Thomaidis Thomas Gastroenterologist
Education & Academic Qualifications
- 2018-2019 Fellowship in advanced therapeutic endoscopy. St. Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto, Canada
- 2017 Fellowship in advanced interventional endoscopy, Department of Endoscopy, Prof. PH. Zhou, Fudan University, Shanghai, China,
- 2017 Assoc. Professor /Priv -Doz. of Medicine in I. Med. Clinic of the University Hospital Mainz, Director: Prof. P.R. Galle
- 2014 Specialty in internal medicine and gastroenterology, oncologic drug therapy
- 2006 PhD-Thesis
- 2004 German medical licence
- 2003 Diploma of Medicine, Greek medical licence
- 02/2003 Clinical elective, department of Internal Medicine and Nephrology St. George’s Hospital, London, UK
- 08/2002 Clinical elective, Department of Surgery, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
- 2000 – 2003 Medical School of Athens, National and Kapodistrian University, GR
- 08/2000 Clinical elective, Department of Surgery, Univ. of Budapest, Hungary
- 1997 – 2000 Medical School, University of Crete, Heraklion, Crete, GR
Doctoral thesis
2006: PhD-Thesis: “Examination of the effect of globotriaosyceramide (GB-3) on parenchymal renal cells” „magna cum laude“ I. Med. Clinic of University Hospital Mainz.
Fellowship in Societies, Membership in Journal Editorial Committees
German Society of Gastroenterology (DGVS, BVGD)
Society of Gastroenterology of Rheinland-Pfalz/Saar (GARPS)
Hellenic Society of Gastroenterology
Honoral membership of Walter-Krienitz-Society
Hellenic Society of Gastrointestinal Oncology
Work Experience
2017 – present Consultant, 2nd Gastroenterology Clinic, HYGEIA Hospital
2014 – 2017 Consultant for internal medicine and gastroenterology, oncologic drug therapy in the I. Medical Clinic, University Hospital, Mainz, Germany
2008 – 2014 Residency in the department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology of the I. Medical Clinic, University Hospital, Mainz, Germany
2006 – 2008 Internship at the department of Rheumatology at Sana- Rheumazentrum, Bad Kreuznach, Germany
2005 – 2006 Postgraduate practitioner, Naxos Hospital,Naxos, GR
2004 – 2005 Scientific assistant at the department of Nephrology, I. Medical Clinic, University Hospital, Mainz, Germany
Clinical & Research Interest
Clinical Interest:
Advanced diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy
Endoscopic submucosa dissection (ESD)
Peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM)
Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS)
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Diseases of the liver and pancreas
Gastrointestinal Oncology
Research Interest:
Biomarkers in patients with esophageal, gastric and colorectal cancer.
Honors & Awards
2015-2017 Delegate of qualification management of the Tumor center for visceral oncology (VisOz), Mainz, Germany
2014 Poster award „Therapy“, Gastroenterologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rheinland-Pfalz/ Saarland (GARPS), Bad Kreuznach, Germany
2013 Travel grant for basic science of the United European Gastroenterology 2013
2013 Walter-Krienitz-Price: Research field- Gastric cancer
2007 Poster award at the 22nd Congress for Rheumatology, Bad Kreuznach, Germany
2003 Award for best student attainment, Department of Surgery University of Athens
2002 Scholarship for students of medicine. Anagnou foundation.
2000 Honorary title of the University of Crete for the development of the department of computer science.
2000 Scholarship for medical students of the University of Crete
1996 Greek national Scholarship foundation – Scholarship for medical students
2016: Diagnosis and treatment of gastric cancer. Chapter: Significance of the adjuvant therapeutic options. Uni-Med.
Recent Publications
Moehler M, Maderer A, Ehrlich A, Foerster F, Schad A, Nickolay T, Ruckes C, Weinmann A, Sivanathan V, Marquardt JU, Galle PR, Woerns M, Thomaidis T. Safety and efficacy of afatinib as add-on to standard therapy of gemcitabine/cisplatin in chemotherapy-naive patients with advanced biliary tract cancer: an open-label, phase I trial with an extensive biomarker program. BMC Cancer. 2019 Jan 11;19(1):55.
Thomaidis T, Rahman F, Thieringer F, Tontini GE, Mönkemüller K, Ishaq S, Galle PR, Neumann H. Feasibility Trial of the Newly Introduced Optical Enhancement Technology in Patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Dig Dis. 2018;36(6):450-455.
Moehler M, Schad A, Maderer A, Atasoy A, Mauer ME, Caballero C, Thomaidis T, John JMM, Lang I, Van Cutsem E, Freire J, Lutz MP, Roth A; EORTC Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer Group. Lapatinib with ECF/X in the first-line treatment of metastatic gastric cancer according to HER2neu and EGFR status: a randomized placebo-controlled phase II study (EORTC 40071). Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2018 Oct;82(4):733-739
Nagel M, Schulz J, Maderer A, Goepfert K, Gehrke N, Thomaidis T, Thuss-Patience PC, Al-Batran SE, Hegewisch-Becker S, Grimminger P, Galle PR, Möhler M, Schattenberg JM. Cytokeratin-18 fragments predict treatment response and overall survival in gastric cancer in a randomized controlled trial. Tumour Biol. 2018 Mar;40(3):1010428318764007
Thomaidis T*, Lyros O*, Müller M, Sivanathan V, Grimminger P, Lang H, Gockel I, Hartmann JT, Moehler M. External Validation of the Proposed Kiel Staging System and Comparison with the Old (6th Edition) and the Currently Used (7th Edition) TNM Classification in Gastric Cancer. Oncol Res Treat. 2018;41(3):122-128
Martchenko K, Schmidtmann I, Thomaidis T, Thole V, Galle P. R., Becker M, Moehler M, Wehler T.C, Schimanski CC. Last line therapy with sorafenib in colorectal caner: a retrospective analysis. World J Gastroenterol. 2016 Jun 21;22(23):5400-5
Triantafyllias K, De Blasi M, Hoffmann I, Thomaidis T, Drees P, Schwarting A. The count of tender rather than swollen joints correlates with aortic stiffness in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Springerplus. 2016 Apr 11;5:428
Rey JW, Deris N, Marquardt JU, Thomaidis T, Moehler M, Kittner JM, Nguyen-Tat M, Dümcke S, Tresch A, Biesterfeld S, Goetz M, Mudter J, Neurath MF, Galle PR, Kiesslich R, Hoffman A. High-definition endoscopy with iScan and Lugol’s solution for the detection of inflammation in patients with nonerosive reflux disease: histologic evaluation in comparison with a control group. Dis Esophagus. 2016 Feb-Mar; 29(2):185-91
M. Moehler, A. Ehrlich, C. Ruckes, T. Thomaidis, A. Weinmann, P.R. Galle, M.A. Woerns. Safety and efficacy of Afatinib with Gemcitabine/Cisplatin in chemo-naïve patients with metastatic biliary tract cancer: An open-label, uncontrolled phase Ib trial. Eur J Cancer 2015; Sep. 51: S440
Kittner JM, von Bialy L, Wiltink J, Thomaidis T, Gospodinov B, Rieke A, Katz F, Discher T, Rath K, Claus B, Held G, Friese G, Schappert B, Schuchmann M, Galle PR. Lack of awareness in both patients and physicians contributes to a high rate of late presentation in a South West German HIV patient cohort. Infection. 2015 Jun;43(3):299-305.