Marinou Christiana

Marinou Christiana Pulmonologist

Education & Academic Qualifications

  • 1994 Physician Specialty in Pneumonology & Tuberculosis.

Fellowship in Societies, Membership in Journal Editorial Committees

  • Member of Hellenic Thoracic Society.

  • Member of Greek Bronchologic Society.

  • Member of European Respiratory Society.


Work Experience

  • 1994 — 2015 Consultant pneumologist of Pulmonary Clinic at Hygeia Hospital – Melissinos Medical Team

  • 1996 – 2010 Head of department of respiratory function laboratory, Hygeia Hospital

  • 1999 – 2010 Head of sleep study department, Hygeia Hospital

  • 2010 – 2015 Consultant of 1st Pulmonary Clinic Hygeia Hospital

  • 2016 – Consultant Pneumologist – TB specialist, Hygeia Hospital, Athens, Greece