Hygeia Group introduces Watson for Oncology/ Artificial Intelligence in the support of Oncology Care

Hygeia Group today announced that it has adopted IBM’s Watson for Oncology (WFO), with an aim to provide oncology patients at HYGEIA hospital with modern, personalized, and evidence-based treatment options.

IBM Watson for Oncology, trained by Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in the U.S, will support the clinical decision-making of HYGEIA Group’s oncologists by identifying cancer treatment options supported by evidence from more than 300 medical journals, more than 200 textbooks, and nearly 15 million pages of text providing insight and comprehensive details on different treatment options, including key information on drug treatment selections and utilizing National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®) U.S. guidelines.  Watson for Oncology will provide individual oncologists or Tumor Board with an up-to-date decision support system.

Through the Watson for Oncology platform, HYGEIA Group’s oncologists now have access to an artificial intelligence tool that can help identify treatment options for most common cancers with evidence based on the latest medical literature. The treating oncologist can review the treatment options identified, and the treatment decision is ultimately up to the doctor and patient. Additionally, valuable time is gained for the patient, since all available information is provided in just a few minutes.

Commenting on the installation of the platform, HYGEIA Group’ s CEO and Managing Director Andreas Kartapanis stressed that “HYGEIA Group is constantly investing in state-of-the-art technologies for the benefit of patients, and now opens new paths in the integrated management of oncology patients. Watson for Oncology is a new important step in science and technology based on the use of artificial intelligence. Now, any Greek has at his disposal a valid opinion from an oncologist on his disease at an affordable cost supported by a worldwide database that is frequently updated with the recent documented global research and literature. The latest generation platform shows the direction in which modern medicine evolves, acting as a valuable tool for the physician.”