Scientific Meeting: Current and future trends for breast cancer treatment

Venue: “Nikolaos Louros” Lecture Hall

Date: Saturday May 29th 2010

Welcome note of MITERA’s Scientific Board Chairman

Dear Colleagues

Breast malignancies were first identified and described by Hippocrates. He is given credit for the term “cancer” because when breast cancer cells invade the lymph vessels in the skin of the breast, the disease can resemble the figure of a crab (cancer).

Since Hippocrates, any efforts for treating breast cancer are dated on the 17th century. However even now there are various opinions as regards treatment choices depending on the progress/stage of the disease, receptors involved and existence or absence of invasion in the lymph vessels. Any new idea or view on these issues should be a research subject prior to practice.

In that context, Hygeia Group joins its forces with Dr. Gordon Wishart’s Team from Cambridge and the existing staff of the MITERA and HYGEIA Breast Units towards offering the best available methods for cancer prognosis, timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment to women.

Georgios Kallipolitis
MITERA’s Scientific Board Chairman

Welcome Note of the Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Dear Colleagues

We take great pleasure to welcome you to the 1rst Scientific Meeting of the Cambridge Breast Clinic on “Current and Future trends for breast cancer treatment”.

Breast cancer treatment has dramatically changed in Europe and all over the world during the last decade due to the advances in treatment methods from physicians of various specialties and clinical practice based on proven techniques.

We consider ourselves honored since we managed to attract a committee of internationally acknowledged scientists that will share with us their knowledge and experience in the field of identifying and treating breast cancer. I hope that the lectures sequence will pave the way for a fruitful plenary session with the active participation of many attendees. This Meeting was scheduled to announce and promote the opening of the new Breast Unit, MITERA Cambridge Breast Clinic, that will start its operation in July 2010. For that reason I strongly believe that this Meeting will be the first of the numerous educational opportunities we will share in the future.

Gordon Wishart
Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Scientific Programme

09.30 – 10.00: Registration, Welcome Speech by G. Kallipolitis

10.00: Opening Speech by Prof. Gordon Wishart


Session Chairs: G. Kallipolitis, G. Wishary, G. Karvounis

10.15 – 10.45: Recent advances in breast cancer treatment: “how to set up a high quality Breast Unit”, Dr. Vassilis Pitsinis

10.45 – 11.15: Qualitative age-specific interactions in breast cancer research, Professor Ismail Jatoi

11.15 – 11.30: Coffee Break

11.30 – 12.00: Treatment of breast tumor recurrence, Mr. John Benson

12.00 – 12.30: Selection of patients for axillary node dissection in the sentinel node, Dr. Mattia Intra

12.30 – 13.00: Specialized hospital services for breast patients, Mrs. Joe Rowley

13.00 – 14.30Lunch


Session Chairs: G. Wishart, A. Hondrou – Georgaka, G. Karvounis

14.30 – 15.00: Provision of specialized services as regards breast anatomy and pathology, Professor Sarah Pinder

15.00 – 15.30: Technological advancements in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment – over and above the standard practices, Professor Gordon Wishart

15.30 – 16.00: Benefits of a promptly performed breast reconstruction surgery, Mr. Mark Solomos

16.30: Plenary Session

Note: The Meeting’s official language is English and simultaneous interpretation services between English and Greek will be available. Attending Certificates will be awarded at the end of the Meeting.