Georgaras Spyridon Opthalmologist
Director, Opthalmology Division & Director, 1st Ophthalmology Department HYGEIA HospitalEducation & Academic Qualifications
- Graduate of Medical School of National University of Athens, 1973
- Specialty in Ophthalmology, 1979
- Doctorate Essay, 1980
- Fellow of the European Board of Ophthalmologists –FEBO of the Union Europeene des Medicins Specialistes –UEMS . 2000
- Professor (Gastprofessor der Universitaet Leipzig) at Leipzig University, Germany, 4/2001 – 4/2010
Fellowship in Societies, Membership in Journal Editorial Committees
Hellenic Society of Intraocular Implant and Refractive Surgery (HSIOIRS). First founding Member and President
Hellenic Society of Regenerative Medicine, Anti-Aging and Bio-Technology. First founding Member, General Secretary, first President
SouthEastern European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (SESCRS). Founding Member, f. President
Panhellenic Society of Specialized Ophthalmologists (PΕΕΟ).f. President
Hellenic Ophthalmological Society (ΕΟΕ).
Panhellenic Ophthalmological Society (PΟΕ)
Hellenic Cornea Society. Founding Member
European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS). f. Member of Board of Directors
European Board of Ophthalmologists (EBO) of the Union Europeene des Medicins Specialistes (UEMS)
f. Member of Board of Directors
f. President of Continuing Education Committee
f. Member of the Reviewing Committee of European Ophthalmological
German Ophthalmology Society -Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesselshaft (DOG)
American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)
American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ASCRS)
International Society of Refractive Surgery (ISRS)
Ιnternational Intraocular Implant Club (IIIC) the only Greek member
Fyodorov Foundation
Barraquer Institute, Spain
International Cornea Society
Ιnternational Ocular Inflammation Society
Member of Review Committee of:
“Ophthalmosurgery News” of the Hellenic Society of Intraocular Implant and Refractive Surgery (HSIOIRS)
Work Experience
Founder and General Manager of “OPHTHALMOS Research and Therapeutic Institute” since 1985
Founder and General Manager of the Eye Center “Hygeia-OPHTHALMOS”, since 1992
Director of 1st Ophthalmology Clinic, Hygeia Hospital
Clinical & Research Interest
Cataract – Glaucoma Surgery – Cornea transplantations
Anterior Chamber Combined surgery
Refractive Surgery- LASER for Myopia, Hyperopia, Astigmatism, Presbyopia
Artificial Cornea Transplantations
Combined types of energy during cataract surgery
New types of intraocular lenses
Low vision
Electrostimulation therapy (Okustim) in Retinitis Pigmentosa
Sports vision
New diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, as well as new surgery techniques on glaucoma
Tele-medicine in Ophthalmology
Regenerative Medicine, gene therapy, stem cells
Participation in the Research Program of Special Transplantation Society at “Dimokritos” Research Center
Medical Tourism in Ophthalmology
Honors & Awards
President of the Hellenic Society of Intraocular Implant and Refractive Surgery (HSIOIRS)
President of the “Svyatoslav Fyodorov” International Foundation
International Representative of the International Society of Refractive Surgery (I.S.R.S.)
Member of the Board of Directors of the European Board of Ophthalmologists (EBO) of the Union Europeene des Medicins Specialistes (UEMS)
The Hellenic Society of Intraocular Implant and Refractive Surgery (HSIOIRS) has granted the annual “Spyros Georgaras Scholarship” for training of young ophthalmologies, since 2007
Recipient of the 1st Charles Kelman Award of HSIOIRS, 1999
Recipient of the Fyodorov Award of Fyodorov Microsurgery Institute of Moscow, 1983
Recipient of the Golden Award of the Indian Ophthalmological Society, 2003
Recipient of the Award of the Croatian Ophthalmological Society, 2005
Recipient of the Award of the Serbian Ophthalmological Society, 2015
Participation as co-author in “Phako, Phakonit, LASER Phako: A Quest for the Best” του A.Agarwal
Participation as co-author “Phacoemulsification Principles and Techniques” του L.Buratto
Recent Publications
«Excimer LASER Τrabeculoplasty for glaucoma treatment : the Greek experience”. Ocular Surgery News
«Toric IOLs for astigmatism correction on cataract and Keratoconus». Ocular Surgery News
«Refractive Surgery in combination with neuro-electro-Laser-magnet stimulation with “VCK Fyodorov-Krutov” system, to correct amblyopia»
«Iris reconstruction – IOL fixation – AddOn IOLs »
«How to get maximum results on modern cataract operations»
«Difficult Cataract Operations»
«Combined cataract operations – Cataract and Glaucoma»
«Maculopathy : the main cause of central vision loss at elder people, and its treatment»
«Cornea Transplantations»
«The role of Regenerative Medicine in the treatment of ophthalmic diseases»
«The future in Cornea Transplantations: Βio-synthetic materials, stem cells and growth factors »
«Vision Training: Sports vision, Amblyopia, Optic path dysfunctions»
«Ab-Interno Trabeculostomy with Excimer Laser combined with Phaco
«Cataract formation after the implantation of phacic Intraocular contact lens»
«Bi-manual bi-energy UltraSound with simultaneous Laser Phaco- emulsification”
«Monovision system for the correction of refractive errors with LASIK in presbyopic patients»
«Extreme Monovisin for the correction of diplopia»
«Non-invasive glaucoma operations»
«Venous neurovascular pathways to neuroinflammation in glaucoma», 2016