand the gravity of the condition.
Orthopedic Oncology: It is a field of Orthopedics that requires special and meticulous treatment. Bone and soft tissue tumors are much more frequent than many realize. The Department works with Internists-Oncologists and Radiologists to treat metastatic tumors in bones.