Tzeis E. Stylianos Cardiologist
Director of Adult Cardiology ClinicEducation & Academic Qualifications
- 1991-1997: MD Degree in the National and Kapodistrian University, School of Medicine, Athens, Greece.
- 1996 – 2002: PhD-thesis entitled “Differential HSP70 mRNA expression induced by ischemic preconditioning in cardiac hypertrophy induced by aortic constriction and thyroxine administration” – grade “excellent” – Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, University of Athens, Greece.
- European certification of professional excellence in invasive cardiac electrophysiology – EHRA Accreditation in Electrophysiology.
- European certification of professional excellence in cardiac pacing and ICDs – EHRA Accreditation in Electrophysiology.
Two-year training fellowship grant by the European Heart Rhythm Association for clinical electrophysiology and cardiac pacing (2007-2009) – Electrophysiology Department, Deutsches Herzzentrum Muenchen, Munich Germany.
PhD/ Thesis
1996 – 2002: PhD-thesis entitled “Differential HSP70 mRNA expression induced by ischemic preconditioning in cardiac hypertrophy induced by aortic constriction and thyroxine administration” with grade “excellent” in the Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, University of Athens, Greece.
Board Member
Member of the Hellenic Cardiological Society
Member of the Hellenic Working group in Electrophysiology and Pacing
Member of the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA)
2009 – 2013: Member of the EHRA Accreditation Committee for Cardiac Pacing
2011- 2012: Member of the Training and Research Grant Committee of the European Society of Cardiology
2014 – 2016: Chairman of the Accreditation Subcommittee of the European Heart Rhythm Association for Cardiac Pacemakers and ICDs
2017- 2018: Co-Chair of the Accreditation Committee of the European Heart Rhythm Association
2018-today: Chairman of the Accreditation Committee of the European Heart Rhythm Association
Editorial Board
Reviewer for peer-reviewed international journals: Hellenic Journal of Cardiology, Εuropace, Ιnternational Journal of Cardiology.
Professional Experience
12/2016 – 12/2018: Deputy Director, Consultant Electrophysiologist, Invasive electrophysiology and pacing department, Department of Cardiology, Henry Dunant Hospital, Athens, Greece.
10/2009 to 11/2016: Consultant Electrophysiologist, Invasive electrophysiology and pacing department, Department of Cardiology, Henry Dunant Hospital, Athens, Greece.
11/2007 to 10/2009: European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) Fellow – Electrophysiology Department, Deutshes Herzzentrum Muenchen, Munich, Germany.
9/2003 to 9/2007: Fellow in Cardiology, 1st Department of Cardiology, Evagelismos Hospital, Athens,Greece
10/2002 to 7/2003: Clinical and Research Fellow, 1st Department of Cardiology, Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center, Athens, Greece.
9/2000 to 9/2002: Fellow in Internal Medicine, 1st Department of Internal Medicine, NIMTS Hospital, Athens, Greece.
Clinical and Research Interest
Clinical interest
Main areas of clinical interest include the management (invasive and non-invasive) of cardiac arrhythmias, the whole spectrum of ablation procedures (including complex ablations of atrial fibrillation and ventricular tachyarrhythmias) as well as implantation of all types of cardiac rhythm management devices.
Research interest
Main areas of research interest include
Cardiac arrhythmia ablation procedures (mainly atrial fibrillation and atrial tachycardias post atrial fibrillation ablation) – relevant publications in peer-reviewed medical journals and original description of a novel ablation strategy for the invasive management of perimitral flutter [modified anterior line – J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2010;21(6):665-70].
Implantable cardiac rhythm management devices. Collaborator in a prospective, randomized, multcenter study evaluating the efficacy of an insertable cardiac monitor in the detection of atrial fibrillation after cryptogenic stroke [CRYSTAL AF – N Engl J Med 2014;370(26):2478]
Alternate pacing sites – several publications in peer-reviewed journals on midseptal pacing
Anticoagulant agents in atrial fibrillation. Primary investigator in a prospective, multicenter, nationwide, cross-sectional study evaluating the pattern of anticoagulation in elderly patients older than 80 years (PAVE-AF study– principal ivestigator).
Finalist in the award competition for the best poster presentation. II International Meeting of the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center, December 2000. Tzeis S, Pantos C, Batali E, Giannakakis S, Tzilalis V, Asimakopoulos P, Varonos D, Cokkinos DV. Alterations of the ischaemic contracture in acute and chronic hyperthyroidism.
Finalist in the award competition for the best poster presentation. II International Meeting of the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center, December 2000. Mourouzis I, Pantos C, Tzeis S, Giannakakis S, Kastelanos E, Cokkinos DD, Asimakopoulos P, Varonos D, Cokkinos DV. Propranolol diminishes the development of cardiac hypertrophy but does not change the response of the hyperthyroid heart to ischaemia.
1st award for the best poster in the conference of French Cardiac Society 2001. Pantos C, Malliopoulou V, Karamanoli E, Tzeis S, Cokkinos DD, Mourouzis I, Varonos D, Cokkinos D. Differential HSP70mRNA expression induced by preconditioning in aortic constriction and thyroxine induced cardiac hypertrophy.
1st award – 22nd Panhellenic Cardiological Society 2001. AD Cokkinos, S. Tzeis, P Moraitis, I Paizis, C Pantos, H Karageorgiou, P Asimakopoulos, D Varonos, DV Cokkinos. Cardioprotection induced by ischemic preconditioning is abolished after an initial ischemic insult.
1st award Cardiovascular Research – 4th Cardiological Congress Central Greece (2001). S Tzeis, DD Cokkinos, P Moraitis, I Paizis, V. Malliopoulou, C Pantos, P Asimakopoulos, H Carageorgiou, D. Varonos, DV Cokkinos. Thyroxine reverses the enhancement of postischemic myocardial dysfunction induced by dobutamine administration in isolated rat hearts.
2nd award – 23rd Panhellenic Cardiological Society 2002. A.D. Cokkinos, S. Tzeis, P. Moraitis, I. Paizis, I. Mourouzis, C. Pantos, D. Varonos, DV Cokkinos. Ischemic preconditioning enhances the cardioprotection induced by heat stress in isolated rat hearts.
2nd award – Young Investigators Cardiovascular Research – 5th Cardiological Congress Central Greece (2002). I. Mourouzis, S. Tzeis, V. Malliopoulou, D.D. Cokkinos, C. Pantos, H. Carageorgiou, D. Varonos, DV Cokkinos. Thyroid hormone alterations are associated with enhanced tolerance against ischemia in isolated rat hearts.
Chapter entitled “Management of dosing errors during anticoagulant treatment” in the Stroke Textbook issued by the Hellenic Stroke Organization and edited by G. Ntaios, C. Milionis and K. Vemmos – 12/2018.
Recent Publications
Total number of publications in peer- reviewed journals: 85
Selected publications listed below:
Tzeis S, Pastromas S, Sikiotis A, Andrikopoulos G. Cryoablation in persistent atrial fibrillation – a critical appraisal. Neth Heart J. 2016;24(9):498-507.
Tzeis S, Andrikopoulos G, Weigand S, et al. Right bundle branch block-like pattern during uncomplicated right ventricular pacing and the effect of pacing site. Am J Cardiol. 2016;117(6):935-9.
Tzeis S, Andrikopoulos G, Asbach S, et al; SPICE study investigators. Electrocardiographic identification of prior myocardial infarction during right ventricular pacing–effect of septal versus apical pacing. Int J Cardiol 2014;177(3):977-81.
Andrikopoulos G, Tzeis S. Cardiac-resynchronization therapy in heart failure with a narrow QRS complex. N Engl J Med. 2014;370(6):579-80.
Jilek C, Tzeis S, Vrazic H, et al. Safety of screening procedures with hand-held metal detectors among patients with implanted cardiac rhythm devices: a cross-sectional analysis. Ann Intern Med. 2011; 155(9): 587-92.
Tzeis S, Kolb C, Baumert J, et al. Effect of depression on mortality in implantable cardioverter defibrillator recipients–findings from the prospective LICAD study. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2011; 34(8): 991-7.
Deisenhofer I, Zrenner B, Yin YH, Pitschner HF, Kuniss M, Grossmann G, Stiller S, Luik A, Veltmann C, Frank J, Linner J, Estner HL, Pflaumer A, Wu J, von Bary C, Ucer E, Reents T, Tzeis S, Fichtner S, Kathan S, Karch MR, Jilek C, Ammar S, Kolb C, Liu ZC, Haller B, Schmitt C, Hessling G. Cryoablation versus radiofrequency energy for the ablation of atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (the CYRANO Study): results from a large multicenter prospective randomized trial. Circulation. 2010;122(22):2239-45.
Tzeis S, Luik A, Jilek C, et al. The modified anterior line: an alternative linear lesion in perimitral flutter. J Cardiovac Electrophysiol. 2010;21(6):665-70.
Tzeis S, Andrikopoulos G, Deisenhofer I, Ho SY, Theodorakis G. Transseptal Catheterization: Considerations and Caveats. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2010; 33(2):231.
Tzeis S, Andrikopoulos G, Kolb C, Vardas PE. Tools and strategies for the reduction of inappropriate implantable cardioverter defibrillator shocks. Europace. 2008;10(11):1256-65.