Grenzelias Dimitrios Hematologist
Education & Academic Qualifications
- Graduated from Athens Medical School, 1981
- Specialty in Hematology, 1991
- Research fellow in the Department of Medical Oncology, St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London (Scholarship from Greek Scholarship Foundation), 1/7/1995-31/3/1996
- Research fellow in the Department of Medical Oncology in the School of Medicine of Queen Mary and Westfield College in London and Imperial Cancer Research Fund, 1/4/1996-31/8/1996 and 1/9/98-31/3/1999
- Senior Research Assistant in the Department of Medical Oncology in the School of Medicine of Queen Mary and Westfield College of London on the research project: Antisense oligonucleotides targeting the joining region of Bcl2/IgH hybrid transcript in Follicular Lymphoma, 1/9/96-31/8/1998
Fellowship in Societies, Membership in Journal Editorial Committees
Hellenic Association of Haematology
Work Experience
Rural medical service, 12/1982-4/1984
Primary urban medical service , 4/1984-12/1984
2nd Department of Internal Medicine, University of Athens (Specialty in Internal Medicine), 12/1984-1/1987
2nd Department of Internal Medicine, University of Athens (Specialty in Hematology), 1/1987-2/1991
ΙΚΑ Blood Bank, 1/7/1992-31/12/1992
Dept. of Clinical hematology, Hygeia Hospital, 10/1992-6/1995
Department of Medical Oncology St Bartholomew’s Hospital London, 1/7/1995-31/3/1999
Dept. of Clinical hematology, Hygeia Hospital, 4/1999-6/2000
Consultant in Hygeia Hospital since June 2000
Education Experience:
2nd Department of Internal Medicine, University of Athens: Participation in education of medical students.
Hygeia Hospital, Athens: Education of postgraduate medical students, nurses and technicians.
St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London: Education of medical students.
Participation as invited speaker in education programs in various Haematology departments in Greece.
Clinical & Research Interest
Clinical Interest:
Patients with Hematologic Malignancies (Lymphoma, especially Follicular, Acute and Chronic Leukemia, and Multiple Myeloma treated with conventional chemotherapy and autologous bone marrow transplantation).
Research Interest:
Minimal residual disease with molecular technics in Follicular Lymphoma.
Post transcription modification of Bcl-2 gene expression in Follicular Lymphoma (Antisense oligonucleotides).
Genetic predisposition markers in Follicular (TNF gene family mutations).
Cloning and expression studies of BRL gene involved in Acute Leukemia pathogenesis.
Honors & Awards
Scholarship from Greek Scholarship Foundation during the 6 years of my medical studies.
Scholarship from Greek Scholarship Foundation for training abroad (Department of Medical Oncology, St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London)
Member of the scientific committee of 20th Hellenic Hematology Congress.
Kalmantis T., Vassilaki M., Kalmanti M., Yiagnisis M., Grenzelias D., Spandidos D. (1992). Elevated expression of the Ras p21 oncoprotein in myelodysplastic syn-dromes as determined by immunohistochemical analysis of bone marrow smears. In: Genetics of Haematological Disorders, (Batsocas C and Loucopoulos D Eds.), Washington DC, Hemisphere; pages 163-170
Recent Publications
Kalmanti M, Kalmantis T, Vassilaki M, Galanopoulos A, Grenzelias D, Spandidos DA.The expression of the ras p21 oncoprotein in the bone marrow smears of children with acute leukemia. Anticancer Res. 1992 Nov-Dec; 12(6B): 2177-80
Fitzgibbon J, Grenzelias D, Matthews J, Lister TA, Gupta RK.Tumour necrosis factor polymorphisms and susceptibility to follicular lymphoma. Br J Haematol. 1999 Nov; 107(2): 388-91
McCullagh P, Chaplin T, Meerabux J, Grenzelias D, Lillington D, Poulsom R, Gregorini A, Saha V, Young BD.The cloning, mapping and expression of a novel gene, BRL, related to the AF10 leukae-mia gene. Oncogene. 1999 Dec 9; 18(52): 7442-52
Apostolidis J, Gupta RK, Grenzelias D, Johnson PW, Pappa VI, Summers KE, Salam A, Adams K, Norton AJ, Amess JA, Matthews J, Bradburn M, Lister TA, Rohatiner AZ.High-dose therapy with autologous bone marrow support as consolidation of remission in follicular lymphoma: long-term clinical and molecular follow-up.J Clin Oncol. 2000 Feb; 18(3): 527-36