Σπυρίδης Νικόλαος Παιδίατρος
Διευθυντής Παιδιατρικής ΚλινικήςΕκπαίδευση & Ακαδημαϊκοί Τίτλοι
1989: Απολυτήριο Λυκείου
1990-1996: Πτυχίο Ιατρικής
Ιατρική Σχολή Pecs (Αγγλόφωνο Πρόγραμμα).
1997: Άδεια ασκήσεως Ιατρικού Επαγγέλματος
(Νομαρχία Αθηνών)
1997-1998: Θητεία υπαίθρου, Αγροτικό Ιατρείο Μελπείας, Μεσσηνία
1998-1999: Στρατιωτική θητεία στην ΠΑ, Σμηνίας Ιατρός
2000-2004: Εκπαίδευση στη Παιδιατρική (Λονδίνο, Αθήνα)
2004: Τίτλος ειδικότητας στην Παιδιατρική
2004-2005: Επιμελητής (Registrar) στην Παιδιατρική
Λονδίνο, Μ. Βρετανία
2005-2009: Εξειδίκευση στην Παιδιατρική Λοιμωξιολογία, Λονδίνο Μ. Βρετανία
2007: Διδακτορική Διατριβή
Βαθμός: “Αριστα”
2007-2009: Υποτροφία (Fellowship) από την Ευρωπαϊκή Εταιρεία Παιδιατρικών Λοιμώξεων (ESPID), Λονδίνο, Μ. Βρετανία
2009-2013: Λέκτορας Παιδιατρικής
Β’Παιδιατρική Κλινική Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών, ΕΚΠΑ
Νοσ. Παίδων, Αγλαϊα Κυριακού
2013: Επικ. Καθηγητής Παιδιατρικής-Λοιμωξιολογίας
Β’Παιδιατρική Κλινική Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών, ΕΚΠΑ
Νοσ. Παίδων, Αγλαϊα Κυριακού
2017: Μόνιμος Επίκουρος Καθηγητής Παιδιατρικής-Λοιμωξιολογίας
Β’Παιδιατρική Κλινική Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών, ΕΚΠΑ
Νοσ. Παίδων, Αγλαϊα Κυριακού
2018: Τίτλος εξειδίκευσης στη Λοιμωξιολογία (Ελλάδα)
2021: Αναπλ. Καθηγητής Παιδιατρικής Λοιμωξιολογίας
ΒΠΠΚ, ΕΚΠΑ, Νοσοκ. Παίδων, Αγλαϊα Κυριακού
2022: Διευθυντής Παιδιατρικής Κλινικής, Νοσοκομείο ΜΗΤΕΡΑ
1998- σήμερα: Ιατρικός Σύλλογος Αθηνών
(Αρ.Μητ: 44914, 27/7/98)
1998-σήμερα: General Medical Council, UK (full registration)
(Aρ. Μητ: 4566526)
Μέλος Ιατρικών Συλλόγων1998- σήμερα: Ιατρικός Σύλλογος Αθηνών
(Αρ.Μητ: 44914, 27/7/98)
1998-σήμερα: General Medical Council, UK (full registration)
(Aρ. Μητ: 4566526)
Βασική Εκπαίδευση στη Παιδιατρική και Παιδιατρική Λοιμωξιολογία
Ειδικότητα στην Παιδιατρική
Γενική Παιδιατρική & Νεογνολογία, Νοσοκομείο Pembury, UK
Παιδιατρική Νευρολογία, Νοσοκομείο Guy’s, Λονδίνο, UK
Γενική Παιδιατρική, Νοσοκομείο St Thomas’, Λονδίνο, UK
Νεογνολογία, Νοσοκομείο Guy’s, Λονδίνο, UK
Β΄ Παιδιατρική Κλινική του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών. Νοσοκομείο Παίδων Π&Α Κυριακού
Επιμελητής στη Παιδιατρική
Registrar (επιμελητής) στο τμήμα Γενικής Παιδιατρικής. Νοσοκομείο St Thomas’, Λονδίνο
Εξειδίκευση στη Παιδιατρική Λοιμωξιολογία
Fellow στο τμήμα Μικροβιολογίας/Λοιμωξιολογίας. Nοσοκομείου St Thomas’, Λονδίνο
Fellow στην Παιδιατρική Λοιμωξιολογία, St George’s hospital, Λονδίνο
Επαγγελματική Προϋπηρεσία
Βασική Εκπαίδευση στη Παιδιατρική και Παιδιατρική Λοιμωξιολογία
Ειδικότητα στην Παιδιατρική
Γενική Παιδιατρική & Νεογνολογία, Νοσοκομείο Pembury, UK
Παιδιατρική Νευρολογία, Νοσοκομείο Guy’s, Λονδίνο, UK
Γενική Παιδιατρική, Νοσοκομείο St Thomas’, Λονδίνο, UK
Νεογνολογία, Νοσοκομείο Guy’s, Λονδίνο, UK
Β΄ Παιδιατρική Κλινική του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών. Νοσοκομείο Παίδων Π&Α Κυριακού
Επιμελητής στη Παιδιατρική
Registrar (επιμελητής) στο τμήμα Γενικής Παιδιατρικής. Νοσοκομείο St Thomas’, Λονδίνο
Εξειδίκευση στη Παιδιατρική Λοιμωξιολογία
Fellow στο τμήμα Μικροβιολογίας/Λοιμωξιολογίας. Nοσοκομείου St Thomas’, Λονδίνο
Fellow στην Παιδιατρική Λοιμωξιολογία, St George’s hospital, Λονδίνο
Μέλος Επιστημονικών Εταιριών
European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID)
International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD)
BPAIIG (British Paediatric Allergy, Immunology and Infection Group)
Steering Committee, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society of America (PIDS)
Ελληνική Εταιρία Παιδιατρικών Λοιμώξεων
Συμμετοχή σε θεσμικά επιστημονικά όργανα
Πρόεδρος της επιτροπής χρήσης αντιβιοτικών (ΟΕΚΟΧΑ) στο Νοσοκομείου Παίδων «Π&Α Κυριακού» (2016-σήμερα)
Μέλος της Επιτροπής Νοσοκομειακών Λοιμώξεων Νοσοκομείου Παίδων «Π&Α Κυριακού» (2014-σήμερα)
Μέλος του Επιστημονικού Συμβουλίου Νοσοκομείου Παίδων «Π&Α Κυριακού» (2015-2016)
Μέλος συντονιστικής επιτροπής του Προγράμματος Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών ¨Παιδιατρική Λοιμωξιολογία”. ΕΚΠΑ 2016
Εκπρόσωπος του «Τομέα Υγείας Μητέρας-Παιδιού» στη Γενική Συνέλευση της Ιατρικής Σχολής του ΕΚΠΑ στη βαθμίδα του Επίκουρου Καθηγητή. ΕΚΠΑ 2016-2017
Μέλος της Επιτροπής «Παιδιατρική Κατ’ οίκον Νοσηλεία (ΠΚΟΝ). Υπό την αιγίδα του Υπουργείου Υγείας. 2021
Πρόεδρος της Επιτροπής Νοσοκομειακών Λοιμώξεων του Νοσοκομείου Παίδων Π&Α Κυριακού (2021)
Αντιπρόεδρος της Επιτροπής Αντιμετώπισης COVID-19 στα Παιδιατρικά Νοσοκομεία της 1ης ΥΠΕ (2021)
Μέλος της επιτροπής ειδικών για την αντιμετώπιση του COVID19, ΕΚΠΑ. 2021
Επιτροπή του Υπουργείου Υγείας για την ειδικότητα στη Παιδιατρική Λοιμωξιολογία. 2024
Διευθυντής Παιδιατρικού τομέα, Νοσοκομείο Μητέρα (2023)
Μέλος επιστημονικού συμβουλίου νοσοκομείου Μητέρα (2023-2024)
Κλινικό & Ερευνητικό Ενδιαφέρον
Ερευνητικό έργο
Διπλωματική εργασία
“Ρόλος του H. Pylori στην ανάπτυξη γαστρίτιδας και έλκους κατά τη παιδική ηλικία”
Διδακτορική διατριβή
“Βραχύ σχήμα χημειοπροφύλαξης σε παιδιά με φυματιώδη μόλυνση”
Δημοσίευση: Clinical Infectious Diseases 2007, 15;45(6): 715-22
Επιχορηγούμενη μελέτη
“APEC study: Antimicrobial Prescribing in European Children”
Fellowship και χρηματοδότηση: Eυρωπαική Εταιρεία Παιδιατρικών Λοιμώξεων (European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases, ESPID)
Επιχορηγούμενη μελέτη από την Ευρωπαική Ενωση (DG Sanco) με τίτλο: Antimicrobial Prescribing and Resistance in European Children (ARPEC).
Ημερίδα επιχορηγούμενη από την Ευρωπαϊκή Εταιρία Παιδιατρικών Λοιμώξεων (ESPID) με τίτλο «Collaborative Research Meeting on Hospital Acquired Infections in Europe». Αθήνα 15-16/3/2018
RANIN (Reducing Antibiotics and Nosocomial Infections in Kids).
ΝΕΟΝΙΝ (Neonatal Infection Surveillance Network)
GARPEC (Global Antimicrobial Resistance, Prescribing and Efficacy Among Neonates and Children)
CLEO I-ΙΙ (Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Outcomes Research)
Combacte-Care EURECA study
Eurocandy studυ
Πρόσφατες Δημοσιεύσεις, Eισηγήσεις σε διεθνή συνέδρια
- Muco-epidermoid carcinoma of the main bronchus in a 8 years old girl
- Michail-Stranzia, N. Spyridis, G. Vaos, N. Zavras
49th Annual Meeting of the Paediatric Pathology Society, Trondheim, Norway
- Comparison of the Tuberculin RT23-SSI with the tuberculin LOT 5180A Pasteur-Merieux.
P.Spyridis, C.Borra, A.Gelesme, M.Tsolia, N.Myriokefalitakis, N.Spyridis, C.Sinaniotis
17th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases, Heraklion Crete, 19-21 May, 1999 and 37th Πανελλήνιο Παιδιατρικό Συνέδριο, Θεσαλλονίκη, 28-30 Μαίου, 1999
- The impact of the screening program against childhood tuberculosis applied in Greece on the epidemiological indexes in the greater Athens area
Spyridis N, Spyridis P, Tsolia M, Gelesme A, Moustaki M, Spyridis G, Sinaniotis C, Constantopoulos A
5th International Congress on Pediatric Pulmonology, February 2002, Nice- France
- Cutaneous tuberculosis in a 4 month old baby
Spyridis N, Tsoukatou Th, Georgouli H, Sakou I, Myriokefalitakis N
X World Congress of Paediatric Dermatology, 7-10 July 2004, Rome
- Influenza infection in children examined as outpatients
- Tsolia, I. Logotheti, N. Papadopoulos, M. Mavrikou, N. Spyridis, P. Drossatou, A. Constantopoulos
22nd Annual Meeting of ESPID, Tempere, Finland, May 26-28, 2004
- Influenza Infection In Children Examined As Outpatients.
Tsolia MN, Logotheti I,Papadopoulos NG, Mavrikou M, Spyridis NP, Drossatou P, Konstantopoulos A.
22nd Ann Meet Eur. Soc. Pediatr. Infect. Dis. May 26-28, 2004, Tampere, Finland.
- Treatment of latent tuberculosis infection in children and adolescents: a ten year prospective randomized controlled study comparing standard 9 month isoniazid chemotherapy with short course isoniazid and rifampicin combination regimes.
Spyridis N, Tsolia M, Gelesme A, Valianatou M, Metsou F, Spyridis P
Annual IUATLD meeting, Paris, October 2005
- Disseminated non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection in a child with INF-γR1 deficiency.
Tsolia MN, Chapgier A, Taprantzi P, Servitzoglou M, Tassios I, Spyridis N, Papageorgiou F, Santos OF, Casanova JL, Spyridis P.
Annual IUATLD meeting, Paris, October 2005
- Impact of influenza infection on children examined as outpatients and their families.
Tsolia MN, Logotheti I, Papadopoulos NG, Mavrikou M, Spyridis NP, Petraki M, Drossatou P, Κonstantopoulos A.
Second European Influenza Conference. European Scientific Working group on Influenza, 11-14 September 2005, Malta
- Drug resistant tuberculosis in Greek children
Kanavaki S, Karambela S, Skroubellou A,Varonou E, Anagnostou S, Raftopoulou, Spyridis N.
Annual IUATLD meeting, Paris, France, October 2005
- Changing patterns of antibiotic prescribing for UK children in primary care from 1996-2006
Thompson P, Spyridis N, Sharland M, Gilbert R, Saxena S, Long P, Wong I
26th meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases, 13-16 May 2008, Graz, Austri
- Trends in the epidemiology of childhood tuberculosis in Greece during the last decade and the effect of immigration.
Syridou G, Mavrikou M, Anamatidou V, Spyridis N, Prasad P, Papaventsis D, Kanavaki S, Zaoutis T, Tsolia M.
29th meeting of ESPID, 2011, Hague, Netherlands
- Impact of Gen-Probe’s Amplified Mycobacterium Tuberculosis direct test on tuberculosis diagnosis in children
Papaventsis D, Ioannidis P, Karabela S, Nikolaou S, Syridou G, Konstantindou E, Amanatidou V, Marinou I, Panagi M, Spyridis N, Kanavaki S, Tsolia M
29th meeting of ESPID, 2011, Hague, Netherlands
- Antimicrobial prescribing guidelines for the treatment of respiratory tract infections in European countries.
- Syridou, M Tsolia, A. Versporten, N. Spyridis
30th meeting of ESPID, 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Antimicrobial prescribing guidelines for the treatment of neonatal sepsis in European countries
- Syridou, M. Tsolia, A. Versporten, N. Spyridis
30th meeting of ESPID, 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece
16.Three way comparison of the performance of the tuberculosis skin test and interferon-gamma assays for detecting tuberculosis infection among children.
Myrsini Mavrikou, Elena Critselis, Nikos Spyridis, Kyriaki Benetatou, Maria Tsagaraki, Alexandra Soldatou, Chrysa Bakoula, Maria N. Tsolia
31th meeting of ESPID, 2013, Milan, Italy
- Determinants for tuberculosis infection among children investigated with interferon gamma release assays and having contact with adult tuberculosis cases.
Elena Critselis, Nikos Spyridis, Mersini Mavrikou, Kyriaki Benetatou, Kyriaki Karavanaki, Chrysa Bakoula, Maria N. Tsolia.
31st meeting of ESPID, 2013, Milan-Italy
- A nationwide point prevalence survey for assessing variations in antibiotic use among neonatal and paediatric patients in Greece.
Spyridis N, Syridou G, Mougkou K, Kouni S, Roilidis E, Gkentzi D, Ladomenou F, Critselis E, Versporten A, Zaoutis T.
31st meeting of ESPID, 2013, Milan-Italy
A survey for assessing the availability of antibiotic prescribing guidelines in paediatric hospitals in Europe
Syridou G, Tsolia M, Versporten A, Spyridis N
31st meeting of ESPID, 2013, Milan-Italy
- Antibiotic Prescribing Guidelines for Urinary Tract Infection in Children: What are we currently recommending in European hospitals?
Syridou G, Tsolia M, Versporten A, Spyridis N
31st meeting of ESPID, 2013. Milan-Italy
- Hepatitis B immunity in children with JIA at disease onset
Maritsi D, Vartzelis G, Soldatou A, Spyridis N
Annual Meeting of European Congress of Rheumatology. Madrid, Spain 2013
- Developing a European neonatal infection surveillance network.
Kortsalioudaki C, Kent A, Lutsar I, Metsvaht T, Zaoutis T, Spyridis N, Kopsidas J, Karachristou K, Gketzi D, Dimitriou G, Heath PT
32nd Annual Meeting of ESPID, Dublin 2014
- A European hospital survey on duration of antibiotic therapy for common paediatric infections: what is currently recommended?
G Syridou, G. Kourlaba, Versporten A, Tsolia M, Spyridis N
32nd Annual Meeting of ESPID, Dublin 2014
- Antibiotic prescribing in ambulatory pediatrics in Greece, 2010-2013
- Kourlaba, Spyridis N, Kopsidas J, Lourida A, Mougkou K, Manta-Maroudi S, Zaoutis T.
32nd Annual Meeting of ESPID, Dublin 2014
- Klebsiella hospital acquired infection (HAI) in neonates in Europe-Data from the Noenin surveillance network.
Kortsalioudaki C, Kent P, Clarke P, Lutsar I, Kennea N, Watts T, Bedford-Russell A, Kopsidas J, Spyridis N, Anatolitou F, Zaoutis T, Heath P.T
33rd Annual Meeting of ESPID, Leipzig 2015
- Neonatal Infection Surveillance in Greece-Data from a European Network.
Gentzi D, Kortsalioudaki C, Kent A, Kopsidas J, Spyridis N, Anatolitou F, Zannikos K, Zaoutis T, Karachristou K, Siachanidou T, Charitou A, Dilanas M, Stratiki Z, Spanopoulou I, Peristeri V, Skordala M, Manoura A, Nyktari G, Dimitriou G, Heath P.T
33rd Annual Meeting of ESPID, Leipzig 2015
- Gram negative bacteria causing late onset neonatal sepsis-A comparison between two European countries.
Gkentzi D, Kortsalioudaki C, Kent A, Kopsidas J, Spyridis N, Anatolidou F, Zannikos K, Zaoutis T, Karachristou K, Siachanidou T, Charitou A, Stratiki Z, Peristeri V, Skordala M, Manoura A, Nyktari G, Dimitriou G, Heath P.T
33rd Annual Meeting of ESPID, Leipzig 2015
- Prolonged dual antibiotic courses for culture positive neonatal sepsis in 3 Greek neonatal units
Kospidas J, Lianou L, Kourkouni E, Karachristou K, Stratiki E, Vintila A, Karaviti D, Kirikas Z, Baglatzi L, Mougkou K, Pappa M, Tsolia M, Zaoutis T, Spyridis N
33rd Annual Meeting of ESPID, Leipzig 2015
- Epidemiological study of childhood bacteraemia during a 7-year period
Doudoulakakis A, Bozavoutoglou E, Hatzaki D, Vetouli E.E, Goumenopoulos C, Matsas M, Troupi A, Doxa E, Spyridis N, Paraskakis I, Tsolia M, Lebessi E. 33rd Annual Meeting of ESPID, Leipzig 2015
- The immune response to Hepatitis A Vaccine in Children with Pfapa Syndrome
Maritsi D, Vartzelis G, Spyridis N, Garoufi A, Diamantopoulos S
Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, Rome 2015
- The immune response to Hepatitis A vaccine in children with autoinflammatory disorders
Maritsi D, Vartzelis G, Metaxa Z, Vougiouka O, Spyridis N, Diamantopoulos S
Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, Rome 2015
- Immunogenicity and safety of the inactivated hepatitis A vaccine in children with JIA on immunosuppressive theatment: a matched case-control study
Maritsi D, Coffin S, Spyridis N, Vartzelis G
34th Annual Meeting of ESPID, Brighton 2016
- Immunogenicity and safety of the inactivated hepatitis A vaccine in children with PFAPA syndrome: a prospective controlled observational cohort study
Maritsi D, Syrmou A, Vartzelis G, Spyridis N
34th Annual meeting of ESPID, Brighton 2016
- Determinants of non compliance to hospital antibiotic guidelines for the empiric treatment of LRTI in children in Europe: An ARPEC project analysis
Spyridis N, Versporten A, Kopsidas J, Syridou G, Kourkouni E, Drapier N, Tsolia M, Sharland M, Goossens H.
34th Annual meeting of ESPID, Brighton 2016
- SSTI caused by Staph. aureus strains resistant to mupirocin and fusidic acid are emerging in Athens, Greece
Doudoulakakis A, Pneumatikou P, Paradisis G, Spyridis N, Tsolia M, Paraskakis I, Lebessi E.
34th Annual meeting of ESPID, Brighton 2016
- Antimicrobial point prevalence survey (PPS) and guidelines for neonatal sepsis in Greek neonatal units and comparison to the UK.
Gkentzi D, Kortsalioudaki C, Kennea N, Greenough A, Watts T, Kopsidas J, Spyridis N, Karachristou K, MavrogeorgosG, Chang J, Kundu A et al.
34th Annual meeting of ESPID, Brighton 2016
- Neonatal infections in Greece-data from a European infection surveillance network
Gkentzi D, Kortsalioudaki C, Cailes B, Kopsidas J, Spyridis N et al
34th Annual meeting of ESPID, Brighton 2016
- Comparison of the epidemiology of neonatal infections between two European countries from the NEONIN infection network
Gkentzi D, Kortsalioudaki C, Cailes B, Kopsidas J, Spyridis N et al
34th Annual meeting of ESPID, Brighton 2016
- Healthcare associated factors correlated with neonatal coagulase negative staphylococcus spp infection.
Wang J, Anthony M, Tan K, Buttery J, Watts T, Scorrer T, Spyridis N, Zaoutis T, Kopsidas J, Kortsalioudaki C.
35th Annual meeting of ESPID, Madrid 2017
- Healthcare associated factors correlated with nosocomial neonatal enterococcal infection.
Wang J, Anthony M, Tan K, Buttery J, Watts T, Scorrer T, Spyridis N, Zaoutis T, Kopsidas J, Kortsalioudaki C.
35th Annual meeting of ESPID, Madrid 2017
- Tuberculosis among adolescents in a non-endemic country.
Syridou G, Spyridis N, Antonogeorgos G, Liakea M, Papavasileiou A, Tsolia M.
35th Annual meeting of ESPID, Madrid 2017
- Key determinants for the development of recurrent invasive infections in neonates: data from the NEONIN network
Kopsidas J, Cortsalioudaki C, Kourkouni E, Witney A, Watts T, Scorrer T, Zaoutis T, Spyridis N, Heath P
35th Annual meeting of ESPID, Madrid 2017
- Infections among refugee and immigrant children in Athens. Is there anything to worry about?
Syngelou A, Benetatou K, Dasoula F, Spyridis N, Tsolia M
35th Annual meeting of ESPID, Madrid 2017
- Epidemiology of enterococcus spp. Infections from the NEONIN infection surveillance network
Wang J, Kortsalioudaki C, Heath P, Buttery J, Watts T, Scorrer T, Spyridis N, Kopsidas J, Tan K
35th Annual meeting of ESPID, Madrid 2017
- BCG vaccine protects against latent TB infection among children in close contact with infectious adult TB cases
Syngelou A, Spyridis N, Benetatou K, Tsagaraki M, Tsolia M
35th Annual meeting of ESPID, Madrid 2017
- Kopsidas, C. Kortsalioudaki, E. Kourkouni, N. Spyridis, T.E. Zaoutis, P.T. Heath
36th Annual meeting of ESPID, Malmo 2018
- Kortsalioudaki , I. Kopsidas, E. kourkouni, N. Spyridis, T.E. Zaoutis, P.T. Heath
36th Annual meeting of ESPID, Malmo 2018
- Maritsi, N. Spyridis, J. Kopsidas, M. Tsolia
36th Annual meeting of ESPID, Malmo 2018
- Maritsi, I. Eleftheriou, N. Spyridis, M. Tsolia
36th Annual meeting of ESPID, Malmo 2018
- Kopsidas, F.E. Dasoula, C. Mystakelis, E. Kourkouni, D.N. Maritsi, G. Vartzelis, M. Tsolia, N. Spyridis
36th Annual meeting of ESPID, Malmo 2018
- Kopsidas, E. Bouza, T. Gouvias, A. Kaffe, K. Karachristou, E. Kourkouni, G. Mavrogeorgos, E. Roilides, T. Siahanidou, V. Soubasi, N. Spyridis, E. Stratiki, M. Theodoraki, P. Triantafyllidou, A. Tsintoni, G.C. Tsopela, M. Tzaki, T.E. Zaoutis
36th Annual meeting of ESPID, Malmo 2018
- Kopsidas, S. Papachristidou, E. Kourkouni, M. Baka, A. Pourtsidis, G.C. Tsopela, M. Tsolia, S. Coffin, T.E. Zaoutis, D. Doganis, N. Spyridis
36th Annual meeting of ESPID, Malmo 2018
- Papachristidou, I. Kopsidas, M. Baka, A. Pourtsidis, E. Kourkouni, G.C. Tsopela, M. Tsolia, S. Coffin, T.E. Zaoutis, N. Spyridis, D. Doganis
36th Annual meeting of ESPID, Malmo 2018
- Patouni, G. Kourlaba, N. Spyridis, I. Eleftheriou, T. Zaoutis, M. Tsolia
36th Annual meeting of ESPID, Malmo 2018
- Syngelou , K. Benetatou , M. Tsagaraki , I. Eleftheriou, N. Spyridis, M. Tsolia
36th Annual meeting of ESPID, Malmo 2018
- Blood stream infection in children with cancer: a 7 year experience at a single center.
Sfetsiori AE, Doganis D, Doudoulakakis A, Spyridis N, Pourtsidis A, Servitzoglou M, Kapetaniou K, Nikita M, Tsolia M.
37th Annual meeting of ESPID, Ljubliana 2019
- Gram- Vs Gram + blood stream infections in children with cancer
Sfetsiori AE, Doganis D, Doudoulakakis A, Lebessi E, Pourtsidis A, Spyridis N, Kosmidis H, Baka M, Tsolia M.
37th Annual meeting of ESPID, Ljubliana 2019
- Evaluation of immigrant children referred for a positive test with IGRA: a 4 year experience at a tuberculosis referral center.
Syngelou A, Kopsidas I, Benetatou K, Maritsi D, Brouskaki N, Tsagaraki M, Tsolia M, Spyridis N.
37th Annual meeting of ESPID, Ljubliana 2019
- Risk factors for healthcare associated infections after pediatric cardiac surgery
Prapa M, Spyridis N, Barbaresou C.
37th Annual meeting of ESPID, Ljubliana 2019
- Infectious diseases among refugee children at a tertiary care children’s hospital in Greece
Dasoula FE, Syngelou A, Benetatou K, Eleftheriou I, Spyridis N, Tsolia M
37th Annual meeting of ESPID, Ljubliana 2019
- Recent measles outbreak in Greece. Epidemiology of cases at a tertiary care children’s hospital.
Dasoula FE, Papatesta, EM, Damianaki A, Eleftheriou I, Syngelou A, Koumparelou A, Mavrikou M, Spyridis N, Tsolia M
37th Annual meeting of ESPID, Ljubliana 2019
- Identifying targets for improvement of PAP in a tertiary children’s hospital.
Vlachou A, Kopsidas I, Panagos D, Radiotis A, Spyridis N, Tsolia M
37th Annual meeting of ESPID, Ljubliana 2019
- HAI surveillance among 11 EU countries, A RANIN survey
Kopsidas I, Bielicki J, Blazquez-Gasmero D, Brett A, Collins M, Cunney R, De Luca M, Dona D, Drysdale S, Epalza C, Falup-Pecurariu O, Iosifidis E, Klein N, Lutsar I, Mougkou A, Neth O, Spyridis N
37th Annual meeting of ESPID, Ljubliana 2019
- Hand hygiene compliance rates in 9 pediatric intensive care units across Europe: results form the RANIN-Kids network
DeLuca M, Kopsidas I, Machaira M, Bielicki J, Elpanza C, Lembo G, Spyridis N, Zaoutis T
38th Annual meeting of ESPID, Rotterdam 2020 (βράβευση καλύτερης παρουσίασης)
64.Early discontinuation of empiric antibiotic therapy in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and febrile neutropenia
Papachristidou S, Doganis D, Baka M, Pourtsidis A, Papaevengelou V, Tsolia M, Spyridis N
38th Annual meeting of ESPID, Rotterdam 2020
- Surgical antibiotics prophylaxis practices in children among 10 European countries. A RANIN kids study
Kopsidas I, Brett A, Daniele D, Romanengo M…Zaoutis T, Spyridis N
38th Annual meeting of ESPID, Rotterdam 2020
- Burden and epidemiological characteristics of infectious diseases among refugee children presenting at a tertiary care children’s hospital in Athens, Greece
Dasoula F, Damianaki A, Eleftheriou I, Vlachou A, Papailiou S, Maritsi D, Syngelou A, Spyridis N, Tsolia M
38th Annual meeting of ESPID, Rotterdam 2020
- Factors contributing to non-compliance with surgical antibiotic prophylaxis in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery patients
Prapa M, Tzalavra S, Agrogianni X, Barbaresou C, Spyridis N
38th Annual meeting of ESPID, Rotterdam 2020
- Novel cytokine biomarkers in quantiferon supernatants improve distinction of children with active TB from those with pneumonia and latent TB
Syngelou A, Taka S, Lakoumenta J, Brouskaki N, Kaforou M, Eleftheriou I, Spyridis N, Papadopoulos N, Tsolia M
38th Annual meeting of ESPID, Rotterdam 2020
- Perioperative antimicrobial prophylaxis in a tertiary children’s hospital.
Vlachou A, Kopsidas I, Tzortzopoulou A, Dasoula F, Kaliviotis I, Passalidis A, Spyridis N, Tsolia M
38th Annual meeting of ESPID, Rotterdam 2020
- Early diagnosis of chronic granulomatous disease in a neonate
Papastamatiou T, Tataropoulou K, Eleftheriou I, Spyridis N, Angela N, Tsolia M
38th Annual meeting of ESPID, Rotterdam 2020
- Correlation between stool bacterial colonization and empiric antibiotic therapy in oncology patients with confirmed bacteraemia
Galani V, Sfetsiori A E, Doganis D, Kosmidis H, Spyridis N
38th Annual meeting of ESPID, Rotterdam 2020
- Impact of antimicrobial stewardship programs on length of stay, mortality, readmissions and cost in PICU: a systematic review
Kopsidas I, Triantafyllou C, Tsopela G C, Liosi A, Liapodimitri AE, Kourkouni E, Spyridis N, Zaoutis T
39th Annual meeting of ESPID, Geneva 2021
- Impact of neonatal ASP on length of stay, mortality and cost: a systematic review
Kopsidas I, Triantafyllou C, Tsopela G C, Liosi A, Kourkouni E, Spyridis N, Zaoutis T
39th Annual meeting of ESPID, Geneva 2021
- Pericarditis as the main clinical manifestation of COVID-19 in adolescents
Dimopoulou D, Spyridis N, Dasoula F, Krepis P, Eleftheriou E, Liaska M, Servos G, Maritsi D, Tsolia M
39th Annual meeting of ESPID, Geneva 2021
- Mild clinical course and favorable outcome in infants <12 months old hospitalized with COVID-19
Dimopoulou D, Eleftheriou E, Liaska M, Krepis P, Dasoula F, Maritsi D, Tsolia M, Spyridis N
39th Annual meeting of ESPID, Geneva 2021
- The effect of a “handshake” antibiotic stewardship approach on the management of children with RSV bronchiolitis
Papatesta M, Kourkouni E, Papadimitriou M, Matsas M, Dasoula F, Kopsidas I, Tsolia M, Spyridis N
39th Annual meeting of ESPID, Geneva 2021 (βραβείο καλύτερης παρουσίασης)
- SARS-CoV-2 screening results in a tertiary children’s hospital during the second wave of the pandemic
Eleftheriou I, Drakaki A, Lebessi E, Spyridis N, Tsolia M
39th Annual meeting of ESPID, Geneva 2021
- Real life evaluation of the Panbio COVID-19 rapid antigen detection test in children
Eleftheriou I, Dasoula F, Dimopoulou D, Lebessi E, Serafi E, Spyridis N, Tsolia M
39th Annual meeting of ESPID, Geneva 2021
- Neurolisteriosis in an 8 year old immunocompetent girl
Krepis P, Eleftheriou I, Maritsi D, Bozavoutoglou E, Tsolia M, Spyridis N
39th Annual meeting of ESPID, Geneva 2021
- COVID-19 vaccine uptake among healthcare workers in a tertiary children’s hospital in Athens
Dasoula F, Liaska M, Eleftheriou I, Dimopoulou D, Maritsi D, Spyridis N, Tsolia M
39th Annual meeting of ESPID, Geneva 2021
- Perioperative colonization and postoperative infections in pediatric cardiac surgery patients
Prapa M, Tzalavra X, Barbaresou C, Spyridis N
39th Annual meeting of ESPID, Geneva 2021
Irini Eleftheriou, Despoina Maritsi, Stavroula Lampidi, Evaggelia Farmaki,Konstantina Charisi, Petrina Vantsi, Kleopatra Skourti, Filippos Filippatos, Ioannis Amplianitis, Parthena Kampouridou, Ioanna Grivea, Kyriaki Papadopoulou-Legbelou, Efimia Papadopoulou-Alataki, Eleni Vergadi, Despoina Gkentzi, Despina Dimou1, Patra Koletsi1, Lampros Fotis, Vassiliki Papaevangelou, Emmanouil Galanakis, George Syrogiannopoulos, Vassiliki Spoulou, Nikos Spyridis, Athanasios Michos, Emmanuel Roilides, Maria Tsolia
40th Annual Meeting of ESPID, Athens 2022
- COVID-19 breakthrough disease in fully vaccinated paediatric patients with rheumatic diseases.
Irini Eleftheriou, Nikos Spyridis, Lydia Kossiva, Olga Vougiouka, Maria Tsolia, Despoina Maritsi
40th Annual Meeting of ESPID, Athens 2022
- Impact of COVID-19 on antimicrobial consumption in hospitalized children
Dimitra Dimopoulou, Nikos Spyridis, Eirini Tzaladima, Anastasia Papaioannou, Alexandros Douvanas, Ekaterini Tsantila, Irini Eleftheriou, Maria Tsolia, Theoklis Zaoutis
40th Annual Meeting of ESPID, Athens 2022
- Antimicrobial prescribing in hospitalized children with COVID-19
Dimitra Dimopoulou, Nikos Spyridis, Irini Eleftheriou, Marianthi Liaska, Foteini Dasoula, Aggeliki Syggelou, Theoklis Zaoutis, Maria Tsolia
40th Annual Meeting of ESPID, Athens 2022
- Management of infants 29-60 days old hospitalized with fever: time to revisit practice guidelines
Irini Eleftheriou, Ariadni Neofytou, Anastasios Doudoulakakis, George Kalogeras, Katerina Tsiligianni, Evaggelia Eirini Vetouli, Evangelia Lebessi, Maria Tsolia, Nikos Spyridis
40th Annual Meeting of ESPID, Athens 2022
- Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection among children and their parents in Greece
Dimitra Dimopoulou, Maria Kyritsi, Eleni Vergadi, Ekaterini Tsiligianni, Eleni Papadimitriou, Artemis Mavridi, Spyridon Giannakopoulos, Georgia Tsiourvopoulou, Maria Palyvou, Evangelia Angeli, Nikitas Brikos, Irini Eleftheriou, Nikos Spyridis, Athanasios Michos, Vassiliki Spoulou, Despoina
Gkentzi, Ekaterini Siomou, Vassiliki Papaevangelou, George Syrogiannopoulos, Emmanouil Galanakis, Christos Hadjichristodoulou, Maria Tsolia
40th Annual Meeting of ESPID, Athens 2022
- MISC: a nationwide collaborative study in the Greek population
Stavroula Lampidi, Despoina Maritsi, Irini Eleftheriou, Evaggelia Farmaki, Nikos Spyridis, Konstantina Charisi, Petrina Vantsi, Filippos Filippatos, Kleopatra Skourti, Efimia Papadopoulou-Alataki, Kyriaki Papadopoulou-Legbelou, Parthena Kampouridou, Ioanna Grivea, Eleni Vergadi, Despoina
Gkentzi, Despina Dimou, Patra Koletsi, Lampros Fotis, Vassiliki Papaevangelou, Gabriel Dimitriou, Emmanouil Galanakis, George Syrogiannopoulos, Vassiliki Spoulou, Athanasios Michos, Emmanuel Roilides, Maria Tsolia
40th Annual Meeting of ESPID, Athens 2022
- Use of mixovirus resistance protein A (MxA) as a biomarker for the differentiatial diagnosis between viral and bacterial infections in febrile infants without a source
Korentzelou V, Eleftheriou I, Mavrikou M, Tsolia M, Spyridis N
41st Annual Meeting of ESPID, Lisbon, 2023
- Inflammatory and endothelial biomarkets associatyed with post COVID-19 infection in children
Karaviti D, Charakida M, Dimopoulou D, Eleftheriou I, Maritsi D, Marmarinos A, Avgeris M, Gourgiotis D, Spyridis N, Tsolia M.
41st Annual Meeting of ESPID, Lisbon, 2023
- Rise of neurological manifestations during SARS-CoV-2 omicron wave in children with COVID-19
Dimopoulou D, Dasoula F. E, Liaska M, Eleftgheriou I, Maritsi D, Spyridis N, Vartzelis G, Tsolia M
41st Annual Meeting of ESPID, Lisbon, 2023
- Trends in epidemiology of childhood TB in Greece in the last decade
Syngelou A, Spyridis N, Kopsidas I, Brouskaki N, Benetatou K, Eleftheriou I, Tsolia M
41st Annual Meeting of ESPID, Lisbon, 2023
- Accuracy of serum PCT for the early diagnosis of sepsis in neonates: a systgematic review and meta-analysis
Markante A, Spyridis N, Kourkouni E, Kousi D.
42st Annual Meeting of ESPID, Kopenhagen, 2024
Δημοσιεύσεις σε διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά
- The impact of Greece’s childhood tuberculosis screening programme on the epidemiological indexes in the greater Athens area
- Spyridis, M. Tsolia, A. Gelesme, M.Moustaki, N. Spyridis, C. Sinaniotis, T. Karpathios
Int J Tuberc Lung Dis, 2003, 7(3): 248-253
- Simultaneous presentation of Henoch Schonlein purpura in monozygotic twins
Nikos Spyridis, Marianella Salapata, Smaragdi Fessatou, Chrisi Kontaxaki, Panayiotis Spyridis
Scand. J. Infect. Dis. 2005;37(9):703-4
- Severe disseminated tuberculosis in a 4 month old infant initially presented with multiform cutaneous lesions
Nikos Spyridis, Heleni Georgouli, Theano Tsoukatou, Irini Sakou, Maria Tsolia, Nikos Miriokefalitakis, Panayiotis Spyridis
Scand J Infect Dis. 2006;38(4):306-8.
- Disseminated nontuberculous mycobacterial infection in a child with interferon- gamma R1 deficiency
Tsolia M, Chapgier A, Taprantzi P, Servitzoglou M, Tassios I, Spyridis N, Papageorgiou F, Santos OF, Casanova JL, Spyridis P.
Eur J Pediatr. 2006 Jul;165(7):458-461. Epub 2006 Apr 7
- Impact of influenza infection in healthy children examined as outpatients and their families.
Tsolia M, Logotheti I, Papadopoulos N, Mavrikou M, Spyridis N, Drossatou P, Kafetzis D, Konstantopoulos A: The outpatient Flu study group
Vaccine. 2006 Aug 14;24(33-34):5970-6
- Early diagnosis of tuberculosis using an INF-γ assay in a child with HIV-1 infection and a very low CD-4 count.
- N. Spyridis, R. Chakraborty, M. Sharland, P. Heath
Scand. J. Infec. Dis. 2007;39(10):919-21
- The effectiveness of a 9 month regimen of isoniazid alone versus 3 and 4 month regimens of isoniazid plus rifampin for treatment of latent tuberculosis infection in children: results of an 11 year randomized study
Spyridis N, Spyridis P, Gelesme A, Valianatou M, Metsou F,Gourgiotis D, Sypsa V, Tsolia M
Clin Infect Dis. 2007, 15;45(6): 715-22
- The European Union Antibiotic Awareness Day: the paediatric perspective.
Spyridis N, Sharland M
Arch Dis Child. 2008 Nov;93(11):909-10
- Changes in clinical indication for community prescribing for children in the UK from 1996-2006: will the new NICE prescribing guidance on upper respiratory tract infections be ignored?
Thompson PL, Spyridis N, Sharland M, Gilbert RE, Saxena S, Long PF, Johnson AP, Wong IC.
Arch. Dis. Child 2009 May;94(5):337-40
- Increasing skin infections and staphylococcus aureus complications in children, England, 1997-2006
Saxena S, Thompson P, Birger R, Bottle A, Spyridis N, Wong I, Johnson AP, Gilbert R, Sharland M; Improving Children’s Antibiotic Prescribing Group.
Emerg Infect Dis. 2010 Mar; 16(3):530-3
- Off label antibiotic use in children in three European countries.
Porta A, Esposito S, Menson E, Spyridis N, Tsolia M, Sharland M, Principi N.
Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2010 Sep;66(9):919-27
- Whole blood interferon-γ release assay is a useful tool for a diagnosis of tuberculosis infection particularly among Bacille Calmette Guerin- vaccinated children.
Tsolia MN, Mavrikou M, Critselis E, Papadopoulos NG, Makrinioti H, Spyridis NP, Metsou F, Tsagaraki M, Koulouri M, Kafetzis DA.
Paediatr Infect Dis J. 2010 Dec;299 (12): 1137-40
- Antibiotic use for upper respiratory tract infections in children: a cross sectional survey of knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of parents in Greece
Panagakou SG, Spyridis N, Papaevangelou V, Theodoridou KM, Goutziana GP, Theodoridou MN, Syrogiannopoulos GA, Hadjichristodoulou CS.
BMC Pediatr 2011 Jul 5;11:60
- Dosing of oral penicillins in children: is big child=half an adult, small child=half a big child, baby=half a small child still the best we can do?
Ahmed U, Spyridis N, Wong IC, Sharland M, Long PF.
BMJ 2011 Dec 15;343:d7803
- Impact of Gen-Probe Amplified MTD Test on tuberculosis diagnosis in children
Papaventsis D, Ioannidis P, Karabela S, Nikolaou S, Syridou G, Marinou I, Konsantinou E, Amanatidou V, Spyridis N, Kanavaki S, Tsolia M
Int J Tuberc lung Dis. 2012 Jan 5.
- Comparing neonatal and paediatric antibiotic prescribing between hospitals: a new algorithm to help international benchmarking.
Porta A, Hsia Y, Doerholt K, Spyridis N, Bielicki J, Menson E, Tsolia M, Esposito S, Wong IC, Sharland M
J Antimicrob Chemother. 2012 May;67(5):1278-86
- Trends in the epidemiology of childhood tuberculosis in Greece
Syridou G, Mavrikou M, Amanatidou V, Spyridis N, Prasad P, Papaventsis D, Kanavaki S, Zaoutis T, Tsolia MN
Int J Tuberc Lung Dis.2012 Jun;16(6):749-55
Critselis E, Amanatidou V, Syridou G, Spyridis NP, Mavrikou M, Papadopoulos NG, Tsolia MN.
J Pediatr. 2012 Oct;161(4):632-8
Papaevangelou V, Spyridis N
Expert Rev Vaccines. 2012 May;11(5):523-37
- Colonization of high risk children with Carbapenemase Producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) in Greece.
Mougkou K, Michos A, Spyridopoulou K, Daikos GL, Spyridis N, Syriopoulou V, Zaoutis T
Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2013. Jul;34(7):757-9
Maritsi D, Vartzelis G, Soldatou A, Garoufi A, Spyridis N.
Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2013 Nov-Dec;31(6):969-73. Epub 2013 Jun 26
- Assessment of hand hygiene resources and practices at the 2 children’s hospitals in Greece.
Kouni S1, Kourlaba G, Mougkou K, Maroudi S, Chavela B, Nteli C, Lourida A, Spyridis N, Zaoutis T, Coffin S.
Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2014 Oct;33(10):e247-51
- Antimicrobial prescribing and expenditures in outpatient paediatrics in Greece, 2010-13.
Kourlaba G, Kourkouni E, Spyridis N, Gerber JS, Kopsidas J, Kougkou K, Lourida A, Zaoutis TE
J Antimicrob Chemother. 2015 Apr 16.
- Variation in paediatric hospital antibiotic guidelines in Europe
Spyridis N, Syridou G, Goossens H, Versporten A, Kopsidas J, Kourlaba G, Bielicki J, Drapier N, Zaoutis T, Tsolia M, Sharland M.
Arch Dis Child 2015 Sep 18
- An infant with purpuric rash and edema.
Argyri I, Korona A, Mougkou K, Vougioula O, Tsolia M, Spyridis N
Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Nov 15;61(10):1624-5
- Interferon gamma inducible protein-10 in the diagnosis of paediatric tuberculosis infection in a low TB incidence country
Amanatidou V, Critselis E, Trochoutsou A, Soldatou A, Bebetatou K, Spyridis N, Papadopoulos NG, Tsolia MN
Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2015 Dec;19(12):1463-9
- Short course regimens of Liposomal amphotericin B for the treatment of Mediterranean visceral Leshmaniasis in children: an 11 year retrospective study at a tertiary care center
Krepis P, Argyri I, Krepi A, Syrmou A, Spyridis N, Tsolia M
Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2017 Sep;36(9):849-854
- Immunogenicity and safety of the inactivated Hepatitis A vaccine in children with Juvenile Arthritis on methotrexate treatment; A matched case cohort study
Maritsi D, Coffin S, Argyri I, Vartzelis G, Spyridis N, Tsolia M
Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology. Jul-Aug;35(4):711-715
- Emergence of a Staphylococcus aureus Clone Resistant to Mupirocin and Fusidic Acid Carrying Exotoxin Genes and Causing Mainly Skin Infections.
Doudoulakakis A, Spiliopoulou I, Spyridis N, Giormezis N, Kopsidas J, Militsopoulou M, Lebessi E, Tsolia M.
J Clin Microbiol. 2017 Aug;55(8):2529-2537.
- An 11-Year-Old Male With Vertebral Osteomyelitis and a Paraspinal Abscess.
Kopsidas I, Margariti R, Gavra M, Syngelou A, Zambakidis C, Tsolia M, Nikolaidis N, Spyridis N.
Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2018 Dec;37(12):e341-e343
- Decreased antibodies against rubella in previously vaccinated treatment-naïve childhood systemic lupus erythematous patients: a prospective case-control study.
Maritsi DN, Coffin S, Onoufriou M, Spyridis N, Tsolia MN.
Scand J Rheumatol. 2019 Jan;48(1):74-76.
- Antibody status against measles in previously vaccinated childhood systemic lupus erythematosus patients: a prospective case-control study.
Maritsi DN, Vartzelis G, Kopsidas J, Spyridis N, Tsolia MN.
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2018 Aug 1;57(8):1491-1493
- Epidemiology of infections and antimicrobial use in Greek Neonatal Units.
Gkentzi D, Kortsalioudaki C, Cailes BC, Zaoutis T, Kopsidas J, Tsolia M, Spyridis N, Siahanidou S, Sarafidis K, Heath PT, Dimitriou G; Neonatal Infection Surveillance Network in Greece.
Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2019 May;104(3):F293-F297
- Establishing nationally representative central line-associated bloodstream infection surveillance data for paediatric patients in Greece.
Kouni S, Tsolia M, Roilides E, Dimitriou G, Tsiodras S, Skoutelis A, Kourkouni E, Gkentzi D, Iosifidis E, Spyridis N, Kopsidas I, Karakosta P, Tsopela GC, Spyridaki I, Kourlaba G, Coffin S, Zaoutis ET; PHIG Investigators.
J Hosp Infect. 2019 Jan;101(1):53-59
- Risk Factors Associated With Accelerated Rubella IgG Antibody Loss in Previously Vaccinated, Treatment-Naive Patients With Juvenile Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Prospective Study.
Maritsi DN, Eleftheriou I, Vartzelis G, Spyridis N, Tsolia MN.
Arthritis Rheumatol. 2019 Jun;71(6):1022-1023
- Long-term preservation of measles and rubella specific-IgG antibodies in children with enthesitis related arthritis on anti-TNFα treatment: a prospective controlled study.
Maritsi DN, Kopsidas I, Vartzelis G, Spyridis N, Tsolia MN.
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2019 Sep 1;58(9):1686-1688
- Etiology and Outcome of Candidemia in Neonates and Children in Europe: An 11-year Multinational Retrospective Study.
Warris A, Pana ZD, Oletto A, Lundin R, Castagnola E, Lehrnbecher T, Groll AH, Roilides E, Andersen CT, Arendrup MC, Arsenijevic VA, Bianchini S, von Both U, Chmelnik M, Controzzi T, Emonts M, Esposito S, Ferreras-Antolin L, Henriet S, Iosifidis E, Irwin A, Kopsidas J, Lagrou K, Lyall H, Casteleiro AM, Mesini A, Olbrich P, Paulus S, Lausch KR, Soler-Palacin P, Spyridis N, Strenger V, Theodoraki M, Wolfs T; EUROCANDY Study Group**; **EUROCANDY study group:.
Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2020 Feb;39(2):114-120
- The Jumping Up (J-Up) Test: Making the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis Easier in Children.
Tzortzopoulou AK, Giamarelou P, Tsolia M, Spyridis N, Vakaki M, Passalides A, Zavras N.
Glob Pediatr Health. 2019 Nov 11;6:2333794X19884824
- A Survey on National Pediatric Antibiotic Stewardship Programs, Networks and Guidelines in 23 European Countries.
Kopsidas I, Vergnano S, Spyridis N, Zaoutis T, Patel S.
Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2020 Nov;39(11):e359-e362
- Eosinophilic leukaemoid reaction and myocardial involvement in a male adolescent with Toxocara canis infection.
Krepis P, Spyridis N, Maritsi DN, Tsekoura V, Kossiva L.
J Paediatr Child Health. 2020 Sep 17
- BCG Vaccine Protection against TB Infection among Children Older than 5 Years in Close Contact with an Infectious Adult TB Case.
Syggelou A, Spyridis N, Benetatou K, Kourkouni E, Kourlaba G, Tsagaraki M, Maritsi D, Eleftheriou I, Tsolia M.
J Clin Med. 2020 Oct 8;9(10):3224
- Pericarditis as the main clinical manifestation of COVID-19 in adolescents
Dimopoulou D, Spyridis N, Dasoula F, Krepis P, Eleftheriou E, Liaska M, Servos G, Maritsi D, Tsolia M
Pediatr Infect Dis J 2021 May 1;40(5):e197-e199
- 43. Reducing duration of antibiotic use for presumed neonatal early onset sepsis in Greek NICUs. A “low hanging fruit approach
Kopsidas I, Tsopela GC, Molocha NM, Bouza E, Chorafa E, Chorianopoulou E, Giapros V, Gkentzi D, Gkouvas T, Kapetanaki A, Karachristou K, Karavana G, Kourkouni E, Kourlaba G, Lithoxopoulou M, Papaevangelou V, Polychronaki M, Roilides E, Siahanidou T, Stratiki E, Syrogiannopoulos GA, Triantafyllou C, Tsolia MN, Tsouvala E, Zaoutis T, Spyridis N, Preventing Hospital-Acquired Infections In Greece PHiG Investigators.
Antibiotics (Basel). 2021 Mar 9:10(3):275
- 44. Pericarditis as the main clinical manifestation of COVD-19 in adolescents
Dimopoulou D, Spyridis N, Dasoula F, Krepis P, Eleftheriou E, Liaska M, Servos G, Maritsi D, Tsolia M
Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2021 May 1;40(5):e197-e199
- Real life evaluation of a COVID-19 rapid antigen detection test in hospitalized children.
Eleftheriou I, Dasoula F, Dimopoulou D, Lebessi E, Serafi E, Spyridis N, Tsolia M.
J Med Virol. 2021 Oct:93(10): 6040-6044
- Sinus Bradycardia in children treated with Remdesivir for COVID-19
Eleftheriou I, Liaska M, Krepis P, Dasoula F, Dimopoulou D, Spyridis N, Tsolia M
Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2021 Sep 1;40(9):e356
- Predictive factors for gram negative Versus gram positive bloodstream infections in children with cancer
Sfetsiori AE, Doganis D, Doudoulakakis A, Spyridis N, Pourtsidis A, Servitzoglou M, Nikita M, Papachristidou S, Magkou E, Dana H, Lebessi E, Kosmidis H, Baka M, Tsolia M.
J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2022 Mar 1;44(2):e368-e37
- Safety and tolerability of the COVID-19 messenger RNA vaccine in adolescents with JIA treated with TNF inhibitors
Dimopoulou D, Spyridis N, Vartzelis G, Tsolia MN, Maritsi DN.
Arthritis Rheumatol. 2022 Feb;74(2):365-366
- Potential benefit from the implementation of the Kaiser Permanente neonatal early onset sepsis calculator on clinical management of neonates with presumed sepsis
Kopsidas I, Molocha NM, Kourkouni E, Coffin S, Gkentzi D, Chorianopoulou E, Dimitriou G, Kapetanaki A, Karavana G, Lithoxopoulou M, Polychronaki M, Roilides E, Triantafyllidou P, Triantafyllou C, Tsopela GC, Tsouvala E, Tsolia MN, Zaoutis T, Spyridis N
Eur J Pediatr. 2022 Mar;181(3):1001-1008.
- Favorable outcome in infants hospitalized with COVID-19: Single Center Experience form Athens, Greece
Dimopoulou D, Liaska MV, Eleftheriou I, Kourkouni E, Tsolia M, Spyridis N.
Indian Pediatr. 2022 Jun 11:S097475591600434. Online ahead of print.
- 51. Immunogenicity 6 months post COVID-19 m RNA-vaccination among adolescents with JIA on treatment with TNF-inhibitors
Dimopoulou D, Tsolia MN, Spyridis N, Maritsi DN.
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2022 Jul 5:keac352. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keac352. Online ahead of print.
- 52. Safety and tolerability of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in adolescents with JIA treated with TNF inhibitors
Dimopoulou D, Spyridis N, Vartzelis G, Tsolia MN, Maritsi DN.
Arthritis Rheumatol 2022 Feb;74(2):365-366
- 53. Hand Hygiene compliance rates in 9 Pediatric Intensive Care Units across Europe: reslts fro the RANIN in KIDS network
Kopsidas I, De Luca M, Bielicki J, Blázquez-Gamero D, von Both U, Ciliento G, Epalza C, Goycochea Validivia WA, Kolberg L, Lutsar I, Machaira M, Neth O, Oletto A, Tsolia MN, Viltrop AL, Zaoutis T, Spyridis N.
Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2022 Jul 29. doi: 10.1097/INF.0000000000003658. Online ahead of print.
- 54. A new score for the diagnosis of complicated appendicitis on children-Complicate appendicitis Pediatric Score.
Tzortzopoulou AK, Tsolia M, Spyridis N, Giamarelou P, Sfakiotaki R, Passalides A, Zavras N.
- Indian Assoc. Pediatr Surg. 2022;27(4):410-418
- 55. Decreasing incidence of the MIS-C over 3 pandemic waves
Eleftheriou I, Maritsi D, Lampidi S, Charisi K, Vantsi P, Skourti K, Filippatos F, Amplianitis I, Dimou D, Papadopoulou-Legbelou K, Papadopoulou-Alataki E, Kampouridou P, Koletsi P, Fotis L, Vergadi E, Gkentzi D, Farmaki E, Papaevangelou V, Galanakis E, Grivea IN, Syrogiannopoulos GA, Spoulou V, Spyridis N, Michos A, Roilides E, Tsolia MN.
Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2023 Feb 1;42(2):122-124
- A national study of antibiotic use in Greek pediatric hematology oncology and bone marrow transplant units
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- Management of children with febrile seizures: a Greek national survey
Kopsidas I, Dasoula FE, Kourkouni E, Krepi A, Mystakelis HA, Spyridis N, Vartzelis G.
Eur J Pediatr.2023 Jul;182(7):3293-3300
- 58. Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C): A nationwide collaborative study in the Greek population
Lampidi S, Maritsi D, Charakida M, Eleftheriou I, Farmaki E, Spyridis N, Charisi K, Vantsi P, Filippatos F, Skourti K, Papadopoulou-Alataki E, Papadopoulou-Legbelou K, Kampouridou P, Grivea IN, Vergadi E, Gkentzi D, Dimou D, Koletsi P, Fotis L, Liakopoulou T, Agrafiotou A, Kourtesi K, Tsolas G, Kafetzis D, Papaevangelou V, Dimitriou G, Galanakis E, Syrogiannopoulos GA, Spoulou V, Michos A, Roilides E, Tsolia MN.
Eur J Pediatr. 2024 Apr;183(4):1693-1702
Δημοσιεύσεις ως συνεργαζόμενος ερευνητής
- The antibiotic resistance and prescribing in European Children project: a neonatal and pediatric antimicrobial web-based point prevalence survey in 73 hospitals worldwide.
Versporten A, Sharland M, Bielicki J, Drapier N, Vankerckhoven V, Goossens H; ARPEC Project Group Members.
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- Antibiotic Resistance Prevalence in Routine Bloodstream Isolates from Children’s Hospitals Varies Substantially from Adult Surveillance Data in Europe.
Bielicki JA, Lundin R, Sharland M; ARPEC Project.
Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2015 Aug;70(8):2405-8
- Selecting appropriate empirical antibiotic regimens for paediatric bloodstream infections: application of a Bayesian decision model to local and pooled antimicrobial resistance surveillance data.
Bielicki JA, Sharland M, Johnson AP, Henderson KL, Cromwell DA; Antibiotic Resistance and Prescribing in European Children project.
J Antimicrob Chemother. 2016 Mar;71 (13):794-802
- The Worldwide Antibiotic Resistance and Prescribing in European Children (ARPEC) point prevalence survey: developing hospital-quality indicators of antibiotic prescribing for children.
Versporten A, Bielicki J, Drapier N, Sharland M, Goossens H; ARPEC project group.
J Antimicrob Chemother. 2016 Apr;71(14):1106-17
- Children and adolescents with SARS-CoV-2 Infection. Epidemiology, Clinical Course and Viral Loads
Maltezou HC, Magaziotou I, Dedoukou X, Eleftheriou E, Raftopoulos V, Michos A, Lourida A, Panopoulou M, Stamoulis K, Papaevangelou V, Petinaki E, Mentis A, Papa A, Tsakris A, Roilides E, Syrogiannopoulos GA, Tsolia M; for Greek Study Group on SARS-CoV-2 Infections in Children.
Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2020 Dec;39(12):e388-e392
- Risk factors for infections caused by carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales: an international matched case-control-control study (EURECA)
Salvador Pérez-Galera 1 2, Jose M Bravo-Ferrer 1, María Paniagua 1, Tomislav Kostyanev 3 4, Marlieke E A de Kraker 5, Jan Feifel 6, Jesús Sojo-Dorado 1, Joost Schotsman 7, Rafael Cantón 8 9, George L Daikos 10, Biljana Carevic 11, Gorana Dragovac 12, Lionel K Tan 13, Lul Raka 14, Adriana Hristea 15, Pierluigi Viale 16, Murat Akova 17, Jose María Reguera 18, Lucía Valiente de Santis 18, Julián Torre-Cisneros 9 19, Ángela Cano 19, Emmanuel Roilides 20, Lili Radulovic 21, Cenk Kirakli 22, Evelyn Shaw 9 23, Matthew E Falagas 24 25, Vicente Pintado 8 9, Herman Goossens 3, Marc J Bonten 6, Belén Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez 1 9, Jesús Rodriguez-Baño 1 9; COMBACTE-CARE-EURECA Team
EClinical Medicine 2023 Feb 27;57:101871
- Genomic investigations of unexplained acute hepatitis in children
Morfopoulou S, Buddle S, Torres Montaguth OE, Atkinson L, Guerra-Assunção JA, Moradi Marjaneh M, Zennezini Chiozzi R, Storey N, Campos L, Hutchinson JC, Counsell JR, Pollara G, Roy S, Venturini C, Antinao Diaz JF, Siam A, Tappouni LJ, Asgarian Z, Ng J, Hanlon KS, Lennon A, McArdle A, Czap A, Rosenheim J, Andrade C, Anderson G, Lee JCD, Williams R, Williams CA, Tutill H, Bayzid N, Martin Bernal LM, Macpherson H, Montgomery KA, Moore C, Templeton K, Neill C, Holden M, Gunson R, Shepherd SJ, Shah P, Cooray S, Voice M, Steele M, Fink C, Whittaker TE, Santilli G, Gissen P, Kaufer BB, Reich J, Andreani J, Simmonds P, Alrabiah DK, Castellano S, Chikowore P, Odam M, Rampling T, Houlihan C, Hoschler K, Talts T, Celma C, Gonzalez S, Gallagher E, Simmons R, Watson C, Mandal S, Zambon M, Chand M, Hatcher J, De S, Baillie K, Semple MG; DIAMONDS Consortium; PERFORM Consortium; ISARIC 4C Investigators; Martin J, Ushiro-Lumb I, Noursadeghi M, Deheragoda M, Hadzic N, Grammatikopoulos T, Brown R, Kelgeri C, Thalassinos K, Waddington SN, Jacques TS, Thomson E, Levin M, Brown JR, Breuer J.
Nature. 2023 May;617(7961):564-573
Ho A, Orton R, Tayler R, Asamaphan P, Herder V, Davis C, Tong L, Smollett K, Manali M, Allan J, Rawlik K, McDonald SE, Vink E, Pollock L, Gannon L, Evans C, McMenamin J, Roy K, Marsh K, Divala T, Holden MTG, Lockhart M, Yirrell D, Currie S, O’Leary M, Henderson D, Shepherd SJ, Jackson C, Gunson R, MacLean A, McInnes N, Bradley-Stewart A, Battle R, Hollenbach JA, Henderson P, Odam M, Chikowore P, Oosthuyzen W, Chand M, Hamilton MS, Estrada-Rivadeneyra D, Levin M, Avramidis N, Pairo-Castineira E, Vitart V, Wilkie C; DIAMONDS Consortium; ISARIC4C Investigators; Palmarini M, Ray S, Robertson DL, da Silva Filipe A, Willett BJ, Breuer J, Semple MG, Turner D, Baillie JK, Thomson EC.
Nature 2023 May;617(7961):555-563
- 67. Evaluation of Autoantibody Binding to Cardiac Tissue in Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children and COVID-19 Vaccination-Induced Myocarditis
Harsita Patel 1, Amalia Sintou 2, Rasheda A Chowdhury 2, Stephen Rothery 2, Alma Octavia Iacob 2 3, Sanjay Prasad 3, Peter P Rainer 4 5, Federico Martinón-Torres 6 7 8, Vanessa Sancho-Shimizu 1 9 10, Chisato Shimizu 11 12, Kirsten Dummer 11 12, Adriana H Tremoulet 11 12, Jane C Burns 11 12, Susanne Sattler 2 4, Michael Levin 1; DIAMONDS consortium
JAMA Netw Open. 2023 May 1;6(5):
- 68. Relationship between molecular pathogen detection and clinical disease in febrile children across Europe: a multicentre, prospective observational study
Priyen Shah 1, Marie Voice 2, Leonides Calvo-Bado 2, Irene Rivero-Calle 3 4, Sophie Morris 2, Ruud Nijman 1, Claire Broderick 1, Tisham De 1, Irini Eleftheriou 5, Rachel Galassini 1, Aakash Khanijau 6, Laura Kolberg 7, Mojca Kolnik 8, Aleksandra Rudzate 9, Manfred G Sagmeister 10, Nina A Schweintzger 10, Fatou Secka 11, Clare Thakker 1, Fabian van der Velden 12, Clementien Vermont 13, Katarina Vincek 8, Philipp K A Agyeman 14, Aubrey J Cunnington 1, Ronald De Groot 15, Marieke Emonts 12 16, Katy Fidler 17, Taco W Kuijpers 18 19, Marine Mommert-Tripon 20, Karen Brengel-Pesce 20, Francois Mallet 20, Henriette Moll 21, Stéphane Paulus 22, Marko Pokorn 8 23, Andrew Pollard 22, Luregn J Schlapbach 24, Ching-Fen Shen 25 26, Maria Tsolia 5, Effua Usuf 11, Michiel van der Flier 15 27, Ulrich von Both 7 28, Shunmay Yeung 29, Dace Zavadska 9 30, Werner Zenz 10, Victoria Wright 1, Enitan D Carrol 6 31, Myrsini Kaforou 1, Federico Martinon-Torres 3 4 32, Colin Fink 2, Michael Levin 1, Jethro Herberg 1; PERFORM consortium
Lancet reg Health Eur. 2023 Jul 26;32:100682
- 69. A multi-platform approach to identify a blood-based host protein signature for distinguishing between bacterial and viral infections in febrile children (PERFORM): a multi-cohort machine learning study
Heather R Jackson 1, Judith Zandstra 2, Stephanie Menikou 1, Melissa Shea Hamilton 1, Andrew J McArdle 1, Roman Fischer 3, Adam M Thorne 4, Honglei Huang 5, Michael W Tanck 6, Machiel H Jansen 7, Tisham De 1, Philipp K A Agyeman 8, Ulrich Von Both 9, Enitan D Carrol 10, Marieke Emonts 11, Irini Eleftheriou 12, Michiel Van der Flier 13, Colin Fink 14, Jolein Gloerich 15, Ronald De Groot 15, Henriette A Moll 16, Marko Pokorn 17, Andrew J Pollard 18, Luregn J Schlapbach 19, Maria N Tsolia 12, Effua Usuf 20, Victoria J Wright 1, Shunmay Yeung 21, Dace Zavadska 22, Werner Zenz 23, Lachlan J M Coin 24, Climent Casals-Pascual 25, Aubrey J Cunnington 1, Federico Martinon-Torres 26, Jethro A Herberg 1, Marien I de Jonge 27, Michael Levin 1, Taco W Kuijpers 2, Myrsini Kaforou 28; PERFORM consortium
Lancet Digit Health. 2023 Nov;5(11):e774-e785
- 70. Attributable mortality of infections caused by carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales: results from a prospective, multinational case-control-control matched cohorts study (EURECA)
María Paniagua-García 1, Jose M Bravo-Ferrer 2, Salvador Pérez-Galera 3, Tomislav Kostyanev 4, Marlieke E A de Kraker 5, Jan Feifel 6, Zaira R Palacios-Baena 7, Joost Schotsman 8, Rafael Cantón 9, George L Daikos 10, Biljana Carevic 11, Gorana Dragovac 12, Lionel K Tan 13, Lul Raka 14, Adriana Hristea 15, Pierluigi Viale 16, Murat Akova 17, Ángela Cano 18, Jose María Reguera 19, Alessandro Bartoloni 20, Simin-Aysel Florescu 21, Serban Benea 15, Ljiljana Bukarica 22, Ángel Asensio 23, Volkan Korten 24, Hajo Grundmann 25, Herman Goossens 26, Marc J Bonten 6, Belén Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez 27, Jesús Rodríguez-Baño 7; COMBACTE-CARE-EURECA team
Clin Microbiol Inect. 2024 Feb;30(2):223-230
- 71. Risk factors for bloodstream infections due to carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales: a nested case-control-control study
Hongyu Zhou 1 2, Niccolò Buetti 1 3, Salvador Pérez-Galera 4 5, Jose Bravo-Ferrer 5 6, Belén Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez 5 6 7, María Paniagua-García 5 7 8, Jan Feifel 9, Julien Sauser 1, Tomi Kostyanev 10 11, Rafael Canton 7 12, Lionel K Tan 13, Dimitris Basoulis 14, Vicente Pintado 7 15, Emmanuel Roilides 16, Gorana Dragovac 17, Julian Torre-Cisneros 7 18, Deana Mediç 17, Murat Akova 19, Herman Goossens 10, Marc Bonten 20, Stephan Harbarth 1, Jesus Rodriguez-Baño 5 6 7, Marlieke E A De Kraker 1; COMBACTE- EURECA project team
J Antimicrob Chemother. 2024 Sep 3;79(9):2132-2141