Kalos Spiridon Orthopedist
Honorary Director of 5th Orthopaedic Clinic HYGEIA HospitalEducation & Academic Qualifications
- Medical Degree, University of Thessaloniki.
- Proficiency in the English Language, University of Edinburgh, UK.
- Full Registration with the British Medical Council.
- Certification in Orthopaedic Surgery and Trauma, University of Athens.
- Training in Orthopaedic surgery and Trauma in Greece:(4 years)
- Training in Orthopaedic surgery and Trauma in Great Britain:(7 years)
- Appointed Senior House Officer, Department of Orthopaedics & Trauma, University of Leeds, UK.(1 year)
- Appointed Registrar, Department of Orthopaedics & Trauma, University of Sheffield, UK.(2 years)
- Appointed Senior Registrar, Department of Orthopaedics & Trauma, Birmingham Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Birmingham Accident Hospital and East Birmingham Hospital, University of Birmingham, (The post is recognized by the Royal College of Surgeons for higher Training).(4 years)
- Special Training and Diploma in AMIS Hip Arthroplasty (Anterior Minimally Invasive Surgery) University of Tours and University of Paris, France.
- Special Training in Minimally Invasive knee Arthroplasty, University Of Birmingham, UK.
- Special Training in Revision total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty, University of Sheffield and University of Birmingham, England, UK.
- Special Training and Diploma in Bone Lengthening, University of Havana, Cuba.
Doctoral thesis
Thesis – PhD Biomechanics in Resurfacing total Hip Arthroplasty, University of Birmingham and University of Athens.
Fellowship in Societies, Membership in Journal Editorial Committees
Member of the Hellenic Orthopaedic Association.
Member of the College of Hellenic Orthopaedic Surgeons.
Member of the British Orthopaaedic Association.
International Member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
Work Experience
(2011-2012)-Coordinator of the training program in the Orthopaedic Department (Hygeia Hospital)
2008 – Today: Head of Ε’ Orthopeadic Clinic, “Hygeia” Hospital.
1993 – 2008: Deputy Head of A’ Orthopaedic Clinic, ”Hygeia Hospital.
1984 – 1993: Collaborator of Hygeia Hospital
Clinical & Research Interest
Clinical Interest:
Reconstructive Orthopaedic Surgery
AMIS Hip Surgery (Anterior Minimally Invasive Hip Arthroplasty)
Minimally Invasive knee Arthroplasty
Revision Hip and Knee Arthroplasty
Spinal Surgery – Microdiscectomy.
Hand Surgery.
Foot Surgery – Up-to-date Hallux Valgus Surgery.
Knee and Shoulder Arthroscopic Surgery.
Up-to-date Internal and External Bone Fixation.
Biomechanics in total hip arthroplasty(University of Birmingham, UK)
Participation in the Development of total knee arthroplasty (Gliding Meniscal Knee),University of Birmingham, UK.
Recent Publications
“Percutaneous Acrylic Vertebroplasty for Symptomatic Vertebral Haemangiomas”, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Vol.84-B, 2002 M.Torrens, S.Kalos, G.Asithianakis, A.Kelekis, Departments of Neurosurgery and Orthopaedics, Hygeia Hospital, Athens, Greece & Department of Interventional Radiology, University of Geneva, Switzerland
“Κήλη μεσοσπονδύλιου δίσκου με παθολογική νευρολογική συμπτωματολογία σε νεαρής ηλικίας ασθενή πάσχοντα από ωχρώνωση και αλκαπτονουρία”, Ελληνική Εταιρεία Χειρ. Ορθοπεδικής και Τραυματιολογίας, Τόμος 57, 2006, Δ.Κουλάλης, Γ.Σβώλος, Κ. Παπαπαρασκευά, Γ. Γρεβιάς, Σ.Καλός, Δ.Θ.Κ.Α. “Υγεία”
“15ετής εμπειρία στην επιμήκυνση των μακρών οστών”,Κολλέγιο Ελλην. Ορθοπεδικών (Ανασκόπηση-Παρουσίαση) Δ.Θ.Κ.Α. “Υγεία”, φθινόπωρο 2005. Σ. Καλός